View Full Version : Need Help Please with the World File

11-28-2002, 11:41 AM

I'm getting errors with the world file. I am trying to host my own server (no internet | supports 1 account).

I'm using Win98, I can't explain the error itself. I have followed everything like it is said in the FAQ.

Here's a screenshot of the error when I open the world file.


Thank You in advance and great work on this project.

11-28-2002, 02:23 PM
Fixed my problem above...

Now I only have a little error that I can't figure out.
the world file says that it failed loading EQ Time and Day..Reading Time file failed.

Is that file supposed to be in the add-on? I installed the add-on twice and I'm still getting it.

Here's the picture of the exact error, I believe that is why I keep getting error when choosing the server.


I'm getting close :)

Thank You

11-29-2002, 10:21 AM
hehe I have this problem sometimes too,
my solution is shutdown world.exe and run it again :))
me work..

11-29-2002, 10:34 AM
that error isnt a problem...so ignore it.

12-02-2002, 04:23 PM
OK after i got the patch everything runs smooth EXCEPT that error with the Time of Day.....and i DID ignore it and now i get an illegal Error on Zone.exe when i start up boot5zones. everything is correct (and yes the server DID work flawlessly until the patch....and yes...the addons are in there)

EDIT: i looked more closely and found somesort of DBdoor error...if that helps