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Old 04-10-2008, 11:02 PM
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Every time I log in to these forums I see some message from some disgruntled person posting random crap about something and acting dumb. They ask if they can use another client (why titanium), or this code is crap and doesn't work etc. I am sure they are some user from a long while ago that didn't get their way or someone made them mad and they decide every now and then to post random crap on the forums. It's not just this person. There are a couple others.

Like cavedude said, windcatcher is a major contributer to eqemu. Either directly or indirectly he has done a hell of a lot for the project. Your talking about some code that was submitted 3 years ago? Why would you even care by now?

If you don't like it go away. Why waste your freakin time.
Old 04-11-2008, 05:13 AM
Hill Giant
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I would pretty much say CD works his can off day in and day out with the PEQ databases, Which in reality is currently the most updated and well kept database/quest team for eqemu. To say or even badger him about *not doing anything for eqemu* is a load of bull.

as for the disagreement bans that were spoke of, I think I have recently *dissagreed* or made some comments apart from what cd and other devs feel/think, and I haven't been banned.. Kinda disproves your statement there.

If you go to any open source community and act like an ass clown you will be banned from the forums.

Open source means the code is open source, not the forums.
Corv, to have any decent emu, it takes years to develop it, REALLY good ones go slowly with clean code, Just as EQEMU is going, I can point out several MMO emus that have rushed things and have ended up with complete and utter garbage for code with no hope of fixing it except by rewriting everything from scratch.

If you have code to add then submit it, get of the high horse and help out, it is open source which means anyone can submit code for it.
Old 04-11-2008, 06:26 AM
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to modify my prior post wildcardx was the one who did it not windcatcher my appology wind now that said peq isnt eqemu is it that is a seperate project, and if he is incharge of that project it doesnt or shouldnt grant him developer titles and powers here unless he is developing code for the emu

To see all the disagreement bans simply look in the memberslist or the idiot posters category which i must say is REAL mature to call others an idiot publicly like that great work admins oh yeah thats really going to encourage others to be involved...

Amra i would suggest you either calm down or stop posting you show both your ignorance and immaturity with such a rude post so i give you a thought... grow up or shut up and 0.7 is not 3 years old and code is code 1 day or 10 years it is still MY Code and shouldnt have been ripped off the way it was. as for "random crap" it is far from that it was a suggestion and concern as was previously explained and you are just an immature and rude angry persona nd i have no further time to waste on YOU.

As for wildcardx (AGAIN SORRY WINDCATCHER) he did steal my code and delete my posts my code was part of the fixes that made this compatable with mysql 5 yet you dont see any mention of it not comming from anyone but him and that sickens me opensource or not it still came from MY Brain not his if i wished to press the issue i could easily get a friend involved who knows firsthand that i fixed the code but its not worth my time for one for two it would do no good anyway.

I love how the 15 year old trollers have to come shoot their mouth off in defense and offense please littleone run along your mommy is calling you

i ask that this post be closed or deleted before more flamers and trollers decide to come shoot their mouths off as well
Old 04-11-2008, 10:19 AM
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You know, you aren't the first one to complain about code being ripped off. I know that's one of devn00b's major gripes as well. That's really troubling to me, and I really wish there were some way to heal those old wounds and get things sorted out so that everyone's happy and can get back to what's important; moving this project forward. However, we can only deal with what we're given, and most of the folks doing heavy work now and submitting/committing code weren't around for the past drama.

When was the last time you saw a post from FNW? I think the last time I saw a Doodman post was the whole login server debacle. (Please, oh please, don't let it be a mistake for me to bring that up...)

Are things here a little weird as far as leadership goes? Sure. Have there been mistakes in the past? Absolutely. Will I stop sounding like Donald Rumsfeld, asking myself questions and answering them? Definitely.

The people who have stepped up to keep things in order here and moving forward (Angelox, Mattmeck, Cavedude, and plenty more) have done so in spite of the way the forums have been managed in the past. The people who have been contributing code and fixes (Cavedude listed many, many coders, and there have even been recent ones putting in heavy work like TheLieka, Wild, and KLS) have built upon what's there in the past and might be just lucky enough, like myself, to have come into this project at a time where all the drama seemed like ancient history and they were able to start fresh without it weighing on them.

