View Full Version : Server requirements

03-31-2003, 06:08 AM
Hello all,

I wanted to start hosting an EQEmu server within a few weeks, but I was wondering if my internet connection would support lets say 8 players to play steady. I only have 30kB/s upload (150kB dl), so I was wondering how much bandwith a player would actually use.

Could some ppl who are hosting servers tell me their experiences and their setup? So that I know what I can expect.

Thanks a ton,

greetz DazL

04-04-2003, 09:31 PM
I saw a post talking about this , not sure which forum , but it was saying you needed 256k or better to run a server with more than a few ppl on it , because of a throttling issue.
it also made reference to it requiring alot less after the Emu catches up with Live EQ and starts using the new compression.

04-04-2003, 09:38 PM
You should be able to accomodate 6-8 people yeah. There may be lag issues at times, depending on how many zones are running, but that should support the amount of people you're aiming for(if 6-8 is what you want the server to hold).