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Old 07-26-2010, 05:25 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 61
Default Bank Items?

I have searched around but haven't seen anything specific to this question...

How are regular bank items and coin stored (not shared items)??
Are they stored in the database or is it somehow hard coded??

I have looked everywhere in the database but haven't seen anything that would point me in the right direction...

Anyone can help with an answer??

I have found where shared items and coin are stored but nothing on regular bank items and coin...
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Old 07-26-2010, 06:04 PM
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Coins are in the profile struct BLOB in the database under table character_
I think the inventory of bank items should be in the inventory table

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Old 07-26-2010, 11:31 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 61

Originally Posted by GeorgeS View Post
Coins are in the profile struct BLOB in the database under table character_
I think the inventory of bank items should be in the inventory table

Well I had already checked the inventory table but it only contains character inventory items... It doesn't hold the coin amounts for inventory or regular bank slots...

Also what is the structure for the coin held in the BLOB of character_ table??
I can see it is in HEX format but what is the structure that tells the system what item is where?

I appreciate the help...
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Old 07-27-2010, 12:24 AM
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Here's the relevant profile struct

'/*4720*/ sint32 platinum; // Platinum Pieces on player
'/*4724*/ sint32 gold; // Gold Pieces on player
'/*4728*/ sint32 silver; // Silver Pieces on player
'/*4732*/ sint32 copper; // Copper Pieces on player
'/*4736*/ sint32 platinum_bank; // Platinum Pieces in Bank
'/*4740*/ sint32 gold_bank; // Gold Pieces in Bank
'/*4744*/ sint32 silver_bank; // Silver Pieces in Bank
'/*4748*/ sint32 copper_bank; // Copper Pieces in Bank
use little endian byte order to decode

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Old 07-27-2010, 12:33 AM
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Here's the inventory table data

Equipped slots
(somebody should make this prettier some day)

SLOT_EAR01 = 1,
SLOT_EAR02 = 4,
SLOT_RING01 = 15,
SLOT_RING02 = 16,

Inventory Slots
NOTE: Numbering for personal inventory goes top to bottom, then left to right
It's the opposite for inside bags: left to right, then top to bottom
inventory: containers:
1 6 1 2
2 7 3 4
3 8 5 6
4 9 7 8
5 10 9 10

Personal Inventory
Personal inventory slots 22 through 29.
Bags in personal inventory are:
22: 251->260
23: 261->270
24: 271->280
25: 281->290
26: 291->300
27: 301->310
28: 311->320
29: 321->330

Cursor is slot 30, and the bag slots for the cursor are 331->340.

Tribute items are slots 400->404, these items are not visible, but are counted for stats/effects.

Bank slots are 2000->2015
Bags in the bank are:
2000: 2031->2040
2001: 2041->2050
2002: 2051->2060
2003: 2061->2070
2004: 2071->2080
2005: 2081->2090
2006: 2091->2100
2007: 2101->2110
2008: 2111->2120
2009: 2121->2130
2010: 2131->2140
2011: 2141->2150
2012: 2151->2160
2013: 2161->2170
2014: 2171->2180
2015: 2181->2190

Shared Bank
Shared bank slots are 2500 and 2501
Bags in the shared bank are:
2500: 2531->2540
2501: 2541->2550
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Old 07-27-2010, 12:43 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 61

Much appreciated GeorgeS.... With that info and some investigations on my own I am slowly getting it...
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Old 07-27-2010, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 61

Ok I have figured it out mostly...I appreciate the help so far but I have another question...

Sorry for all the questions but when I hit a road block that I just cannot figure out on my own I must ask someone...

I got the idea to look at the code for the PEQ PHP editor and found out a lot of what I needed...

This block of code in the "player.php" file is obviously what I have been needing but apparently it is somehow lacking....
$player_array['platinum'] = ord(substr($profile,4720,4));
The problem is it only returns 2 HEX characters... So if your platinum hits 256 it returns 0... I have looked everywhere and tried everything that makes sense trying to get it to return more than just the 2 characters to no avail... I am semi-new to PHP and cannot figure this one out... It is the first time I have had to deal with BLOB's and pulling HEX from a database...

