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Old 03-22-2011, 01:18 AM
Join Date: May 2009
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haha Funk, did you ever think you would be using kmra as an example like that! True though, too bad its such a shit hole now. And the banned thing...
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Old 03-22-2011, 01:38 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Funkey Monkey View Post
Theres no point in that, unless you have custom code the sta,str etc does nothing really but hp/mana and weapon dmg does. Its easy to bump up mob hp and player hp/dmg and be 100% balanced. I played on a server that top player had little over 300k hp fully raid geard/aug and would do weap dmg around 70-90k, the end game raid mobs also hit like 50k+, same game just different numbers. But its a totally different rush taking a 50-70k quad over 3k or 5k hits as example.
very well, I tell you BIG SECRET - all those +12hps, and 6 dmg weapons - all those numbers are actually in BILLIONS. There just was no space to write 12,000,000,000, so we simply omitted the word "billion" at the end.

So that bracer in fact has +12 BILLIONS hp, and that weapon hits for 6 BILLION damage!!
And that mob just hit you for 76 BILLION Damage!

Wow! Now those are cool numbers, isn't it?
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Old 03-22-2011, 03:23 AM
Funkey Monkey
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Originally Posted by Caryatis View Post
haha Funk, did you ever think you would be using kmra as an example like that! True though, too bad its such a shit hole now. And the banned thing...
Haha yeah i didnt even want to use the name..the stats were the only reason i stayed around so long.
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Old 04-19-2011, 05:44 PM
Fire Beetle
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I want to see a PEQ sever, but redo all the pre-luclin dungeons and raids to be level 60+ dungeons, and redo the stats on their drops as well...

Actually I'll start work on this tonight. Need level 65 Skeletons quadding me for 800s in befallen.
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Old 01-18-2013, 04:11 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 3

:casts raise dead spell:

What about a progression server with only a few tweaks?

1. Experience
2x/3x *whichever feels balanced but fast* exp to greatly reduce grind but still force leveling 'process'

2. Boxing
Allow mq2 boxing "though only if the gm's enforce/monitor prohibited activity. "/zone.. /afk exp-grind macros.. /ect"

3. Mobs and bosses
Slightly reduced mob/boss output to accommodate a smaller player base. *but no face roll mode.. that's what WoW is for. Overall dam output/hp of progression req bosses wouldn't really need to be adjusted IF suggestion #2 is in effect, a few people could make up a raid to take on that content.

4. Progression
I am mixed on if progression should be character flag based, or server based (alla live). Character based helps people who don't want to guild up.. but then can also really gimp them if the mobs aren't tuned to solo content. Server progression based gives the server community the sense of accomplishment.. but then could be easily made into a boring server if a group of boxers steamroll through content and open up everything.
Though, if keeping server at normal difficulty.. even a guild of mq2ers would take them awhile to gear up/ect to be able to say, finish velious progression content.

5. Gear
Increased drop rates (not insane, but who wants to sit around for 24 hours camping an item anymore when could have been exping and outgrown the item already. Say.. 2x/3x the Live-like drop rate... and increased spawn timers on the mobs/Ph's. A very basic starter gear set of items. Perhaps say, crafted set from Karana quests?
Give players a boost to start so not getting killed by rats, but not enough to feel safe, ever.
ALSO.. I'd consider making all items (other than quest rewards) tradable. Feel that helps a smaller community.

6. Crafting
I have always felt that crafting is one of, if not the most, important thing in EQ. (GM crafter across the board on live for many years). This should be given a boost to help promote crafters AND a player community. So, increased skill-up rate.. but not auto success. *nothing worse than spending a few hours farming mats for say, 50 combines, then not getting a single skill-up*.
I'd also consider putting in a few npc merchants with TS materials. Not high end/rare mats.. but grinding materials to help give starting crafters a boost into their professions.

7. Corpses
Ideally, I'd say keep it old school.. drop items on death. Though, even I admit that was a pain at worst, an annoyance at the least. I'd be ok with keeping items on death. I'd even be ok with no exp loss on death. Though I wouldn't want people to be running around fearless.. so I'd like to see something in place.. a lesser version of the two things.. or perhaps a death debuff.. dunno.

8. Custom Content
Never been much of a fan of all these customized everquest servers I have seen. I admit some are brilliantly done, don't get me wrong.. but we mostly come here for the nostalgia, right? At least that's my 2 cents. A little bit of custom content as needed would be fine.. (to help the server stability, or progression, or the small community.. whatever).

9. Premium accounts / donations
I have donated to many emu servers over the years.. I understand that they are paying for hosting, ect.. and I don't mind helping out. Though I have gotten a real sour taste in my mouth over the years because of all the Wow private servers that are clearly P2W servers. Wouldn't want to see a server like that. *and remove the point of progression, right?*
Though to reward people who donate, sure, of course.. that's a fair thing. Exp potions/buffs.. an item of choice *ONLY from current unlocked expansion*.. I could live with that.

