View Full Version : Question regarding npc quest

02-16-2015, 11:43 AM
Any Idea why this won't work? Was working fine and now it won't work anymore lol.

if($text=~/hail/i) {
plugin::DiaWind("Greetings, {gold}$name~. I am {y}Vahnika~ , Magus of {g}The Green Legion~. {y}The Prophet~ has begun calling great armies - spread from all over our known worlds! My Legion was one of these {lb}many powerful armies~.
{gold}My troop stand steadfast with our great Leader~ , whilst I was dispatched here , to {lb}the Relic~ , To guard against the {r}dark forces~ that seek to {r}plague~ us! [what relic?>");
elsif($text=~/what/i) {
plugin::DiaWind("You see there is something {lb}strange~ happening here. Just a mere month ago {r}Mayong~ had just begun his {r}onslaught~ upon the race of {lb}Vampyre~. But now it seems he has progressed at a much quicker pace
than we previously anticipated. Rumors are starting to flow in our encampments that he has even corrupted {y}Ayonea Ro~ herself! When we first arrived here ,the lands were full of {lb}powerful Scykrin~ , bright minded
individuals they were. But within a day of our arrival they became {r}crazed!~ We were unsure what was affecting them in such a way but it seemed to not harm us. My troop quickly rounded up those we could and
{r}layed waste~ those that we were forced to. Establishing a {lb}camp~ not far from here. If you could make your way to our {lb}encampment~ what remains of my troop, those left on this {r}forsaken plane~ , may be able to put use to you! [I will assist you>");
elsif($text=~/assist/i) {
plugin::DiaWind("Seek out {y}Rahtiz~ and speak with him. Perhaps he could use your help!");
quest::setglobal("Rahtiz", 1, 5, "F");

02-18-2015, 05:35 AM
What is it not doing?

02-24-2015, 10:01 AM
Fixed it,took me quite some time to troubleshoot this one,but it was really just a head /smack,had 2 sub event_popupresponse in my global_player. added both to same sub event and removed the extra and it now works fine