Any suggestions on what would be a better solution??
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Old 07-27-2010, 09:47 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: California
Posts: 1,475

That does not sound correct. You need to remember these are short integers as in 4 bytes per record (1 word = 4 bytes)
Little endian - as in reverse byte order, so the order is -

(example of a conversion 4 HEX bytes => 4 byte integer)

0A 0B 0C 0D
0D*16777216 + 0C*65536 + 0B*256 + 0A*1

So convert the 8 bit -Hex into 8 bit decimal - so that $FF = 255 etc..
and use the formula above.

here's my code for the above
Function getbytes_convert32bit(location As Integer, bytes As Integer)
Dim result32 As Long
Dim byte1 As Byte
Dim byte2 As Byte
Dim byte3 As Byte
Dim byte4 As Byte
'start position=location  ,  bytes=#bytes to read
Open "profile.bin" For Binary As #1
    Get #1, location + 1, byte1: Get #1, location + 2, byte2: Get #1, location + 3, byte3: Get #1, location + 4, byte4
    result32 = (byte4 * 16777216#) + (byte3 * 65536#) + (byte2 * 256#) + (byte1 * 1#)
    getbytes_convert32bit = result32
Close #1
End Function
..btw my program serverstats does profile editing of toons and other things..

Your source for EQ database tools
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Last edited by GeorgeS; 07-27-2010 at 09:54 PM..
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Old 07-27-2010, 09:57 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: California
Posts: 1,475

Also continues - editing directly via sql

UPDATE character_ SET profile = INSERT((SELECT profile FROM (SELECT * FROM character_)
 AS x WHERE id = 748),(4720+1),4,RPAD(CHAR(100),4,CHAR(0))) WHERE id = 748;

This would give a character with an ID of 748 100 platinum.

In theory, you can change 4720 to any field # in the profile blob & the 100 to whatever numeric value you want it set to. You would then need to change the 4's to correspond with however many characters the data takes up (32-bit integers are 4, for example), otherwise the blob will become corrupt (too many/too few characters).

Some might be wondering why there are 2 subqueries. The answer is discussed here, and it's basically a workaround for not being able to query the same table in an update.
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Old 07-27-2010, 10:01 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: California
Posts: 1,475

