View Full Version : Signal across a zone

01-02-2015, 01:37 PM
Just curious can you signal an NPC across zones? I am thinking you probably have to set a server variable, but curious if this can be done.

01-02-2015, 02:41 PM
Just curious can you signal an NPC across zones? I am thinking you probably have to set a server variable, but curious if this can be done.

Yes/no. You can signalwith, however, I recall if despite being a static zone, if there are no players in the zone, they (the entities/NPCs) are in a "sleep" mode.

I'll have to re-research this, as I'm getting ready to do that exact thing (cross-zone signal) here soon. But, the above is what I can remember from another thread that exists regarding it.

01-02-2015, 04:04 PM
Why exactly would you need to signal an NPC across zones? Also, you can do this with clients, I don't think we have any source written for cross-zone signaling NPCs though. Maybe a quest global would allow you the cross-zone access to whatever you're working with.

01-02-2015, 05:17 PM
You can cross zone signal NPC by NPC Type ID, I implemented this a few months ago. It will signal every single NPC with that Id.

On phone so don't have the syntax offhand but it should be in the changelog.

01-02-2015, 05:20 PM
You can cross zone signal NPC by NPC Type ID, I implemented this a few months ago. It will signal every single NPC with that Id.

On phone so don't have the syntax offhand but it should be in the changelog.

Okay great. I am guessing as long as the zone is active it will work.

01-02-2015, 05:41 PM
That would be correct

01-02-2015, 06:19 PM
Why exactly would you need to signal an NPC across zones? Also, you can do this with clients, I don't think we have any source written for cross-zone signaling NPCs though. Maybe a quest global would allow you the cross-zone access to whatever you're working with.

Gotta get those creative juices flowing bud.

But yeah what Akka said, that's right, I remember writing him shortly after I noticed it in the change log thanking him for the addition. Something in regards to a certain evil in the genius. >: )

01-02-2015, 06:23 PM
- Side implementations:
Perl Exports:
- quest::crosszonesetentityvariablebynpctypeid(npcty pe_id, id, m_var) - Sets entity variables world wide with specified npctype_id
- quest::crosszonesignalnpcbynpctypeid(npctype_id, data) - Signals all NPC entities world wide with specified npctype_id

Yes, I could have made it longer. So don't ask