View Full Version : Damn it, still having issues

02-12-2003, 01:52 PM
Ok, I have read all the stickies regarding Error 1017 (Need to patch, blah blah blah) and I cannot for the life of me correct this.

First off, here is my setup:
HOST MACHINE: Windows 98
CLIENT MACHINE: Windows XP Professional
I use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). My connection is through my WINXP computer. If I was to use www.whatismyip.com I have the same public IP address.

I have tried create both a LAN connection and a web-based server with the same error (1017). Every DOS window that pops up to start my server executes fine...no errors, etc. When I try a LAN connection I get the error. If I try to run it public it says LOCKED and the same 1017 message if I try to connect.

In addition, I have tried to connect on the same computer hosting the server with the same error

What in the hell am I doing wrong?? I am getting very tired of this now.

02-12-2003, 02:42 PM
If the server select screen tells you that it's locked, the zones may not be booting up correctly. Are they entering "sleep mode" after they execute?

02-12-2003, 03:09 PM
Yes, they all go into Sleeping mode. Oh, forgot to mention: once the server came up without the LOCKED tag in LAN mode. But still had the 1017 error.

02-12-2003, 03:11 PM
Oh wait...I haven't been running Boot5zones.bat after running World.exe I need to check that out real quick.

02-12-2003, 03:13 PM
Hmm if running boot5zones still gives you the same error, lemme see its contents, then ill be able to help ya.

02-12-2003, 03:20 PM
Ok, now I see

WorldServer connect: Connecting to the server failed. Error: 10061
InitWorldServer Failed
Entering sleep mode

What makes this strange is that using ICS both of my machines have the same public IP address.

02-12-2003, 03:26 PM
Update: changed the IP addresses in Bot5zones.bat of what was showing on my IPCONFIG in DOS prompt. All windows show:

Showing last few lines:

Loading guild ranks...done.
Loading faction data...done.
Connected to worldserver: 192.168.xxx.xxx:9000
Entering sleep mode

Trying to log in now...

02-12-2003, 03:28 PM
DAMN IT...same lame 1017 error. It has something to do with using ICS I think.

02-12-2003, 04:59 PM
I don't have anything constuctive to suggest for your problem, but I thought I'd let you know you don't need to worry about publicizing your IP address.. At least in this case.

192.168.x.x is what's called an RFC 1918 address range. It is not internet routable, and often used in private networks. You'll typically go through a device that uses NAT if you can access the internet from that address, but noone can get to you via that address.

EDIT: In your case, you are using ICS, which implements NAT.

Just like 10.x.x.x, or 127.x.x.x

Just something for future reference anyways :)


02-12-2003, 05:46 PM
This is what my world.exe shows:

Using database 'eq' at localhost
EQEMu 0.4.1 Spekkio
Loading zone names & items...
EMuShareMem.dll loaded.
Loading items from database...
LoginServer.ini read.
Loading guild ranks...done.
Loading EQ time of day...Reading time file failed, bytes read: 0
World server listening on: port 9000
Connected to LoginServer: eqlogin1.eqemu.net:5999

Where is says "world server listening on: port 9000" is that correct? Shouldn't there be a IP address there?