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View Poll Results: Who Would you vote For?
Kerry 32 40.51%
Bush 29 36.71%
nader.... *sigh* 18 22.78%
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Old 10-19-2004, 02:14 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,177

Sotonin: who are you to say what's natural and un-natural?
Cisyouc: Nature?
Ok, sure we'll go with this.

Artificial Insimination is not "natural" yet it is legal. Why? it doesn't hurt anybody and can help people who can't have children "naturally". So any arguement you have based on whats "natural" and not is null and void. I'm waiting for a real reason here, you've given nothing substantial but "its not right, so it shouldnt be" which is simply your narrow-minded opinion, nothing more nothing less.
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:17 PM
Hill Giant
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Eqaddicts stances....

Pro-Choice, it is her choice, not yours a-hole.

Pro-Gay "equal rights" ie if goverment issues marriage certificates, it cannot discriminate. If it only issues something else (and lets churches do marriing) so be it. But has to do it fairly.

Pro gun rights.

Pro Tax Reform to stop exodus of US jobs, importing of overly cheepified goods. (Shut down the Wallmarts of the world)

Pro welfare reform, BOTH individual AND corporate welfare.

Pro tighter border control. Have our millitary patrol there, not fricken BFE. And 86 ALL illegals, even senator soandso's cook...

edit- on this last one, I think it is a crock o shite when people claim we need to let illegals mantain their status because they do jobs "normal" American won't do. NO... They are just willing to do a job that an american won't for the wage that is paid. Get rid of illegals, and wages will have to increase to get people to do those jobs. Law of supply and demand has been broken by business, people demand higher wages, so business supplies illegals to do it for less..

this is a start, but sure to think of more...
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Old 10-19-2004, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by eq_addict_08
Pro-Choice, it is her choice, not yours a-hole.
Pro-Choice: hmm... a choice if another human being lives or dies. Fine, I'd like that choice to pop a cap into anyone I see unfit of sharing my oxygen - starting with everyone who's "Pro-Choice".

Pro-Gay "equal rights" ie if goverment issues marriage certificates, it cannot discriminate. If it only issues something else (and lets churches do marriing) so be it. But has to do it fairly.
Pro-Gay: Well, neither the Gods nor Darwin favor homosexuality. Don't know of too many species that thrived once Adam married Steve. Homosexuality is a state-of-mind, a growing epidemic that either God or natural-selection will eventually exterminate. Why should we foster or encourage it? Let's just proliferate a nuclear arsenal to anyone who wants it - I mean, we're only helping each other reach inevitable doom.

Pro gun rights.
Fair 'nuff. That way I can exercise "Pro-Choice".

Pro Tax Reform to stop exodus of US jobs, importing of overly cheepified goods. (Shut down the Wallmarts of the world)
Wow, where'd you get the degree in macroeconomics? Must've missed that CrackerJack box... Your so-called 'exodus' of US jobs isn't based on taxes. It's founded on our economy's last 20-year ideology: a paradigm shift from manufacturing/agriculture to technology development and production (mainly medicine and electronics). By foregoing industry and farming, we tried to corner the market in the wonderful world of MRI's and semiconductors. But the rest of the world has caught up, and can do it for less since thier's is a culture where quality time is spent at home with the family, and not pursuing the next big-ticket purchase for the home or driveway. Want to keep jobs in the US? Re-shift our focus to something the rest of the world can't do for less. <Lots of great ideas out there, from focus on small buisness to mass production of a petroleum energy substitute>

Pro welfare reform, BOTH individual AND corporate welfare.
Excellent idea! Wow, something I wish one of our several think-tank genius' who quietly boast an IQ greater than your Social Security Number had thought of... And what is your specific plan?

Pro tighter border control. Have our millitary patrol there, not fricken BFE. And 86 ALL illegals, even senator soandso's cook...
Have you served in the military? We're stretched so thin as it is - I'd hate to have to be called in for another expeditionary rotation away from my family to monitor Florida's southern coastline. Unless your family's name sounds something like "Bear-Claw" or "Stands-with-a-fist", chances are you live in this superpower because an ancestor migrated over with a hope for a better life, or for a taste of that freedom our military is literally dying to give Iraqi's and Afghan's. Who the hell are you to tell someone they can't freely enjoy that simple dream to freely be whatever you want? And I'm proud to have served in "BFE" - because there we're treated like both tyrants and kings. Those good people were grateful, more than the common American I pass on the street here, for the Coalition blood that quenched thier burning sands.

