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Old 11-17-2004, 10:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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We can all pretty much agree there's no nuclear weapons. Chemical and biological weapons are a different story, he used them in the past.
Uh, no. Saddam had PLENTY of time to move them to Iran or Syria. You cannot prove definitively prove they didn't have weapons, and we can't definitively prove they had them.
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Old 11-17-2004, 11:08 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 7

I'm not even going to bother telling you how i feel about your comment about my believing anything. And in regard to the nuclear weapons he may have had them but there was never any conclusive evidence, so it's all really just speculation. There was mountains of proof that he had chemical and biological weapons. So yeah it's entirely possible he had nukes but it will probably never be proven, which in the world theater means they didn't exist.

edit: i'd also like to add that i personally don't give a shit if iraq had nuclear weapons or not.
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Old 11-17-2004, 08:04 PM
Hill Giant
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Uh yea, reading my last post I have to apologize, route. It was way too rash. Sorry, nuthing against you personaly, I just happen to truly believe that the oilfields were and continue to be the primary reason for us being in Iraq at all. Everything else is just a good excuse to give to the general populus..
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Old 11-17-2004, 09:11 PM
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Baron Sprite
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where the fuck do you think he got the chemicals from?

-> USA &lt;- leading arms dealer in the world. think he decided to gas out of the fucking joy of it? he doesn't blow his nose without the ok from usg.

as for the comment about war on terror, that's just a bullshit lie for oil and other industry. why do you think we shoved a puppet goverment into afganistan? oil pipeline. think we took iraq to feed oil to the suvs assraping the streets with giant metal cocks? no it's a gas station for the next target, not to mention we cockblocked china out of iraq. it's like moving a bishop or rook.

saddam tried to kill his daddy and baby bush wants to do the cowboy thing and avenge it. I don't think anyone in the usa besides the pathetic humanitarian fucks gave a shit about anyone in the middle east.

peak oil was hit in what, 94 96 98? sometime around there, it's a downward slope from here, china is pumping out industrial revolution, think industy is fed by sunshine and giggles? the giant plummes of black smoke is the result of a giant cock being shoved up the world's asshole. oil burns and industry grows. all you're going to hear for the next 4 years is derka derka mohammad allah jihad or until the whole of the middle east singing the star spangled fucking banner.

it's kind of hard to win a war when you're fucking with a bunch of dillusioned fucks who think they get into heaven to fuck a never ending supply of young virgins (look it up that's how it is said I shit thee not) by blowing themselves up with c4 to take out a few civilians. what a fucking joke, I have more respect for a fucking serial killer then a suicide bomber, they atleast have the nuts to do it themselves instead of screaming derka derka and pushing a glowy red button in the middle of a pizza parlor. only way to win a war like this is to use the swordfish method. was something to the tune of: They bomb a church, we bomb ten. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourists, we tactically nuke an entire city.

that's how you win a war like this. infantry and armor strikes are for suckers.

believe anything other then above and you're just another mindless drone with your eyes glued the fuck shut by mass media. wake the fuck up and admit you're owned and enslaved by the machine. you can get hyper and defensive trying to convince yourself that you are the voice of the revolution or the voice of the conglomorate, but you're really just a worthless bot bitch that can be worthlessly emulated and replaced by half the world's population. my ai is better at being a fucking idiot then most anyone, and it's smarter then most people, pretty sad that anything you can say in a chat room is undermined by about 620 lines of code. wanna say yeah but that's the extremes? I can mimic the middle level with about 1/6th of that. you're fucking pathetic and you disgust me, bitches.
Waking up in the morgue is pretty harsh, but it beats being dead.
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Old 11-18-2004, 03:17 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 7

95% of that post is the same jaded rhetoric people have been vomiting onto the internet since the iraq war started. Another 2% is dedicated solely to anal sex references. That leaves about 3% worth commenting on. We seem to have different vantage points regarding the war. There's a small chance I'm wrong but it's very small so I'm going to assume you watched the war from your living room, which may be why you feel so strongly that infantry and armor are "for suckers". As far as how the war should be fought you really don't seem to have a clue, so you can preach hate for the government all you want but where the military is concerned you'd save what little face you have left by not boorishly ranting on things you don't understand.
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Old 11-18-2004, 04:49 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
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There are two professions that will never run out of work. Never. Guess the first one?
Second is soldier.

