View Full Version : discard.log missing file PLEASE HELP ME!!

06-14-2003, 09:28 PM
i can log in just fine but each time i try to summon an item it says "u have an item in your coursor u must put it down, or something.) and i try to destroy it i try to drop it in inventory but i dont see any item i have to destroy like food or somthing to be able to summon an item i put that item in my inventory and i have to destroy more food cause it keeps saying i have an item in my inventory and when i go ld or something and xome back all of my gear is gone i cant #save it says "you are not high enough or somthing so i cant save. when i first patch it says missing file discard.log in the ptch screen but i am still able to log in and play but could this missing file be my trouble> ive downloaded eqemu like 5 times now but i still miss that file PLEASE HELP!!

06-15-2003, 05:07 AM
you do need help...

06-15-2003, 12:08 PM
this is (as far as I know) a recent glitch... there used to be a cursor bug that you can put any item in any slot. So far the only way i have found to help with it is discard an item (i used food) into your auto - equip slot and then re-summon the item

06-17-2003, 05:45 AM
I just click on the last item i spawned hold it in cursor use the summmonitem command for the item u wanted to spawn and then drop the item that u picked up where ever and the item u wanted to spawn spawns on ur cursor after u put it down

06-17-2003, 08:47 AM
Missing discard.log = harmless.

That happens to a lot of people. Don't worry about that error.