View Full Version : Boot5zones problem, my experience...

02-18-2003, 09:31 AM
It took me quite a while to get 0.4.2 working without crashing. These are my observations for the causes of the crash to help others with troubleshooting.

If you are flat out crashing:

... something is probably wrong with your database. Read the release notes, some columns need to be added to a few tables. Additionally, I had to source my clean 0.4.2 database with the add-on database even when the structure was correct to get in working. I suspect some new code isn't handling null values well but that is entirely speculation.

If zone is crashing after choosing your character from the character select (and the splash screen is showing): Look in your account table. I would crash every time I tried to go into the world until I changed the lsaccount value from NULL to 1. I don't know what the correct value should be, but this got me past that. I looked at the code to find this, it looks like a value in an array might not be getting set if this value is null and is causing it to crash later.

If you are crashing after character select, with a black screen (not the splash screen), try deleting from your doors table. You can delete all of them or just the zone you are trying to enter as a test. If the zone window doesn't close when it crashes, you will see references to "door id too high!". Note: you will need to stop and restart server and the zones because some information has been loaded into memory and will continue to be used even after you change the database.

Hope this info helps someone :) Your milage my vary.