Baron, you're right that no one person is the voice of a revolution. As a democracy, we're set up so that nobody but a select few can change anything. The people with power are senators, congresspeople (men and womenses), and el Presidente. They outrule us all the time. So yeah, our opinions don't really matter in government between elections.

But think about other professions first. How much of a single person's opinion matters in the emergency room or in pricing of goods at Walmart? Government is no different. They go where the money goes, like everyone else. And in capitalism, we believe that positive income is good.

So this war that you claim is about oil - is it really? Even if it were, would it matter? This is what our country is founded on: the dominance of other countries in all things power. I know I sound like another "boot in the ass" country-loving redneck, but the truth of the matter is that war happens and has happened since before the Romans. We know that people who win wars usually have higher lifestyle expectations. We know that it's inhumane to take things from defenseless people without recompense.

But I'm not the president. I don't know what the president knows, so I can't complain because I don't know what the fuck is going on. The media always thinks it knows the answer, but even detailed facts could be distorted by our media.

Blame the president if you want, but I blame the people. We have too many needs, and it's not the average American who wants to give up his car for a subway system that will take 5-15 years to assemble and force the rebuilding of communities. Nobody wants to give up a strong economy and decrease our standard of living. We're in a stretch of increasing demands for increase of lifestyle. We medicate people who want to die of old age. We insist on having the highest-paying jobs in the world. We must have at least 1 car per family, sometimes averaging over 1 car per person. We pay our athletes more than doctors.

This money comes from the blood of others somewhere. Every great thing we have forces someone in the world to have something poor. In no way can Americans be considered the hardest-working people of the world. From my experience, I know that Japan has outworked us on a person-by-person basis. It's a great work ethic those guys have.

If we were generous and communistic, maybe we would be more fair, but we're not.

If Iraq hadn't violated its UN sanction, then the president would be an Asshat for attacking Iraq. But Iraq had sanctions set, and failed to comply, and we deposed the government according to the UN treaty. If the US wanted oil from it as well, then it's probably in the best interest of the government and this country to receive cheaper oil. So the US government represents the United States of Asshats, and we're all responsible because we don't conserve our goods and decrease our waste.

Politics won't change our needs. It will only affect which person tries to meet our unreasonable demands. Kerry or Bush - it doesn't matter... We would just bill our own people for our needs with Kerry, and Bush will bill the rest of the world. That's why Bush wins. We don't like paying our own debts.

That's my theory. Politics and society are evil by nature. If the rich of the US couldn't vote, and the Iraqis could vote, then Kerry would've won. The Iraqis don't want to pay for us to take their oil.

I need to wash myself US government makes me feel dirty.
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Old 11-18-2004, 05:09 AM
Hill Giant
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Originally Posted by a_Guest03
There are two..... US government makes me feel dirty.
You have done a great job of expressing the thoughts I would not out of pure PC. It's a line many do not wish to cross and even more do not wish to even see.
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Old 11-18-2004, 05:29 AM
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Baron, another good point is that it's hard to win a war against delusional opponents.

Remember what we did to Japan? They'd kill their own families before they'd be occupied by the US. Emperor was god, and god said protect him.