Lastly, here's the entire struct

struct PlayerProfile_Struct
/*0000*/	uint32				checksum;			// Checksum from CRC32::SetEQChecksum
/*0004*/	char				name[64];			// Name of player sizes not right
/*0068*/	char				last_name[32];		// Last name of player sizes not right
/*0100*/	uint32				gender;				// Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
/*0104*/	uint32				race;				// Player race
/*0108*/	uint32				class_;				// Player class
/*0112*/	uint32				unknown0112;		//
/*0116*/	uint32				level;				// Level of player (might be one byte)
/*0120*/	BindStruct			binds[5];           // Bind points (primary is first)
/*0220*/	uint32				deity;				// deity
/*0224*/	uint32				guild_id;
/*0228*/	uint32				birthday;			// characters bday
/*0232*/	uint32				lastlogin;			// last login or zone time
/*0236*/	uint32				timePlayedMin;			// in minutes
/*0240*/	uint8				pvp;
/*0241*/	uint8				level2; //no idea why this is here, but thats how it is on live
/*0242*/	uint8				anon;		// 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon
/*0243*/	uint8				gm;
/*0244*/	uint8				guildrank;
/*0245*/	uint8				unknown0245[7];	//
/*0252*/	uint32				intoxication;
/*0256*/	uint32				spellSlotRefresh[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL];	//in ms
/*0292*/	uint8                           unknown0392[4];
/*0296*/	uint8				haircolor;			// Player hair color
/*0297*/	uint8				beardcolor;			// Player beard color
/*0298*/	uint8				eyecolor1;			// Player left eye color
/*0299*/	uint8				eyecolor2;			// Player right eye color
/*0300*/	uint8				hairstyle;			// Player hair style
/*0301*/	uint8				beard;				// Beard type
/*0302*/	uint8				ability_time_seconds; //The following four spots are unknown right now.....
/*0303*/	uint8				ability_number; //ability used
/*0304*/	uint8				ability_time_minutes;
/*0305*/	uint8				ability_time_hours;//place holder
/*0306*/	uint8				unknown0306[6];		// @bp Spacer/Flag?
/*0312*/	uint32				item_material[MAX_MATERIALS];	// Item texture/material of worn/held items
/*0348*/	uint8				unknown0256[44];
/*0396*/	Color_Struct		item_tint[MAX_MATERIALS];
/*0432*/	AA_Array			aa_array[MAX_PP_AA_ARRAY];
/*2348*/	float				unknown2348;		//seen ~128, ~47
/*2352*/	char				servername[32];		// length probably not right
/*2384*/	char				title[32];			//length might be wrong
/*2416*/	char				suffix[32];			//length might be wrong
/*2448*/	uint32				guildid2;		//
/*2452*/	uint32				exp;				// Current Experience
/*2456*/	uint32				unknown1496;
/*2460*/	uint32				points;				// Unspent Practice points
/*2464*/	uint32				mana;				// current mana
/*2468*/	uint32				cur_hp;				// current hp
/*2472*/	uint32				unknown1512;		// 0x05
/*2476*/	uint32				STR;				// Strength
/*2480*/	uint32				STA;				// Stamina
/*2484*/	uint32				CHA;				// Charisma
/*2488*/	uint32				DEX;				// Dexterity
/*2492*/	uint32				INT;				// Intelligence
/*2496*/	uint32				AGI;				// Agility
/*2500*/	uint32				WIS;				// Wisdom
/*2504*/	uint8				face;				// Player face
/*2505*/	uint8				unknown1545[47];	// ?
/*2552*/	uint8				languages[MAX_PP_LANGUAGE];
/*2580*/	uint8				unknown1620[4];
/*2584*/	int32				spell_book[MAX_PP_SPELLBOOK];
/*4184*/	uint8				unknown3224[448];	// all 0xff
/*4632*/	int32				mem_spells[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL];
/*4668*/	uint8				unknown3704[32];	//
/*4700*/	float				y;					// Player y position
/*4704*/	float				x;					// Player x position
/*4708*/	float				z;					// Player z position
/*4712*/	float				heading;			// Direction player is facing
/*4716*/	uint8				unknown3756[4];		//
/*4720*/	sint32				platinum;			// Platinum Pieces on player
/*4724*/	sint32				gold;				// Gold Pieces on player
/*4728*/	sint32				silver;				// Silver Pieces on player
/*4732*/	sint32				copper;				// Copper Pieces on player
/*4736*/	sint32				platinum_bank;		// Platinum Pieces in Bank
/*4740*/	sint32				gold_bank;			// Gold Pieces in Bank
/*4744*/	sint32				silver_bank;		// Silver Pieces in Bank
/*4748*/	sint32				copper_bank;		// Copper Pieces in Bank
/*4752*/	sint32				platinum_cursor;	// Platinum on cursor
/*4756*/	sint32				gold_cursor;		// Gold on cursor
/*4760*/	sint32				silver_cursor;		// Silver on cursor
/*4764*/	sint32				copper_cursor;		// Copper on cursor
/*4768*/	sint32				platinum_shared;        // Platinum shared between characters
/*4772*/	uint8				unknown3812[24];        // @bp unknown skills?
/*4796*/	uint32				skills[MAX_PP_SKILL];
