View Full Version : EVENT_TIMER not cooperating

12-31-2014, 11:41 PM
quest::shout ("Spawned");
quest::settimer ("spawncounter",2);

use Switch;
switch ($timer) {
case ("spawncounter") {
quest::stoptimer ("spawncounter");
quest::shout ("No FD for you!");
quest::modifynpcstat ("special_attacks","d");

Testing the quest::modifynpcstat on an NPC. Screwiness ensued.

The quest wouldn't initially "take" for whatever reason, tossing #questerrors left and right on the EVENT_TIMER. Changed nothing, convinced it (server) was out of its living mind. So kept #rq and #repop ing, did a #reloadworld for good measure, went back to #rq and #repop and it finally (at I dont know how many times) "took" hold.

Now it results in:

Guard Goojaa shouts "Spawned"
Guard Goojaa shouts "No FD for you!"
Guard Goojaa shouts "No FD for you!"
Guard Goojaa shouts "No FD for you!"
Guard Goojaa shouts "No FD for you!"
Guard Goojaa shouts "No FD for you!"
and so on

What on earth am I missing here? No #questerrors (now) either.

01-01-2015, 10:08 AM

if you want it to stop triggering.. (timers will go forever till the timer is stopped )

01-01-2015, 12:22 PM
It's being stopped.

quest::stoptimer ("spawncounter");


Turns out, it was the server. Not quite sure how/why, but, for no particular reason, about 5 minutes of seeing it repeat "No FD for you!" it stopped.. whether or not the FD immunity works however, remains to be seen.


if you want it to stop triggering.. (timers will go forever till the timer is stopped )

01-01-2015, 07:06 PM
Oh derp i didnt see that.. I must have been tired lol .. glad ya got it working

01-02-2015, 01:45 AM
Oh derp i didnt see that.. I must have been tired lol .. glad ya got it working

Heh, I figured it was something like that, you know your scripting bud. It's working, I cannot take the credit, it just decided "ya know what I think I'll work now.."
