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Old 02-23-2008, 06:11 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 189
Default Fridgecritter 2X Diablo 2 random loot

Hello there,

I have been playing on a few servers here, and tooling around with the idea of setting up a server with 2X exp, and using GeorgeS Diablo 2 loot table editing program. I have been configuring the server for a few days, and am still constantly working on it, but it is up and running, and pretty fun.

I put potions in addition to the mobs' regular loot on mobs level 1-10. From 11 up, the items get better and better as you fight higher level mobs. you never know what the mob is going to drop. It's pretty fun.

I have scripted my own teleporter based on the basic sample from this forum, and made the exp higher in the zones that the teleporter can port to. There is also a spell scriber and buffs NPC in the same area.

I am working on the website next, and will post here when it's up. The name is registered and webspace allocated already, I just need to install a CMS system (probably e107) to house it.

I will be hiring one guide to help out in the next few weeks too. I will be picking the candidates from players from the server. Please don't spam me with emails asking to be a guide if you don't play on the server.

Have fun!
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Old 02-23-2008, 07:55 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 300

i might have a go at the server , how hard is it in wise , solo ? , gruop , raid server?
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Old 02-23-2008, 05:38 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 4

Well, I logged in and played for a bit. I have one thing to say... The experience goes far too slow to attract people.

Your server is based off of D2 rules...which is supposed to be fast-paced, fun and constantly moving. However, 2x reg experience makes for a very slow grind to lvl 75. At lvl 3 i was getting less than a blue bubble of exp per kill! I'm sorry, but it might be for some..just not for me.

I'm just trying to offer some constructive criticism. I envision a D2 style game to move fast with lots of loot. This is very very slow.

Some things I would think should go with a D2 style server are the following:

1) Fast lvling
2) Lots of random loot
3) Potions easy to come by allowing soloability and helping the "fast play"
4) Perhaps a timer on how often you can use a potion (5-10sec) so it's not too easy

These are some of the things i would look for and expect. Hope I help ya.
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Old 02-24-2008, 02:20 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Really, Diablo and EQ are two different games. Diablo2 is much smaller than is EQ and very linear (you always move through the same few towns ands areas). In EQ, randomizing all drops to the same tables is interesting and different, but for me will shorten the game. why would i want to go to Sebilis for a Fungus Covered Scale Tunic if it will drop anywhere in the game? You really have to plan what you are doing if you use the D2 drop system, else you soon run out of goals and interest.
In Diablo you have to get to certain bosses and kill them, in order to proceed to the next level of higher mobs - if you don't, then you can't level, and higher level random drops will not be available to you.
True, D2 has plenty of drops, but most of it is "yard trash". The good drops are uncommon too. Some of the real good drops come off big "area-bosses" (big bosses have increased possibility, you can still get it off a lesser mob, but then you could get stuck by lightning too) and can be very rare. There are extremely rare drops in D2, that to this day I have never seen (and I played D2 a very long time). Take SoJ for example (Stone of Jordan Ring), The only time I ever got a few of these was when I had three bots running day and night for over a week. Legally, I never saw one in all my years of play.
I never liked drop-policies in EQ or D2. I always thought, "If you pay for the game, you're entitled to everything the game has to offer, including drops". EQ is the same story, I would have never seen half the drops had it not been for EqEmu.
In EqEmu, you're able to make your own policies - but be careful how you do that, because players will get bored and drop out fast.
Probably, if you want your players to level fast (2x, 3x) then the drops need to happen faster also. Already by default, the game levels very fast (Eq) , I guess it's that way on Live nowdays, so faster drop rates are in order ( you don't want to get out of level range with few or no drops, and I mean good drops, because they were too rare).
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Old 02-24-2008, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 63

this is a great server, defenitly one of the best i've seen around and defenitly one of the ones I could see lasting. Exp is fast enough so you can level at a nice pace and the rops come quick enough to keep you leveling to get that next peice. very good work!
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Old 02-24-2008, 08:59 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 166

If you are concerned that your players are hitting max level to fast but don't want to make the mid levels a drag you could try a code snippet from KLS.

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Old 02-24-2008, 09:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 300

hmm i elveled to what , lv 4 without a Single drop :(
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Old 02-24-2008, 11:34 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 25

You need a custom vendor in the Nexus. When I made my Ranger, I had no weapon or Food/Drink and had to result in using Poxans Sword. The upside to that is the sword hits decent at higher levels. Although the EXP could be higher because in the time it took me to hit level 5, I couldve been 8+ on live in the tutorial with most of my gear even. This is just some feedback, not complaining though as the server has a ton of potential.
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:52 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 21

i also had to use poxes sword
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Old 02-25-2008, 01:43 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 63

The starting Cities and goods have been fixxed. As of now the drops start to come on mob levels 10-15 and scale up from there. New charcters should now start with a weapon and gear. If you still have any bug's theres a great GM staff there who are willing to help with just about anything.
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Old 02-25-2008, 01:54 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 4

I had a weak impression on my first attempt with the server. I was highly disappointed with the rate of lvling (weapons didnt bother me b/c i had a monk).

I decided to give it one more try... I found out that there are certain zones with an exp bonus and stuck to them. Lvling def went faster and i'm far more pleased. I would recommend the same exp bonus for these certain zones to be implemented throughout the entire game world. "If" the server becomes more popular these zones will be too overcrowded and people will get frustrated.

