View Full Version : World, Zones, EmuShareMem . . . all that fun stuff.

03-19-2003, 09:43 PM
First off . . . All you guys who do this, you are awesome. You guys put in long hours and hard work, with no real pay or anything other than keeping us whiners happy. Thank you. Sincerely. Thank all of you (Emu Dev's, DB Dev's (mainly Drawde), and all you little people who like to toss in the bug reports constructively. :-) You guys have brought me countless hours of entertainment for those times when you just need a break from EQLive for a few weeks.

It's been a while since I posted here, about a year, due to lack of . . . well . . . any problems. The software is usually very capable with a little twinking here, and backing-up there. Seeing as how the day has tried my patience, I felt it to time to get some help. :-)

The basics . . .

EQ Last Patch 01/04/03
*EQ Emu ver. 4.3 - Win32 (Self-Serving)
*FQ Admin 4.3
*EQW 2.32
*MySQL 4.0.12
*MiniLogin (Unsure of Version, last updated 3/19/03)
OS: Win98
DB: Drawde's DB for v. 4.1 meshed with the v. 4.3 DB framework


Starting off with Zone.exe . . . this thing has worn me out today. I've been alternating various fixes/versions of Zone.exe (next to World.exe, and EmuShareMem.dll/lib) and I always come up with Invalid Page Faults. The actual messages shown scrolling vary (with different little things I've tried to fix/work around it) from EmuMemShare, to Items, to not being able to connect to the World server, but they always end with an IPF. . . Pre-Mod, running off a fresh MySQL DB & Emu folder, with no more modifications than the Readme says are necessary, I get an EmuMemShare & Item error. I sourced the v.4.1 'item.sql', and still got the errors. I used Edward Pinniger's (Not sure of MB handle) EmuShareMem and Zone (alternating them around in the process of troubleshooting) and still got it . . . I have no clue here. This thing has been driving me nuts, I thought I might see if anyone else knows.


Moving along to World.exe . . . This one is pretty simply. v.4.3 'Zone.exe' is saying it can't connect to the world server. I'm not gonna elaborate on how it's not possibly my error, you'll just have to trust me. I've been working with the Emu for over a year. :-) Once again, though, this one has got me stumped. No idea.


EmuMemShare . . . *scratches head* . . . Basically, everything other than the MiniLogin has been throwing this error at me. I used, once again, Edward Pinniger's (Not sure of MB handle) EmuShareMem, and it cleared up this error, but at the the same time riddled some others with trouble, so I abandoned that line of troubleshooting.


The DB . . . ahh, I haven't been able to source an '*.sql' into it yet without streams of errors all over the place. Still working on it. I swear this box is just cursed or something . . . not that my Linux box doesn't act like an 12-gig virus . . . but point remains.

Closing with Emu Patcher. . . . GREAT CONCEPT guys. GREAT. That is seriously an awesome idea. Seeing as I've spent a year re-writing, re-sourcing, re-installing, all that fun stuff, anything that will lighten the burden is fine by me. Being a Win98 user, I haven't had the chance to tinker with it yet. But I'm looking forward to the possibility.

. . . I'm not really looking for a solution to any of these problems, more of just an explanation. Like maybe I missed someone mentioning there's an issue with the v. 0.4.3 'Zone.exe' and Win98. I dunno. Just any bit of information that might help ease my curiousity would be greatly appreciated. Solutions even more-so, but not expected. :-) No offense guys. Ha, ha . . . in all honesty, I'm expecting someone to just say 'Hey, your box is a POS. Get a new one.'

*EDIT - Little typo, big difference.

03-28-2003, 06:12 PM
I put together an easy server set-up here -


Drawdes new DB with factions and NPC casting, NPC aggro is working too, and the NPCs are not too tough , not too easy.

There is also a new Quests set-up out that is compatible here-


Hope this helps :)