View Full Version : Missing Files on patch status???

06-03-2003, 02:35 AM
Ok, I know I did this right. I got it working on my home pc no problems. I get to work to load it on my work pc and having problems. It's not the pc, I play eq on it all the time. My question is this, everytime I goto EQEmu Patcher, It gives me a list of missing files. A shnot load of missing files. I'm updated on patches and good to go.

Retrieving file list from patch server.....
Checking versions of EQ files.....

Missing File: bmpwad8.s3d
Missing File: credits.txt
Missing File: discard.log
Missing File: eqfecfg.cfg
Missing File: eqgame.exe

All files OK for EQEmu!
I just dunno, I'm missing something

06-03-2003, 02:42 AM
make sure when you install eq patcher its in the directory eqgame.exe is in.

06-03-2003, 02:54 AM
This is how it's set up (folders):
C:Program files/Sony/Everquest

What I did was make a new folder in Sony so now there is an Everquest foler and a new folder called Emulater (what I named it)

I copied everything for everquest and put it in emulator folder

I installed everythin (eqhost/eqemupatcher/etc) in emulator

Workes just fine at home. I checked the emulator folder and EQEmu is in there.

Still don't know??

06-03-2003, 03:01 AM
See sig - common problem. Patcher MUST be installed in the folder with eqgame.exe in it. This is your EQ folder. Uninstall. Reinstall. When it asks for a directory, browse to your EQ folder, and install there.

Your patcher is in the wrong folder.

06-03-2003, 06:34 AM
Thanks for the help

Got it going now, I just overlooked something :wink:

Thanks again