View Full Version : Unable to log in to EoC

07-21-2016, 09:44 PM
I'm staring at my user manager and the eoc account that I've tried to get working.

Port 3306 was forwarded.

Username: eoc

From host:

Password: (blank but previously filled in)

Repeat password: (blank but previously filled in)

Database: (database name)

I know my server's public IP, and yet when I go to log in, it won't connect.

Any help at all would be great. Thanks in advance.

07-21-2016, 10:18 PM
I'm not a windows person, however I may be able to shed some light on the problem, if in fact it is the same issue I had on my linux server.

Oracle added another security measure to mysql some time back, you will have to edit your my.cnf file and change bind-address = in order to get it working.

Edit: It seems windows installed mysql uses my.ini instead of my.cnf, also I wasn't very specific on the change.

Required "save my butt" statement: This is how I was able to connect to eoc, following my advise is your own choice, I accept no responsibility.

bind-address= needs to be changed to bind-address= (save and restart mysql.)

bind-address= is local, only this system can connect.
bind-address= opens mysql to any connections local or net.

Please keep in mind this will expose mysql to the net the way it originally was before the change, remote connections will still have to pass user login verification, so be sure to secure everything.

Hope this helps.


07-22-2016, 12:32 AM
Thanks for the response!

No line like that exists for me.

datadir=C:/MariaDB 10.1/data

Above is all the info in the my.ini on my server.

07-22-2016, 01:08 AM
I apologize, I was under the assumption you were using mysql, like I said I am not a windows person and while I know maridb is very similar to mysql I have never tried it.

At this point the only possibility I can think of is check the following.

isp blocked ports.
modem/router firewall ports
windows firewall ports
antivirus firewall ports

Hopefully a windows/mariadb person can chime in and help you.


07-22-2016, 01:16 AM
No problem at all. I honestly don't know much about either one - the person that was helping me rebuild my server uses Mariadb, so that's what we went with . It's never a good idea to try and tell the person helping you to use a different program.

Heidisql is the only one he was using with SQL in the name. I couldn't find a folder with that name in there though. Not sure if they're the same thing - I'm still trying to wrap my mind around a lot of this.

Thank you so much for responding regardless.

07-22-2016, 03:39 PM

Removed EoC accounts and remade them.

No idea why this worked, but it did. Thanks again RinoaV for responding!