/*5096*/	uint8				unknown5096[284];     // @bp unknown skills?
/*5380*/	int32				pvp2;	//
/*5384*/	int32				unknown4420;	//
/*5388*/	int32				pvptype;	//
/*5392*/	int32				unknown4428;	//
/*5396*/	uint32				ability_down;			// Doodman - Guessing
/*5400*/	uint8				unknown4436[8];	//
/*5408*/	uint32				autosplit;			//not used right now
/*5412*/	uint8				unknown4448[8];
/*5420*/	int32				zone_change_count;      // Number of times user has zoned in their career (guessing)
/*5424*/	uint8				unknown4460[28];	//
/*5452*/	int32				expansions;		// expansion setting, bit field of expansions avaliable
/*5456*/	sint32				toxicity;	//from drinking potions, seems to increase by 3 each time you drink
/*5460*/	char				unknown4496[16];	//
/*5476*/	sint32				hunger_level;
/*5480*/	sint32				thirst_level;
/*5484*/	int32				ability_up;
/*5488*/	char				unknown4524[16];
/*5504*/	uint16				zone_id;			// Current zone of the player
/*5506*/	uint16				zoneInstance;			// Instance ID
/*5508*/	SpellBuff_Struct	buffs[BUFF_COUNT];			// Buffs currently on the player
/*6008*/	char 				groupMembers[6][64];		//
/*6392*/	char				unknown6392[668];
/*7060*/	sint32				ldon_points_guk;		//client uses these as signed
/*7064*/	sint32				ldon_points_mir;
/*7068*/	sint32				ldon_points_mmc;
/*7072*/	sint32				ldon_points_ruj;
/*7076*/	sint32				ldon_points_tak;
/*7080*/	sint32				ldon_points_available;
/*7084*/	uint8				unknown5940[112];
/*7196*/	uint32				tribute_time_remaining;	//in miliseconds
/*7200*/	uint32				unknown6048;
/*7204*/	uint32				career_tribute_points;
/*7208*/	uint32				unknown6056;
/*7212*/	uint32				tribute_points;
/*7216*/	uint32				unknown6064;
/*7220*/	uint32				tribute_active;		//1=active
/*7224*/	Tribute_Struct		tributes[MAX_PLAYER_TRIBUTES];
/*7264*/	Disciplines_Struct	disciplines;			//fathernitwit: 10-06-04
/*7664*/	char				unknown7464[240];
/*7904*/	uint32				endurance;
/*7908*/	uint32				group_leadership_exp;	//0-1000
/*7912*/	uint32				raid_leadership_exp;	//0-2000
/*7916*/	uint32				group_leadership_points;
/*7920*/	uint32				raid_leadership_points;
/*7924*/	LeadershipAA_Struct	leader_abilities;
/*8052*/	uint8				unknown8052[132];
/*8184*/	uint32				air_remaining;
/*8188*/	uint8				unknown8188[4608];
/*12796*/	uint32				aapoints_spent;
/*12800*/	uint32				expAA;
/*12804*/	uint32				aapoints;	//avaliable, unspent
/*12808*/	uint8				unknown12808[36];
/*12844*/	Bandolier_Struct	bandoliers[MAX_PLAYER_BANDOLIER];
/*14124*/	uint8				unknown14124[5120];
/*19244*/	PotionBelt_Struct	potionbelt;	//there should be 3 more of these
/*19532*/	uint8				unknown19532[8];
/*19540*/	uint32				currentRadCrystals; 	// Current count of radiant crystals
/*19544*/	uint32				careerRadCrystals; // Total count of radiant crystals ever
/*19548*/	uint32				currentEbonCrystals;		// Current count of ebon crystals
/*19552*/	uint32				careerEbonCrystals;	// Total count of ebon crystals ever
/*19556*/	uint8				groupAutoconsent;   // 0=off, 1=on
/*19557*/	uint8				raidAutoconsent;    // 0=off, 1=on
/*19558*/	uint8				guildAutoconsent;   // 0=off, 1=on
/*19559*/	uint8				unknown19559[5];    // ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
/*19564*/	uint32				unknown15964;

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Old 07-27-2010, 10:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 61

Ok that is information overload ATM... Will take me a bit to read through all that and understand it but I will get it...

Mainly what I am trying to do is setup a webpage where players can see all their toons, stats, bank and inventory items and so on...
Make it so they can unstick their own toons from their own control panel without assistance...
Make it so they can read and send in-game mail from their CP area also...
And so on... Am sure none of this is new to most here but I am relatively new to programming so it has been a great learning experience for me...
So far the learning curve for the BLOB has outdone anything I expected to do though...

I appreciate the help GeorgeS...
I will look into that tool of yours for Administration purposes.... That is one of the few tools you make that I didn't download...
The PHP PEQ editor from code source is a nice tool but it has some limitations that your tools don't have... The PEQ editor is a quick easy one for fast editing
but when I need power I use yours...

I very much appreciate those tools and the efforts you put into them...
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