View Full Version : Kaiyodo Spell Editor + ItemEditor from EQEmu

03-25-2003, 07:16 AM
Hey, I'm having a little bit of trouble with these programs and my items.

I used Kaiyodo's Spell Editor to edit a spell (namely "Healing Yay!") what I did was copy Swift Spirit, to Healing Yay! remove the haste buff, and raise the attack buff up a bit. I renamed it and added it to a custom itemed I created with the ItemEditor that comes with EQEmu.

Now, my problem is this: In-game, my custom piece of armor says Effect: Edited SpellName Here (Worn) like I want it to be, #findspell finds the new edited spell, using #castspell 2189 (the number of Healing Yay! before I changed it) on myself will result in the new spell effects, but my item does nothing, it adds no attack, nothing.

I have a set of custom I've created for my GM character, and on two other pieces I am using Guide Journey (1212) and Can o' Whoop Ass (911) on them, they work perfectly. If I take of the piece of armor with the Guide Journey effect, I slow down, same with the other piece.

I've tried a few things to clear this up... and none have worked. I've tried copying Guide Journey/Can o' Whoop Ass in the spell editor to Healing Yay! and editing them since they work on items... no luck. I've tried changing the Formula Type, and other things on the spell editor to no avail.

Yes, I've checked the piece of armor that isn't working against the two that are for differences in settings and all three are the same except for the spell being used on each. (And well the itemID number.)

Am I doing something wrong in the process of editing the spell? Adding the effect to the item? I'm really stumped here...

03-25-2003, 08:54 AM
Are you sure you moved the edited spell files to both the emu folder and your everquest folder?

03-25-2003, 12:32 PM
Yes, I have copied the spells_en.txt from my Server directory to my EQ directory after every time I edit a spell. That was a problem of mine before this... I'd edit a spell and items would register it as the old spell, while #findspell and #castspell used the edited spell.

Now, The spell is the same on the item, and in #findspell, plus it does the effects I have specified when I #castspell it, but it does nothing when I put on an item as a (Worn) effect....

As a little side note, tonight while I was experimenting on trying to get this to work, I made two items with the effect of my edited spell and equipped them at the same time... Both were meant to raise my atk by 200, yet, they um... lowered it by about 400 each. Before equipping them my atk was 1603, after it was 880ish and instead of being green, my atk was red, it did somethin freaky lol.

And it can't be the old spell effect overlapping because Healing Yay! is like a 5hp heal or somethin stupid. Has nothing to do with your attack.