View Full Version : new world and zoneserver bugs

05-03-2003, 06:11 AM
i m using the 4.4dr1 world and zone exes and i can summon items in my database that are equipable by my race or char but either it kills the character and equips the item or it wont let me equip it at all giving me the class and or deity message. there are no diety restricions on the items and i dont see why it should kill me when i equip them. it says you have been knocked unconsious then pain and suffering try to stike you but miss and then i die. would this be a problem with the 4.4dr1 release or with my database? i have everything else up to date. im just not sure if its in the exe's code or in my database. thank you for letting me play eq mobile on my laptop now though. :)

05-03-2003, 01:27 PM
when you unequip an item, if this one has + XX HPs then when you will unequip it you will loose hps.
you have 100/100 hps
you equip +100 item
you are at 100/200 hps now
if you unequip your item without heal you will be at 0/100 so that kill you
just make sure you are healed before put off any + xx hps

05-03-2003, 02:05 PM
Recommended and required levels is the cause.

05-03-2003, 08:46 PM
They change this on live so if you unequip an item that give you more HP than you really have at the time you take it off, you no more die. You just have 1 HP left.

05-04-2003, 08:01 AM
no you dont understand. i die when i equip an item from summonitem not when i unequip it.

05-05-2003, 01:34 PM
Answer to your when you EQUIP the item..... The item if you are using like god huge amounts of HP on it or some high amount of Stamina or something that raises your hp a ton... it will cause you to be in the LOW HP zone where it does the faint your down and bleed to death effect. Just like when your in battle in EQ live and you take a certain amount of hits and your low on hp and slowly moving and your hp slowly decreases. The Higher the HP the Faster it decreases. So if you have somethign that adds 999 hp and you start off with only 45 due to being in the low hp field you will faint and slowly bleed to death. So if you want to keep yourself alive easier equip something with lower stats, then use #heal while targetting yourself and work your HP up a bit before you put your god item on.

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