edit- on this last one, I think it is a crock o shite when people claim we need to let illegals mantain their status because they do jobs "normal" American won't do. NO... They are just willing to do a job that an american won't for the wage that is paid. Get rid of illegals, and wages will have to increase to get people to do those jobs. Law of supply and demand has been broken by business, people demand higher wages, so business supplies illegals to do it for less..
Scripture, that is. Inspired holy writ! Amen! You're darn right - why should I have to go sweat in a tomato field for 12 hours at $2/hr when welfare pays over $40k/year? "Supply and Demand"? Think about what would happen to supply and demand of US agricultural products if farmers had to pay more than quadruple what they do now to have someone pick/sort/inspect thier produce? Would right-minded "normal" Americans pay $5 for a US apple, when China imports 'em for under a nickle? Go back to your Tax Reform ideology. We deserve our immigrants, and they deserve a chance to become American.

this is a start, but sure to think of more...
Oh, please - don't. Stick with EQ economics and politics and let's leave the real world to the real smarties who know a heck alot more than me and you and have access to endless sources of information that we don't even know exist -

I like the Matrix.
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Old 10-20-2004, 12:05 AM
Hill Giant
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Posts: 131

Originally Posted by Daeath
Pro-Gay: Well, neither the Gods nor Darwin favor homosexuality. Don't know of too many species that thrived once Adam married Steve. Homosexuality is a state-of-mind, a growing epidemic that either God or natural-selection will eventually exterminate. Why should we foster or encourage it? Let's just proliferate a nuclear arsenal to anyone who wants it - I mean, we're only helping each other reach inevitable doom.
Go kill yourself kkthx
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:13 AM
Hill Giant
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Daeath, are there guys in white hoods and swastikas running around your neighborhood?
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:28 AM
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Daeath, are there guys in white hoods and swastikas running around your neighborhood?
lmfao. well said
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 55

No, at least not openly - why do you ask?
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:10 AM
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Daeath, I think said it pretty 'okay'.
Well, neither the Gods nor Darwin favor homosexuality. Don't know of too many species that thrived once Adam married Steve. Homosexuality is a state-of-mind, a growing epidemic that either God or natural-selection will eventually exterminate. Why should we foster or encourage it?
I think this gay marriage thing is about acceptance, they want to be accepted just like married straight people. The problem is gaining the right to marriage will not solve this, and in addition, they would be supporting an unnatural communion. (How many gay animals have you seen?)

If you remember, when before homosexual acts were legalized, there were two sides to the issue. There were people who wanted them to be legalized, and there were people that didn't, who said that if they were given this, in decades to come they will want to have equal rights as married couples.

I'm all for having more same-sex couples rights, like as Kerry likes to bring up, "being able to see your sick partner in the hospital", however lawfully, I don't think they should get the right to marriage.

Just my 2cp.
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:13 AM
Join Date: May 2004
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(How many gay animals have you seen?)
i seriously can't beleive you used this as part of your arguement. I have a gay dog and i've known many other people with gay animals. You are seriously grasping now. Come on man, give us a break. You don't think gay marriages are right and thats your only reason, they are wrong bad, ok. whatever. Quit trying to pretend there's an actual reason besides "Jesus says its wrong".

You've never seen a dog that constantly tries to hump another male dog? get out more. it happens a lot. They aren't raised to beleive that being gay is bad, so it happens naturally. yes NATURALLY. So there goes the society created it theory and the "it's a choice" theory as well.
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Old 10-20-2004, 09:10 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 55

There are two prevailing sources apon which all modern ideologies are founded: religion, and science.

In the case of homosexuality, religion is very black/white with its stand: homosexuality is an abberation to mankind. God/aliens/mice created two distinct sexes for the reason of procreation and a continuation of life. Religion goes on to state that homosexual acts are thus an open defiance to the will of "God(s)", making mankind unfit for whatever future thus designed for them. Religion bases the motivating factor (for the most part) of homosexuality on Evil/Satan/Yang/Darkness - the enemy/opposite force to God/good. In the eyes of religion, homosexuality is like having a tendency for murder/stealing/lying in that it stems from temptation by that enemy to God/opposite force to good.

Science too, understands the purpose of our sexual distinction. The most basic and primal instinct each living organism carries in its cellular makeup is the need to procreate: a continuation of genetic material. Science recognizes the existance of homosexual orientation, and is trying to understand why it exists. Practically every scientist believes that homosexuality is not mearly a 'choice', nor stems from a single factor - but rather a combination of factors such as enviroment, genetics, chemical imbalances, etc... However, to base your ideals on science is to accept natural selection. In the eyes of science, homosexuality too is like mental/physical disorders - unnatural, but exsistant due to mental/physical factors promoting such behaviors.

Weither you are religious or scientific (or a combination of the two), homosexuality is NOT natural by any whim of the imagination. We weren't created/stemed from homosexual ancestors. Homosexuality exists, even in the animal kingdom. I recently watched a nature show on MSNBC about homosexual primates that live near Mt. Fuji, Japan (mostly females). But I doubt my great-grandchildren will ever see a live Japanese snow monkey if they continue thier homosexual trends. Should mankind continue to encourage homosexualty within its genus, the future of mankind looks bleak - either from lack of future generations, or bringing down the wrath of God.

