View Full Version : $npc->Damage($entity_id)?

08-22-2013, 07:16 PM
I've searched and cannot find a way to code making an npc do damage to an entity_id. The script is posted below. I'd like to make the line indicated by surrounding comment lines (so you can find it easily) perform the function listed on that line. The entire remainder of the script functions as intended. Any help would be appreciated.

#Quest: Script for Nomada_the_Snowdrift encounter
#NPCid 1275
#Name: Nomada_the_Snowdrift
#Race 138 (yeti), Texture of 0, Size 40, gender 2
#Location: x, y, z of everfrost
#Level: 55
#Type: monster
#Loot: tableid
#HP: 120,000

quest::npcfeature("race", 138);
$npc->NPCSpecialAttacks(fDCS, 0);


sub EVENT_HP {
if($hpevent == 90) {
quest::npcfeature("size", 350);
if($hpevent == 80) {
quest::npcfeature("size", 300);
if($hpevent == 70) {
quest::npcfeature("size", 250);
if($hpevent == 60) {
quest::npcfeature("size", 200);
if($hpevent == 10) {
$npc->NPCSpecialAttacks(fDCSB, 0);
quest::stoptimer("damage"); #Stop damage return every 20 seconds to all on hatelist
if($hpevent == 5) {
$npc->NPCSpecialAttacks(ZfDCSAB, 0);
quest::settimer("depop",18); #Despawns 18 seconds later

if($timer eq "signal") {
my $eid = $npc->GetID(); #Get this npc's Entity_ID
quest::signalwith(1277,$eid,0); #Send Entity_ID as a signal
quest::settimer("signal",6); #every 6 seconds
if($timer eq "damage") {
my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); #Get every entity on hatelist
foreach $ent (@hatelist) {
my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt();
my $h_dmg = $ent->GetDamage();
my $h_hate = $ent->GetHate();
if($h_ent) {
my $h_ent_name = $h_ent->GetName();
quest::say("$h_ent_name is on my hate list with $h_hate hate and $h_dmg damage."); #For quest debugging/testing purposes


#$npc->Damage($h_dmg*0.1); #Damage all on hatelist every 20 seconds with 10% the damage they did to npc during that time span

$npc->CastSpell(21789,$NPC_ID); #Flusterbolt Memblur Effect, 100% memblur on self
quest::settimer("damage",20); #every 20 seconds
if($timer eq "depop") {
quest::spawn2(1278,0,0,$x,$y,$z,$h); #Spawns chest with loot, 4 x Icy Gem (clicky illusion Gelidran)

08-22-2013, 09:57 PM
Damage(Mob* from, int32 damage, uint16 spell_id, SkillType attack_skill, bool avoidable = true, int8 buffslot = -1, bool iBuffTic = false) = 0;

$npc->Damage($h_ent, $h_dmg*0.1, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

Heres an idea of how to use damage. Be aware its very dangerous to use as you can cause crashes with it if you try to Damage a null entity.

08-24-2013, 12:44 PM
Thank you for the format of that command, I'll employ a check to see if the intended recipient is up first to prevent crashes.

08-24-2013, 04:26 PM
I tried the code as NatedogEZ has listed above:

$npc->Damage($h_ent, $h_dmg*0.1, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

but none of the entities on the hatelist, while being listed properly with amount of hate and damage done, are being damaged by this effect.

I'm a little confused on the first part where it says "Damage(Mob* from," What does this mean? Does it refer to the intended recipient of the damage, or the entity doing the damage (thus the "from")? If the former, Nate's code looks correct but does not work. If the latter, it should be changed to $NPC_ID but I don't see the point of this in the argument list.

08-24-2013, 04:48 PM

I found this old post about the same topic. It appears, from the suggested working code, that the "from" variable needs to be $npc, simply listing the source of the damage as the script npc in question.

I will be trying this later today when I get the chance, although I'm still worried about the spell_id being 0.

$npc->Damage($npc, $h_dmg*0.1, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

08-24-2013, 05:10 PM

I changed the code to:

$npc->Damage($npc, $h_dmg, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

and the npc does the damage to itself, so the first argument is the destination, target, or recipient of the damage. So, I changed the first argument to $h_ent and added an output say to see what is being held by that variable, but that results in the following:

if($timer eq "damage") {
my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); #Get every entity on hatelist
foreach $ent (@hatelist) {
my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt();
my $h_dmg = $ent->GetDamage();
my $h_hate = $ent->GetHate();
if($h_ent) {
my $h_ent_name = $h_ent->GetName();
quest::say("$h_ent_name is on my hate list with $h_hate hate and $h_dmg damage."); #For quest debugging/testing purposes
quest::say("Doing $h_dmg to $h_ent");
$npc->Damage($h_ent, $h_dmg, 0, 1, true, -1, false);
$npc->CastSpell(21789,$NPC_ID); #Flusterbolt Memblur Effect, 100% memblur on self
quest::settimer("damage",20); #every 20 seconds

results in the following output say from the npc:

Nomada the Snowdrift says 'Salvanna is on my hatelist with 19014 hate and 56753 damage.
Nomada the Snowdrift says 'Doing 56753 damage to Mob=SCALAR(0xcdd1f64)'

08-24-2013, 05:29 PM
Try this maybe...

if($timer eq "damage") {
my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); #Get every entity on hatelist
foreach $ent (@hatelist) {
my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt();
my $h_dmg = $ent->GetDamage();
my $h_hate = $ent->GetHate();
if($h_ent) {
my $h_ent_name = $h_ent->GetName();
my $HCLIENT = $h_ent->CastToClient();
quest::say("$h_ent_name is on my hate list with $h_hate hate and $h_dmg damage."); #For quest debugging/testing purposes
quest::say("Doing $h_dmg to $HCLIENT");
$npc->Damage($HCLIENT, $h_dmg, 0, 1, true, -1, false);
my $HNPC = $h_ent->CastToNPC();
quest::say("$h_ent_name is on my hate list with $h_hate hate and $h_dmg damage."); #For quest debugging/testing purposes
quest::say("Doing $h_dmg to $HNPC");
$npc->Damage($HNPC, $h_dmg, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

$npc->CastSpell(21789,$NPC_ID); #Flusterbolt Memblur Effect, 100% memblur on self
quest::settimer("damage",20); #every 20 seconds

08-24-2013, 05:32 PM
It is now clear from testing

$npc->Damage($h_ent, $h_dmg, 13, 1, true, -1, false);

always does the damage $h_dmg to the npc running the script, giving the message that $npc has taken $h_dmg from your spell Complete Heal. I put the 13 just to test it.

So, this does not solve my problem of having the mob cause $h_dmg to each entity on its hatelist. This function cannot create that effect and my search continues...

08-24-2013, 05:40 PM
wait... maybe it needs to be ...

$h_ent->Damage($npc, $h_dmg, 0, 1, true, -1, false);

Ill mess with it in a sec:p

08-24-2013, 05:44 PM
I found a solution:

$npc->DoSpecialAttackDamage($h_ent, 400, $h_dmg, $h_dmg, -1);

Have the npc do a special attack, which has as an argument a target (make it $h_ent). I put the skill at 400 so as not to fail, and max and min damage the same as $h_dmg. It works perfectly.

Thank you NatedogEZ for all the help trying to solve this!

08-25-2013, 08:00 PM
$ent->Damage($npc, 1000, 0, 1, 'FALSE', -1, 'FALSE');
Works fine for me