That's just my cock-eyed, optimistic view of things, though. I'd like to think we can all play nice, everyone can get credit for what they've done, and whatever issues people had with the previous project higher-ups can be shelved, since they aren't even around.
Old 04-11-2008, 11:06 AM
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Fuck everyone with stars in their titles. They aren't living up to this guy's standards!


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Old 04-11-2008, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by corvanus View Post
to modify my prior post wildcardx was the one who did it not windcatcher my appology wind now that said peq isnt eqemu is it that is a seperate project, and if he is incharge of that project it doesnt or shouldnt grant him developer titles and powers here unless he is developing code for the emu
The next time you go to grab anything released by PEQ after 12/5/06, don't. Otherwise, you'll look like a big damn hypocrite. This includes any quest file written since then. PEQ, is in all reality a sub project of EQEmu. Everything that gets done there is released here. We depend on each other. Our content is useless without a server, and likewise, EQEmu's server is useless without content. To top that, The Grand Creation, run by me is used as a test server for the entire EQEmu project. A good amount of the bugs corrected in the code are posted on PEQ's forums, not here and picked up by KLS or Wild there. Database DEVELOPMENT is important as well, you know. But, if you need more traditional examples: http://eqemulator.net/forums/showthread.php?t=24611, not to mention the several changes I have in the EQEmu changelog. They aren't much, but they are several more than you have I bet. I won't even get into the time spent here attempting to support and help others.


Is that your post? I bet it is, the grammar is dead on. Do a search, it was never deleted.

You provided pre-compiled binaries (no code changes, you just compiled against 5.0, or had somebody do it for you!), and 2 (of 4) required, but elementary sql changes for 5.0 compatibility. This is in addition to attacking people (big fucking surprise) to the point that FNW directed this at you:

"Please do not take such a negative attitude in the future towards the work we do here. Talking crap about us or the code does nothing but aggrivate us, help is appriciated, criticism without solution provided is not."

Woah, still applies. Imagine that.

Wildcard provided the other 2 changes, and as he said he would have provided all 4 anyway, without you posting them. He was a huge advocate of moving to MySQL 5.0, I know this because he and I got into it a long, long while back regarding that and MyISAM vs. InnoDB table formats.

Now, here is the actual changelog entry that came out of that post:

FatherNitwit: necro DOT feign death fix (unicorn97211)
FatherNitwit: Disable kill-pet-on-feigndeath by default (features.h FEIGN_KILLS_PET)
MySQL 5 compatibility increases (WildcardX):
alter table account DROP packencrypt;
alter table character_ change extprofile extprofile blob NULL;
alter table player_corpses change data data blob NULL;
alter table player_corpses_backup change data data blob NULL;

As you can see, FNW committed that change since Wildcard didn't have access at the time. FNW gave credit to Wildcard. You don't ask FNW to give you credit, he does it on his own. Therefore, Wildcard had nothing to do with this. There wasn't even any code, it was 4 MySQL queries. So, you have bashed Wildcard's name because FNW gave him credit for 2 of 4 MySQL queries. Why didn't your name appear? All the money I have is on the fact that it was an oversight. Wild's post was newer, and provided all 4 queries. FNW probably saw that, and just put it in. I would have done the same in his place. Had you provided all 4 queries, your name would have appeared there.

I would suggest keeping your mouth shut, to prevent looking even more like a fool than you do now.
Old 04-11-2008, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by TheLieka View Post
Fuck everyone with stars in their titles. They aren't living up to this guy's standards!
Stars and titles was my idea, and I intended it for the rest of the people that work hard at making the Emulator better, but got no recognition for it - I also plan on going down the changelog, and adding all the other people who have done public work for the emulator. I did this because I knew how I felt when I started here, and what it's like to work, work, work, and no one notice. You see, all the Devs, Admins, Mods, they all have their titles, and they are well-earned. Now, anyone who works for the project gets a title, and that's because they become part of the project when they do.

I don't see Eqemu belonging to anyone, or anyone stealing code? for what? It's free open-source! We really need to back off the Devs, All they do is post more fixes, for us to download and do what we want with it. Widcardx has done nothing but work for me and you, he has done a TON of stuff, things that are not even in change log.