The war on terror will end when people start quelling the resistance until it's no longer reasonable to fight back... Their will will be broken eventually. It took 2 giant bombs for Japan. Let's hope it's less than that for the terrorist resistance.
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Old 11-18-2004, 06:19 AM
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*fake edit*
whoops wrong thread
(btw this is just getting silly, both threads!)
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Old 11-18-2004, 09:13 AM
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saddam tried to kill his daddy and baby bush wants to do the cowboy thing and avenge it. I don't think anyone in the usa besides the pathetic humanitarian fucks gave a shit about anyone in the middle east.
Sigh. No, 'baby bush' is not trying to avenge the 'failed attempts'. It was bascially a bad (in my opinion) attempt to get a PR spin of the main objective out there, because the Americans in the Administration's eyes couldn't 'handle' the truth. Which was, to show the middle-east we arent going to take no bull; you are with the terrorists, or with us. Why Iraq? They were a threat. If you watched the debates, you can see that John Kerry accused President Bush of 2 things. (1) Doing in North Korea what he says we SHOULD have done with Iraq is bad? (2) Going after threats before they materialize WHILE KEEPING THE OPTINION of 'Bush had prior knowledge and threats of 9/11'. Give me a freakin break. I absolutely love how much liberal media can misinform people.

Edit: Added more.
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Old 11-18-2004, 12:03 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 10

We can all pretty much agree there's no nuclear weapons. Chemical and biological weapons are a different story, he used them in the past.
Uh, no. Saddam had PLENTY of time to move them to Iran or Syria. You cannot prove definitively prove they didn't have weapons, and we can't definitively prove they had them.
On the topic of Saddam having those weapons, also think of how much open desert there is in that area. For all we know they might of just hid what they had.
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Old 11-18-2004, 02:45 PM
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Baron Sprite
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95% of that post is the same jaded rhetoric people have been vomiting onto the internet since the iraq war started..
too bad I don't read other posts on the internet about the iraq war and I tossed that post out to piss people like you off.

so I'm going to assume you watched the war from your living room, which may be why you feel so strongly that infantry and armor are "for suckers".
got about 35 friends USMC AF and MI. I don't yell at my tv to farenheit 9/11 like you to come on the internet and bash democrats or liberals because they made a movie about why your goverment sucks.

As far as how the war should be fought you really don't seem to have a clue, so you can preach hate for the government all you want but where the military is concerned you'd save what little face you have left by not boorishly ranting on things you don't understand
yeah tell that to my terrorisim &amp; modern warfare with advanced tactical theory and military management certs. if you think you know shit, you would know to shut the fuck up now about military tactics. unless you're a direct decendant of sun tzu you better sit the fuck down.

I absolutely love how much liberal media can misinform people.
I don't need the media to form my ideas for me, I make them up all on my own. you can have fun watching cnn in your hasmat suit in your fallout shelter though. I pity you.

On the topic of Saddam having those weapons, also think of how much open desert there is in that area. For all we know they might of just hid what they had.
yeah you're pretty freaking warped if you think that. if your country was being invaded and you were pretty much fucked, wouldn't you nuke all your enemies within range? wouldn't you blast the fuck out of the america MCPs? they posted our fucking troop postitions on TV, it wouldn't be that hard.

do you have any idea how hard it is to hide things in there desert when you have about 900 eyes in the sky watching every single inch of your country with about 200 different types of scanners? nuclear weapons leave a nice big trail that is very easy to spot. have you ever lived in a desert? you can't just hitch a ride in a pickup with sapwood chilling in the back and expect not to get noticed by the usm intelligence network or for them not to notice the hole you dug it into.
Waking up in the morgue is pretty harsh, but it beats being dead.
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Old 11-18-2004, 03:24 PM
Hill Giant
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Baron i'm sure he watches Fox not cnn :p
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Old 11-18-2004, 03:25 PM
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I don't need the media to form my ideas for me, I make them up all on my own. you can have fun watching cnn in your hasmat suit in your fallout shelter though. I pity you.
Excuse me? CNN is liberal.
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Old 11-18-2004, 04:14 PM
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Baron Sprite
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Posts: 708

does it look like I watch it or something? you fill in the blank for me.
Waking up in the morgue is pretty harsh, but it beats being dead.
Begun, this irc stat war has.
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