View Full Version : Anyone know how to find out the ID of item models?

03-09-2003, 08:09 AM
I'd like to help out with updating the EQEmuAdmin item visuals file with the Luclin item models (and the new
Legacy of Ykesha ones). Is there any way of finding which models correspond to which item visual ID other than
#spawning loads of NPCs with different weapon models? (very tedious since the weapon models are at the end of the
#spawn parameter list). The model numbers in the .s3d files don't seem to correspond in any way to the visual IDs.

Lyenu X`Arie
03-09-2003, 09:02 AM
If you get Kaiyodo's model viewer it is really simple. All you need to do is look into the gequip.s3d files and load their models. Inside of them you'll see model names that look something like this...


If that was the model name, the number for that model as an item would be 10 (which if you try it in game, is the same arrow you see there). So just run though them and write down all the numbers from each IT#_DMSPRITEDEF you find and you'll have a updated list.

Note: On some items you will find that there are multiple entries which will look simular to these...


These items have particle effects or moving parts on them, so each one is a different piece of the item. Just find the main model that allows you to identify what the item is and write down the number write after the IT as you did before.