View Full Version : Error running zone.exe

01-09-2003, 10:08 AM
I recently compilied zone using .net and a clean copy of the source from source forge. After the character login screen a diaglog box poped up stating that there was a "Run-time check failure #2 - Stack around the varible 'buffer1' was corrupted" and that the error occured in client.cpp at the top of the object makedoorspawnpacket Is there any work around for this?

01-09-2003, 10:43 AM
Yah compile it using Visual C++ or use the binaries that are already compiled.

01-09-2003, 11:14 AM
.net is c++

01-09-2003, 11:23 AM
We compile on windows with VC++ 6.. Don't think the code has ever been adapted 100% for .net.

01-09-2003, 01:37 PM
Client.CPP Line 4862 buffer1 corrupted

Its the Door thingy causeing it im looking at it but doubt i can figure it out.