View Full Version : how i can translocators spawn and work again ??

07-15-2013, 03:11 PM
Hiya , with the new DB i lost the translocators and the boats come back , but in oasis de boat dont move and i cant go to timorous , then how i can make the translocators spawn and work again ??

07-15-2013, 05:49 PM
i thought i fixed that boat in oasis on PEQ months ago. Guess not. I'll try and look at it when I get home tonight, but i'm working on something else atm. So no promises.
In the mean time, you just need to create an NPC or if the NPC is still i the DB, just create a spawn point.
You can use a # command to spawn a NPC from the DB and then another to create a spawn for it.

07-15-2013, 06:01 PM
Not sure about the npc as I have not updated the npc_types table for months but try this.
#dbspawn 37066
If #Translocator_Tradil spawns then just #npcspawn add
Check your quest folder and should be good to go for the needs you have.

07-15-2013, 07:29 PM
Many thanks guys , this works !!! i was redo all the translocators.

im gonna copy the translocators id spawns with the zone where them gonna be.

#Translocator_Breya 93157 overthere
#Translocator_Deela 96071 timorous
#Translocator_Drabilt 84208 firiona
#Translocator_Eniela 24101 erudin
#Translocator_Fithop 68135 butcher
#Translocator_Gethia 68134 butcher
#Translocator_Ionie 34066 northro
#Translocator_Jempar 98045 erudsxing
#Translocator_Jorbin 96070
#Translocator_Kurione 110073 iceclad
#Translocator_Narrik 69088 oot
#Translocator_Sedina 1135 qeynos
#Translocator_Setikan 10155 freeporteast
#Translocator_Tradil 37066 oasis

Example :
#dbspawn 37066
If #Translocator_Tradil spawns then just #npcspawn add

* This for people who wants the translocators.