View Full Version : A few questions

03-15-2003, 09:53 PM
First of all let me say congratulations to the developers of this. It works pretty well considering how hard it must be to make, and is pretty stable too considering.

I downloaded and install the latest windows binaries from the main page and one of the databases from the world building forum and with a bit of hacking of database tables eventually got it all working.

I've noticed a couple of things that I don't know if they are bugs, things that simply aren't done yet, or just missing database entries :-

1. When I #zone or just zone normally I often end up in totally yhe wrong place in the zone. Really high up, or in the middle of the zone or somewhere. Also I just did #zone befallen and the client crashes out. I would guess because I'm outside the world maybe? Is this bad data in my database?

2. Do DOT spells work at all? I made a necro and his DOTS seem to have no effect at all...

3. Nothing ever attacks me. Even when I'm not a GM. Is this normal at the moment? Or down to my database again?

4. Everything just stands still. I guess this is a database contents issue again?

5. There are three databases for download in the forum. Which one is best for just casually looking around ?

6. How to the in game chat things work? OOC seems to be world wide. WHat about the other options?

Thanks for any information anyone has and again congratulations on such a good effort.

03-16-2003, 11:20 AM
Use the search link at the top of you page. Its very usefull. All those questions have be answered one time or another. When I first started messing with EQEmu I had alot of problems and errors, so I hit the forums and used search. got them all answered without even having to answer a single question.