View Full Version : Question: Updating Quests

12-15-2017, 08:26 PM
Hey, i wanted to update some of the quests in the tutorial.

I found in the database the area for task quests. But i was wondering where information about regular quests.

1. Flutterwing quest gives a (test) item.
2. Vahlara gives only one reward with multiple handins.

Anyone know where i am missing the data to update these?

12-17-2017, 12:57 PM
quests directory in the server directory (not client, ofc)

all emu quesets that i know of are scripts in this directory as opposed to using the task system -- don't quote me on that part. tutorial and initial pok pop-up quest being an exception.

zonename.pl or whatever... zone is file name then find the npc name inside that file, if multiple quest related scripts in that zone. no idea if tutorial stuff is there, if not, it's probably hard-coded and you'll have to re-compile with changes -- each time you update the source too.

12-17-2017, 08:06 PM

Each zone has a folder and if an NPC is scripted it will have a file in that folder for its NPC ID or name.

12-18-2017, 01:38 AM
So, open. Edit in pearl. Recompile the code. And the quest should be updated.

Currently been using notepad++
That can't compile. If I remember there is a console command, but what would be easiest?

12-18-2017, 04:00 AM
So, open. Edit in pearl. Recompile the code. And the quest should be updated.

Currently been using notepad++
That can't compile. If I remember there is a console command, but what would be easiest?

edit the code and type #reloadqst

12-18-2017, 06:11 PM
There was some kind of little "info" post by someone, explaining the basic understanding of mechanics between the "quests", "database"
and "binaries", giving an inclination of what "compiled" means and what could be edited in a server setup. Written for newbs just learning.
Can't remember where I saw it on these forums, but it's there somewhere.