View Full Version : Trouble Loging Into Local EMU Server

09-15-2018, 07:00 AM
I recently installed the windows installer package for the EQ Server. I wanted to start off which just make a local EQ server for myself to learn the coding, setup, etc.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I can’t seem to login to my server.

I have changed the eqhosts file to reflect both local host and the IP of my computer. I then reflected those same settings under the login.ini on the server and the other server setup file...can’t recall the name now.

I followed the windows installer instructions, but seem to be missing something. If anyone has the steps I need to do to setup the login it would be helpful: at this point I don’t think I was to publish it on the EMU site until I get used to the coding.


09-15-2018, 07:10 AM
Another thing to add is I have used the t start server with login, then attempted to login with no success, when i use titanium client to connect it doesn’t have a connection. I am also running this on a Windows 10 computer to start with.