View Full Version : Getting double response from NPC

12-28-2014, 02:40 AM
So I wrote up a simple quest for one of my npcs modeled of another quest I know is working. And for whatever reason Im getting his first 2 lines of text upon hailing. All responses are working however. Any ideas how to fix this slight annoyance?

#Quest file for Mesa - Bridle Apprentice

if($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Hail $class. Do you seek to earn a [bridle]");
if($text=~/bridle/i) {
quest::say("I suspect, as most of us these days,that you are a bit low on platinum? Well no need to worry! Simply handle a...well,[situation] for me");
if($text=~/situation/i) {
quest::say("I have a high intolerance for the Tuffien these days. If you would be willing to bring me back one of their hides I will be willing to [reward] you");
if($text=~/reward/i) {
quest::say("Bring me back any color hide and I will give you the corresponding bridle");

if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 0 => 1)){ # Black Tuffien Hide
quest::summonitem(21810); # Black Rope Bridle*
elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 0 => 1, 13317 => 1)) { # White Tuffien Hide
quest::summonitem(21805); # White Rope Bridle*
elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 0 => 1, 13317 => 1)) { # Tan Tuffien Hide
quest::summonitem(21800); # Tan Rope Bridle*
elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 0 => 1, 13317 => 1)) { # Brown Tuffien Hide
quest::summonitem(21815); # Brown Rope Bridle*

12-28-2014, 02:48 AM
Is its name 'Bridle Apprentice'? If so, you're saying hail and bridle, $text=~/bridle/i checks the whole string for "bridle" and $text=~/hail/i checks the whole string, too. Due to them both being if conditionals it checks each of them individually rather than checking sequentially and stops when it find one. Maybe try this: sub EVENT_SAY {
if($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Hail $class. Do you seek to earn a [bridle]");
} elsif($text=~/bridle/i) {
quest::say("I suspect, as most of us these days,that you are a bit low on platinum? Well no need to worry! Simply handle a...well,[situation] for me");
} elsif($text=~/situation/i) {
quest::say("I have a high intolerance for the Tuffien these days. If you would be willing to bring me back one of their hides I will be willing to [reward] you");
} elsif($text=~/reward/i) {
quest::say("Bring me back any color hide and I will give you the corresponding bridle");

12-28-2014, 03:57 AM
flawless fix,ty sir.

12-28-2014, 01:24 PM
You're welcome, here's a version with saylinks to keep people from spamming the chat. sub EVENT_SAY {
if($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Hail $class. Do you seek to earn a " . quest::saylink("bridle", 1) . "?");
} elsif($text=~/bridle/i) {
quest::say("I suspect, as most of us these days,that you are a bit low on platinum? Well no need to worry! Simply handle a...well, " . quest::saylink("situation", 1) . " for me.");
} elsif($text=~/situation/i) {
quest::say("I have a high intolerance for the Tuffien these days. If you would be willing to bring me back one of their hides I will be willing to " . quest::saylink("reward", 1) . " you.");
} elsif($text=~/reward/i) {
quest::say("Bring me back any color hide and I will give you the corresponding bridle.");