View Full Version : Time remaining on a qglobal

06-21-2014, 03:04 AM
Is there a way to have a qglobal's remaining time read and displayed to players?

06-21-2014, 08:09 PM
There are a couple plugins that read and convert Unix timestamps. They are contained in the time_tools.pl

###Usage: my $TimeLeft = plugin::GetTimeLeft(UnixTime, ReturnType=0);
# Example: GetTimeLeft(1285623342); # Check current time against a Unix Timestamp and return secs/mins/hours/days/years remaining
# Example: GetTimeLeft(1285623342, "H"); # Check current time against a Unix Timestamp and return hours remaining
# Returns 0 if no time is left
# ReturnType is one of the following: S seconds, M minutes, H hours, D days, Y years

###Usage: my $EndTime = plugin::GetEndTime("TypeDur", localtime=false);
# Example: GetEndTime("M60"); # Add 60 minutes to the current timestamp and return in unix time
# Example: GetEndTime("H5", 1); # Add 5 hours to the current timestamp and return in readable local time
# TypeDur is set just like as it is for QGlobals
# S | seconds | "S15" = 15 seconds |
# M | minutes | "M30" = 30 minutes |
# H | hours | "H12" = 12 hours |
# D | days | "D90" = 90 days |
# Y | years | "Y5" = 5 years |
# localtime is an optional field
# If set to 1, it will return a readable date/time stamp, otherwise 0 (default) is unix time

You will need to combine these plugins with the DBI module to pull the Unix timestamp from the database.

Here is a sample of how I have it currently used on my server.

my $myInstance = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM quest_globals WHERE charid = $charID and name like 'Skylance';");
my @thisInstance = $myInstance->fetchrow_array();

my $hours = plugin::GetTimeLeft($thisInstance[6],"H");
my $minutes = plugin::GetTimeLeft($thisInstance[6],"M");
my $seconds = plugin::GetTimeLeft($thisInstance[6],"S");

my $minLeft = $minutes % 60;
my $secLeft = $seconds % 60;

$instance = ("You are currently bound to this instance for $hours hour(s) $minLeft minutes $secLeft seconds.");

06-22-2014, 10:54 AM
Once this pull request (https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/pull/162) gets committed, this will be possible without Perl DBI. There is a plugin, as mentioned, called plugin::GetTimeLeft(), I have re-written this plugin along with NatedogEZ to return time from Years downwards (includes months and weeks). The syntax for $client->GetGlobalTime() is $client->GetGlobalTime("qglobal_name", character_id, npc_id, zone_id); NatedogEZ and I did not default character_id, npc_id, and zone_id to 0, so you must specify 0 if you don't want it to search for specific NPCs or zones. Along with this commit comes $client->GetGlobal() which has the exact same syntax, $client->GetGlobal("qglobal_name", character_id, npc_id, zone_id); This will return the value of a quest global based on NPC or Client, as it is for mobs. This will allow you to do such things as check your target's quest global using $client->GetTarget()->GetGlobal(); if you meet the correct conditions. I apologize for rambling.

Here's the plugin, to use it do the following: $client->Message(Color #, plugin::GlobalTime($client->GetGlobalTime("qglobal_name", character_id, npc_id, zone_id)));
sub GlobalTime {
my $time = $_[0];
my $currentTime = time;
my $difference = ($time - $currentTime);
my ($years, $months, $weeks, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = 0;

if ($difference <= 0) {
return 0;

if ($difference > 31556926) {
$years = int($difference / 31556926);
if ($difference > 2628000) {
$months = int($difference / 2628000) % 12;
if ($difference > 604800) {
$weeks = int($difference / 604800) % 4;
if ($difference > 86400) {
$days = int($difference / 86400) % 7;
if ($difference > 3600) {
$hours = int($difference / 3600) % 24;
if ($difference > 60) {
$minutes = int($difference / 60) % 60;
$seconds = ($difference % 60);
$ys = $years != 1 ? "Years":"Year";
$mos = $months != 1 ? "Months":"Month";
$ws = $weeks != 1 ? "Weeks":"Week";
$ds = $days != 1 ? "Days":"Day";
$hs = $hours != 1 ? "Hours":"Hour";
$ms = $minutes != 1 ? "Minutes":"Minute";
$ss = $seconds != 1 ? "Seconds":"Second";

return "You have $years $ys, $months $mos, $weeks $ws, $days $ds, $hours $hs, $minutes $ms, and $seconds $ss remaining";