Now marriage, however, is a religious practice. Yes - it has been proven by anthropologists of all learned periods of human history that the institution of marriage is something steeped from the sacred and/or the divine. You cannot include a conversation about marriage without religious overtones. The very definition of marriage is to conjoin the two opposite sexes into a union of one, out of respect for the sacred. How can we institutionalize homosexual marriage, unless we first create a purely homosexual religion? There really is no such thing as state marriage - the forms of government got the idea first from religion and thought it a good thing and has tried to implement it into its doctrines.

So the gays want to live together? Fine. They want a piece of paper to make thier unnatural union feel more natural? I believe that falls under the definition of "psychotic", but I guess it doesn't hurt me none. I just feel they're only trying to fit in - like some high school teenager and all the stupid things they do to feel 'normal'. If you're gonna be gay, BE GAY - don't try to be like your heterosexual ancestors.
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Old 10-20-2004, 11:05 AM
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My view:
First of all I dont accept or condone that kind of behavior. I have met people who were openly gay and as long as they dont try to flirt with me I dont care what they do behind closed doors. Is it natural? Of course not. Is it right? Thats between you and whoever you call God. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". I dont agree with it, but who am I to say "your going to hell because your a fag, but I'm not even though I am having sex without marriage"? The only issue I have with them getting married (besides it being wierd to refer to a males spouse as 'your husband' or a females spouse as 'your wife') is the extra benefits like tax breaks, price reductions, etc that come with getting married. That might sound stupid to some, but thats the only legit reason (all prejudices aside) I dont want it to be legalized.
Lethal Encounter
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Old 10-20-2004, 12:50 PM
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What a disgusting display of ignorance. I'm sorry, I never thought I'd be that critical either. How dare you claim that homosexuality is not a natural occurance? My theory? I believe it's genetic. Just like everything else. I believe it's an imbalance in hormones. Why are people being born homosexuals? People years ago were not as accepting as our generation has (or apparently claims...) to be. Homosexuals were forced to take part in sexual acts with the opposite sex because to even think about contact between the same gender was a crime punishable by the highest authority - their diety. So, by procreating they passed their genes to the next generation, and sure it isn't always the dominant trait. In fact, I think it was...86% does have - or has had homosexual fantasies or experiences, and still claim to be heterosexual.

This is my huge question: Why would ANYONE choose to be a homosexual? Why chose to have a social stigma follow you wherever you go? Why chose to be a "Deviance" among your peers, your friends, and your gods? I just don't understand it. Teenage suicide is very high these days, and a vast majority of these suicides are homosexual teens that have found no acceptance. How dare anyone say we should stop encouraging homosexuality as a normal thing? A professor of mine - and also a very close friend - has just recently realized he is a homosexual - after getting married and having a child. The man was a wreck, he felt he had ruined his wife's and his child's life forever. Why would anyone wake up one morning and say "Hmmmm...I'm gay now. Yup! Sounds great!" How terribley ignorant.

Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to be married? This is starting to sound like a Phelp's(He's not a Reverand to me. He does not represent my religion - at all.) conversation. "You don't like that attribute of God. God's hatred is pure!" But isn't God's love pure as well? And just because one religion views homosexuality as a sin, it doesn't mean all the other's do too. I believe same-sex marriage should be legalized. If a certain church would not allow homosexuals to get married - that's fine. I have no qualms with that. That'd be like saying "Me and my girlfriend are Jewish, we'd like to get married in a menonite church." No. But because of one groups views they are not to profess their love - and the wish to share a sacred union - to become one to any god? What are we here - England 1500's?

And it actually is proven that there are numerous amounts of animals that are homosexual.

All it boils down to is that President Bush is trying to push the beliefs of one religion upon the entire free nation, and that is against the Constitution.
Oh, hey.
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Old 10-20-2004, 01:10 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 166

Originally Posted by sotonin
You've never seen a dog that constantly tries to hump another male dog? get out more. it happens a lot. They aren't raised to beleive that being gay is bad, so it happens naturally. yes NATURALLY. So there goes the society created it theory and the "it's a choice" theory as well.
Well, dogs will hump anything, living or not. Having a hole in the behind makes it that much easier. Hmm.. now I am wondering how many lesbian dogs there are.
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:18 PM
Hill Giant
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Location: Drunk tank
Posts: 199

Originally Posted by Daeath
There are two prevailing sources apon which all modern ideologies are founded: religion, and science.
I think there is at least a third, if not more. Basic Morality/Ethics that transcend any religion and a basic respect for human life.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

liberty-1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice
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Old 10-20-2004, 11:47 PM
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liberty-1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : the power of choice
Oh dont give me that. According to that definition drugs (meaning marijuana, heroin..) are legal.
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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