Sooo... I have this idea about us all working as a team, who cares if FNW is here or not? at least hes appointed active devs and still screens who has control over the whole project - Somebody has to be in charge. I've seen whole projects go to hell right after people who have the site get tired and quit. believe me, I've gotten frustrated and pissed too, but I'm not going against the system here over it, and do not wail on people who are giveing me the emulator.

PEQ is the official open-source Database, therefore, is an intricate part of the source. I KNOW the goal there is to provide an adaptable database for everyones needs, be it Triologly , Classic, POP, or what ever. But your help is needed, just like they post everything they do, you need to help with what you can add to it.

We've been doing well lately, I hope we can keep it all going.
Old 04-11-2008, 08:54 PM
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sorry but i wont submit code to have you the devs rip it off and claim it as yours by claiming it doesnt meet standards and "rewriting it" with your byline on it, but that is my personal reason why i do not submit any of my code because it is just that my code and since i wont have someone elses name attached to it i wont submit it though i do give it to certaion people via pm or email or other medium it is with the expressed condition that it not be posted for the dev team to take credit for.

If it makes you feel better, we'll toss you a cookie and put your name in the changelog.

WildcardX (corvanus): Implemented this line in the changelog.

btw, next time you wanna drag my name through the mud, get your facts right.
Old 04-12-2008, 02:09 AM
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Actions Talk Bullshit walks, See ya later Corv-anus. Dont like the site then go help out hackersquest, Im sure they can find a position for you. Please dont let this type of person get anyone worked up , I can see it is having an effect on you there Cave. The pervs just trying to waste everyones time cause his mom wont let him out of his room, Someone just delete this crap and ban his stupid ass.

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Old 04-12-2008, 02:28 AM
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i dont care who did it and that was not the only time that my code was ripped off and credit given to another, and that is exactally why all my coding aside from basic basic mysql and perl quests will never be posted.

wild i didnt drag your name through the mud funny how you posted your code with missing changes and AFTER i posted those suddenly "oh i was gunna post that too" doesnt work like that it shows bad form on your part, thats like telling your boss at work that you were going to do someone elses stuff and should get credit for it since they did it before you? thats quite frankly retarted.

cavedude this might surprise you but ironicly i dont have anything to do with peq's database or quests other then writing them ironicly there are more then ax and peq to choose from and oh wow amazingly people can make their own. and frankly the one that i employ is far closer to live then both of those previously mentioned ones combined. so there is no hipocrasy here on my end.

I wont even touch the comments on the login server aside from to say that from my understanding it too was basicly ripped off from image and devn00b by doodman which i must say is pretty sad but dev released it to the public after he quit as a dev and i say right on for that, and while what he posted doesnt compile currently as it is missing functions and class members it is a good start for anyone who can find it on the net still.

funny how the devs answers are always the same when someone claims ripped off code is it not? is it not also funny that it hasnt just been me to make such a claim?

I have tried extremly hard not to go into a flame fest and now i am done it is quite simple if it smells like shit and looks like shit it generally is shit, and it is most certainly shitty that anyones code gets ripped off or claimed by someone else, and if i am not the only one to make such a claim maybe just maybe it is actually a real problem.

How would the developers feel if i took eqemu and changed the entire change log updated some of the code and put it out there with the loginserver code for anyone to download claiming it as MY work? im guessing that wouldnt go over very well, and the principal is the same if this is a community then it should be treated as such not have code stolen cause people say " hey i was going to post that!" how idiotic is that could you IMAGINE in a million years that flying at any normal buisiness?

yeah real mature ban me and delete it that is real mature i have broken no rule. even cavedude actually found some of the stuff i was refering to actually lending credence to what i said

and all you are doing by saying delete and ban him is showing that i was right anyone who disagrees gets banned so thank you for showing the entire community what i said was infact true and proving my point! by the way little boy i am probably twice your age
Old 04-12-2008, 02:44 AM
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by the way i would like to state that reguardless of what the code is it should never be ripped off and sak if you wish to throw insults at me feel free to do so but you only show how ignorant and immature you really are by doing so and i truly pitty you for being so insecure that you have to try attacking those whom you do not know
Old 04-12-2008, 03:04 AM
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Enough is enough, you are bringing lies and just plain bull shit to this community.

Go away we dont want you here.
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