10. really can't think of a 10th suggestion.. sure I'll think of something later and edit it in.

But that's just my thoughts. Chew and spit out.
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Old 02-08-2013, 08:24 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 5

I played from 3.5 Beta till Luclin, took some years off then found the wonders of Eqemu. Ive played on pretty much every server available, sometimes till end game and sometimes for only an hour. I've yet to find that "sweetspot" that fills the void within me. So what do I want?

Well I think one of the biggest problems for me is server population. Ive found some great places to play, but the servers are dead, and two or three sixboxers that dont speak English dont count I really miss that social interaction aspect of the game. Sure there are tons of servers with a healthy population, and great people to boot, but the server styles just never seems to grab me.

Alot of the higher pop server have some great content, but its all end game oriented. Thats awesome, but I dont box. I play one character with a bot, when available, and to alot of these places that dosnt cut it. If you dont have a six man raid box going, your pretty much useless to them.

So now i find myself bouncing from server to server. Playing what solo, low level content I can, get board because noone else plays there, or not on my time, and leave to find something else to keep my A.D.D. happy

"Ok, so population, thats one thing. Why not just stick it out?" I'm glad you asked.

Content. It seems like no matter where I go, the servers have this insane XP rate, where im out leveling what custom quests and drops are available befoire ive even had a chance to enjoy them. Pushing me back into that feeling of "if your not raidng for T8 gear or whatever then this isnt the place for you." Personally I love the low end crawl and discovery that comes with making a new character. The joys of getting that new +1 Sword and spending time bashing Orc (or Gnome ) heads in.

Ok then.

1) Unique custom content and drops. Quests, loot, etc.. Lots. Sure old school gear is cool, but weve all been there done that. And camping Guk for an SSoY for two days..no thanks, tired of it.

2) Xp rate of like 1.5-2x I mean lets face it. Were here to enjoy ourselves, but I dont have the time of 10+ years ago, So a little kick is Ok. Just dont level me to 50 in an hour

3) Boxing and MQ. Heres a tough one. MQ - No. To easily abused. Having the Map function showing where the named mobs are was really awesome when i fist tried it, but the many other options of the proggie make it a game breaker. I'd rather not even have it as an option. And Boxing..well maybe a limit of one xtra IP so you can at least get a healer going if you tank etc. Bots are ok I suppose but from what ive experianced and caster type is Horrible at mana conservation. Yea, I know there kinda supposed to be that way I guess. Just kills me, pun intended, when my healer is spamming me the minute I take one hit, then goes OOM when I Need them. We all know this heh. Me tho, I'd rather have a bot then boxing. Kinda forces people to group up, or at least strongly encourages them. But if no one else plays there, how can that even happen..

4) RolePlaying- just seems like its a dead art. I'm not saying you need to know the complete history of Norrath, hell if I knew anything about coding and createing a server I wouldnt even refrence Norrath. Create a whole new world, something Akin to NeverWinter. Where DM's create whole new experiances and adventures from scratch.

5) Stay out of the same old damn zones. Guk, CB, Unrest, Paludal... These are Great places, dont get me wrong, but Damn! Every freaking server just about, uses these same areas as leveling points. Argghh! EQ is Huge! Take me somewhere I've never Been or havnt been a million times already..Please!!

6) I think I've about lost everyone at this point as this has become nothing more than the incoherent ramblings of an old man, lost in the memories of days gone by, and talking in circles never making complete thoughts... Where am I anyways?

Custom content
Slow it down
No Six man box teams
Roleplay/Create a New World (Alot of work, this I know)
Unique Areas
Population (never gonna happen - too much competition)

And as an example ChaosSlayers(sp?) Alt-Prog on THF was the closest thing I have ever found meeting my criteria. Had an Awesome time with it..just noone else played it when I did. So it just felt as tho I was playing Elder Scrolls with some global chat in the background that had nothing to do with what I was doing at the time, just turned it off.

Just my 2c No disrespect in any way to the many different servers where tons of love and hard work have gone into making their dreams a reality. Props to you all for it.
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Old 02-09-2013, 09:41 PM
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I just want Last World back =(
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Old 02-10-2013, 11:42 AM
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woot! My name is getting mentioned on a good account for once j/k

Anyway, on a subject of "old zones": one thing to do with them is shift them around in level (and possibly theme). CB being a newbie dungeon, could be made a 50+ raid zone etc
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Old 02-10-2013, 06:53 PM
Hill Giant
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I thought having an economy based Progression server would be cool, but it's not catching on like I thought it would. Even though I didn't see another out there, someone is already bored of the idea.
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Old 02-10-2013, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Leetsauce View Post
I thought having an economy based Progression server would be cool, but it's not catching on like I thought it would. Even though I didn't see another out there, someone is already bored of the idea.
Aye the idea behind alot of server that goes on sounds amazing. Building a world in your eyes and hoping other players like it is the gamble of Emulated servers. Luckily yours turned out good you have what 50+ players on a few hours ago? I personally dont have a client to run your server otherwise i would check it out but i hear great things about your server.
Also Knows as Tavish

Liquest Auctions, WTB AA's up to the current compatable clients PST with offer.