Another concern I have is with the loot system. I was looting lvl 50+ items in my teens...Is this how it's supposed to be? I'm not sure of the reasoning with this. Also, is there a purpose to kill named mobs? Do they guarantee a loot drop? I've been getting some INSANE items off of low lvl mobs and am wondering if there's even a point to kill named guys.
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:51 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 189
Default Thank you

I really appreciate the input from all of you, especially Angelox. I am constantly updating things to try and make the gaming experience better. I think I can address a couple of things that have been said:

The drops need a LOT of work. I will have to spend hours and hours more balancing the loot table. I was using GeorgeS program to automatically insert items into the loot table. This program does the job it was written to do. Unfortunately, this is not what I want. Because of this, I am going to have to actually put in the work myself to insert some more random drops that are level appropriate.

The starting items issue was fixed, as well as the starting cities. Everyone starts with the right items now, and new players start in Nexus now.

I changed the exp rate from 3X to 2X because people got to level 75 in 2 days when it was 3X. I figured out why this happened as well. I went into the zones table and accidentally changed the exp modifier to 1 with a script. This meant that instead of the .4 that some zones have by defualt, it was 1, so you had the 3X, plus the zone modifier of 1. I am changing the exp rate back to 3X soon.

I thought this was going to be an easy thing to do with that program, but there needs to be a lot more taken into consideration as far as the loot tables go. Also, I agree with you about the hot zones. There are hundreds of maps for a reason, and these hotzones fill up quick once the server is populated.

I have a lot of work to do, and I have already dove into the database to try and figure most of it out. I am in it for the long haul. In the meantime, I answer ALL petitions, so if you are on my server, and you don't want to flood these forums, drop me a /petition and I will read it and make changes when appropriate.

My end goal is not to shortcut exploration of the bosses and such, as is noted in one of the replies... Really I just want to randomize the drops game-world-wide, while keeping them level specific. GeorgeS program does not distinguish level increments. It lets you alter tables by regular, various, and high level. I need to either do it with the research and the console, or I need to write a VB program to do it. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks again for the input.
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Old 02-25-2008, 11:08 PM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

I would first make one starting zone for all, which would probably be tutorialb, since it was made for that, and will be easy to adapt - then have some sort of "flag" system that gets you out of tutorialb, and to the next level. I still have sqls that will convert all starting zones to tutorialb if you need.
Having all starting zones in the same place is also good for any type server who has few members, as it brings them to play together (that's a big reason Sony started tutorialb, as their player base got smaller).
Anyways, in tutorialb, I had figured Krenshin was the highest mob there, hardest to kill, so, I used him for a "jump-start" quest (used to have) to LoY zones. You probably could alter this quest, and use it to your benefit - Krenshin still drops the item needed.;
#zone: tutorialb
#Revised Angelox
#This is a custom quest, intended mainly for the players to try out newly revised LoY zones.

 if ($text=~/hail/i){
  quest::say("Thank you for helping our rebellion. If you wish to [escape] at any time simply let me know.");
  quest::say("Or perhaps you have become bored with the same adventures and prefer something [different].");
  elsif ($text=~/escape/i) {
  quest::say("Here, I'll show you how to get out. But remember, once you leave you can't get back in, or you jepordize our whole operation.");
  quest::say("Are you [sure] you want to leave?");
  elsif ($text=~/different/i) {
  quest::say("Aye, different; a world of [pirates] and [treasure] ... ");
  elsif ($text=~/pirates/i) {
  quest::say("There are many evil pirates there, nasty place to be. I could [send] you there, with proper [status], although you'd never be able to return here");
  elsif ($text=~/treasure/i) {
  quest::say("Many riches those pirates carry, you could attain an impressive [status] if you weren't killed first");
  elsif ($text=~/status/i) {
  quest::say("I can give you a compatible starting-level, with a few extra spells, once you ge there.");
  elsif ($text=~/prove/i) {
  quest::say("Bring me a part of Krenshin's bones, and I'll know you have mastered these mines, send you on your way...");
  elsif ($text=~/sure/i) {
  quest::say("Good luck!");
  quest::say("Good luck my friend ....");
  elsif ($text=~/send/i) {
  quest::say("I can send you, but I worry you might not survive, due to lack of skills. You'd have to [prove] yourself to me first");

  if ($itemcount{56001} == 1){
    quest::say("You have done well! I can now [send] you to The Gulf of Gunthak at your request"); 
Since tutorialb is good for about level 1-15, send the players to a small group of zones (level15-25?), with similar (flag) quests on the big bosses.
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Old 02-26-2008, 03:07 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Conveiniently located in your grocers frozen food isle.
Posts: 56

server offline?
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Old 02-26-2008, 03:50 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 189
Default Potorment

I chose Plane of Torment for the higher zone for 70s... I think this is crashing the server. None of the other zones seem to crash it. I will be working today to get it worked out.

Thanks for the tips on tutorialb. I had the zone as one of the choices on the teleporter, but not too many people used it. I guess if you make them go there first, and don't let them out until they bring the quest item, it would work out well. I see a problem with sending them to other similar places and making them get a quest item in order to leave... since the game is so big, and people will want to explore all of it.

Maybe this is not what you meant. If so, elaborate please. I will also be working on the loot tables today. I will be changing the name of the server to ALPHA since I am obviously not ready to have it open all the time, so players enter at your own risk (and by risk I mean several restarts while it's in alpha mode). I should have done a lot more research before opening it in the first place.

Anyhow, it should be a fun project, and last me a while. The server is paid up for 6 months, so it's here long term... I got a good deal on it through work hehe.

Thanks again for all of your input, and the code, Angelox.
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