"A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." ~Fredrick Nietzsche

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.." ~Albert Einstein
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Old 02-11-2013, 01:57 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Default Playing EQemu since 2007

1. PvP? PvE? Mix? (explain if mix)
[Me] PvE - I have no interest in PVP, I just like to do my thing.

2. All available expansions? Progression? Old school?
[Me] Progression is fun, but it's annoying not having access to the better levelling areas. Faster xp curve helps with that.

3. Custom content, or EqLive standard?
[Me] I like a mix of both. I like when custom quests and items are added to EQLive zones. My favorite servers have been ones with custom items liberally sprinkled across all zones so that you have to go on an easter egg hunt to find them. ie clearing through Siren's Grotto and discovering that a certain type of siren deep within drops a really nice warrior 1hs.

5. Exp rates?
[Me] I prefer somewhere around 5x or so, depending on player power vs mob power.

6. Lvl 1 grind? Insta level?
[Me] Grinding isn't particularly fun from lower levels, but it's good to make us work a little bit to reach max level. 6-10 hours to reach max level seems reasonable.

7. Equipment/spell vendors? ect?
[Me] Yes, yes. Hunting for spells is a total pain in the ass. My favorite implementation of this would auto-scribe your spells when you levelled, sublime.

8. Bots?
[Me] I'd rather box a crew than have a lot of bots, but I don't mind when they're around.

9. Macroquest allowed? (admit to being a big mq2er myself).
[Me] Yes! Most of my enjoyment of EQ comes from boxing a group and that's much much harder without MQ2. I think it's totally reasonable to ban players for using MQ2s warping/equip/any other more hack-y features.

10. Leave me alone to play server? or gm hosted events/fun suprises?
[Me] Either. I think the content should speak for itself.

Additional suggestions:

A. Give me some sort of progression so I can move from zone to zone and feel that sense of achievement and progress. Please allow 1 group to do pretty much all of the progression, I really hate when I hit a roadblock where I suddenly need 2-3 groups to progress. That's when I typically stop playing (and stop donating) on a server.

B. Give me some alternate gear progression, such as weapons/gear purchasable for large amounts of platinum. This gives players an alternative to grinding progression zones and helps break things up.

C. Let me feel powerful. Let me twink new chars with awesome items, one way to do this is to remove No Drop and avoid recommended/minimum level. I love creating a new char and tearing through the content with high end weapons. Bonus: This fosters a lot of goodwill in the playerbase because they tend to give away nice items to other players, since they typically have more than they need.

D. Teleporter! Travel was the worst part of EQ, so please include a teleporter that sends you to any zone. This is especially important for multi-boxers, I hate playing on servers where I have to run my crew through zone after zone just to get to a new hunting ground.
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Old 02-11-2013, 08:04 PM
chrsschb's Avatar
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I see a lot of players requesting a server like Clumsy's World, too bad it fell off the grid due to lack of players.
Clumsy's World: Resurgence [2019-Present]
Clumsy's World 2.0 [2014-2016]
Clumsy's World [2006-2012]
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Old 02-12-2013, 05:40 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 5

Never played on clumsy's and the link in your sig basically says closed. mind dropping specs? just curious
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Old 02-12-2013, 10:21 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 488

funkey monkey:

my server (Alakamin) has content through to the end of SoF (Crystallos), and im workingon building the SoD and subsequent content, im not doing it eqlive style, but its 100% custom on the side of the quests and npc behaviour, only the items and some npc placement is from peq, i have added 1000s of my own npcs through webspiders and such i wrote my self and some generator perl scripts i wrote.

custom progression is by person and right now i have 30 tiers open with 20 more planned

as to the OP,
i think we could work together if you want, i am in sore need of quest writers!
Demon Overlord of Alakamin
skype @ davoodinator
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Old 02-13-2013, 05:30 PM
phorest's Avatar
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a plane old random loot server. no crazy quests, no crazy fast exp. just wander around and easter egg hunt and have fun. No randomizing stats so a cloth cap gives +15hp regen and 5k hp.. none of that, just a plain jane random loot server so you can wander around and kill firebeetles looking for a good item.
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