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Old 10-03-2006, 08:40 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049
Default I need a little help with my Linux server

I have everything running properly (so it seems), the world and all the zones start up normally. but when I go to log in from a client, the client just hangs at the login screen (DejaVu). I tried the Wine with MiniLogin and could see the server hook up, then the client- It just would not pass on to the world server. So, I went to try public, and same thing happened; I can see my server at the loggin, but when I go for it, it hangs, nothing visible happens on my server side. It acts as if there was a blocked port(s), but then minilogin should have worked if that were the case?
Anyways, heeelpp! any ideas are better than mine - I've been at this for at least two days. This is my second shot at a Linux server, and I hope I didn't create another giant, enema for myself.
I also "accidentaly" got MySql 5 running on this server, so it's sporting MySql5 - I know MySql is working, as I tested the EqEmu from my old windows setup, and also, I can see the data load when I start the Linux one.
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Old 10-03-2006, 10:15 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 166

First you should verify is there is any traffic from your client to the server.
Log in to the server and do as root:
tcpdump -pnni any host <client IP> and not port 22
the "and not port 22" part is only neccessary if you are connected via ssh from the machine you play from. Of course you have to install the tcpdump package.

Now fire up your client and look if you can see any traffic to your server.

Edit: I am not quite sure what happens since the public login fails too. Do I understand correctly and you are able to get to the character creation screen?

Last edited by eq4me; 10-03-2006 at 07:12 PM..
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Old 10-03-2006, 11:36 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 166

Originally Posted by eq4me
Edit: I am not quite sure what happens since the public login fails too. Do I understand correctly and you are able to get to the character creation screen?
Reading you post again I recon you are not able to reach the creation screen. If that is the case see if the <address> field in the servers eqemu_config.xml is configured correctly.

At least in a Minilogin setup it must reflect your servers IP.

If it is set ot the wrong value you are able to see the server on the login screen but you are not able to log in.
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Old 10-03-2006, 12:01 PM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Originally Posted by eq4me
First you should verify is there is any traffic from your client to the server.
Log in to the server and do as root:
tcpdump -pnni any host <client IP> and not port 22
the "and not port 22" part is only neccessary if you are connected via ssh from the machine you play from. Of course you have to install the tcpdump package.

Now fire up your client and look if you can see any traffic to your server.

Edit: I am not quite sure what happens since the public login fails too. Do I understand correctly and you are able to get to the character creation screen?
Thanks for you help - I'm looking for the package , I'm pretty sure traffic flows though, as this is also, email, web, ftp etc. server. Also, I can actually startup my windows-machine EQEMU and access the MySql databas on my Linux server.
I can't get to the character screen - the client just hangs for a while, then drops back.
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Old 10-03-2006, 12:07 PM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Here's the to config files, I think are right, i was using these for the windows server - but maybe I missed something;



<?xml version="1.0">
		<longname>Blackwater (under construction)</longname>

		<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
		<!-- <address>some.server.com</address> -->
		<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->

		<!-- Loginserver information.  Defaults shown -->

		<!-- Server status.  Default is unlocked -->
		<!-- <unlocked/> -->

		<!-- Sets the ip/port for the tcp connections.  Both zones and console (if enabled).  Defaults are shown -->
		<tcp ip="blackwater.dynip.com" port="9000" telnet="disable"/>

		<!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
		<!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service.  Defaults are shown -->
		<http port="9080" enabled="false" mimefile="mime.types" />

	<!-- Chatserver (channels) information.  Defaults shown -->

	<!-- Mailserver (in-game mail) information.  Defaults shown -->


		<!-- Sets port range for world to use to auto configure zones -->
		<ports low="7000" high="7100"/>

	<!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini.  Defaults shown -->

	<!-- Launcher Configuration -->
		<!-- <logprefix>logs/zone-</logprefix> -->
		<!-- <logsuffix>.log</logsuffix> -->
		<!-- <exe>zone.exe or ./zone</exe> -->
		<!-- <timers restart="10000" reterminate="10000"> -->

	<!-- File locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <spells>spells_us.txt</spells> -->
		<!-- <opcodes>opcodes.conf</opcodes> -->
		<!-- <logsettings>log.ini</logsettings> -->
		<!-- <eqtime>eqtime.cfg</eqtime> -->
	<!-- Directory locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <maps>Maps</maps> -->
		<!-- <quests>quests</quests> -->
		<!-- <plugins>plugins</plugins> -->

Last edited by Angelox; 10-03-2006 at 08:35 PM..
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Old 10-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 166

For Minilogin try this in your eqemu_config.xml

                <!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. -->

                <!-- Loginserver information. -->
And better **** your passwords here
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Old 10-03-2006, 12:41 PM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Actually, here's what I used for minilogin
<?xml version="1.0">
                <!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. -->
		<!-- Loginserver information.  -->

                <!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->

                <!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service. -->
                <http port="9080" enabled="true" mimefile="mime.types" />

                <!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini. -->
I keep copies of both - I'd rather use minilogin as it's faster to re load and test changes for errors. I switched to public, just to see if that was the problem.
There must be something I'm not doing right on the server , and it has to be port and/or permissions related
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:11 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 356

I believe that MiniLogin RELIES on the Loginserver.ini file for it's settings, not the XML file

In the Loginserver.ini file, put the
Loginserver= and the


and see what happens.
Random Segments of Code....
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:39 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Originally Posted by Aramid
I believe that MiniLogin RELIES on the Loginserver.ini file for it's settings, not the XML file

In the Loginserver.ini file, put the
Loginserver= and the


and see what happens.
I made the change and still have same results - MiniLogin sees the client, but what doesn't pic up is the eqemu server;
112824 New client from ip: port: 1480
Unknown packet:  .2078968382 [>]
[OpCode 0x0003 (OP_Unknown) Size=11]
 00000: 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00                | ...........
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:48 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Here's some output off the server - it seems world stops then zone starts , but under windows it seems they both stay running?
[root@nahunta server]# ./startup
[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_world.log
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting TCPServerLoop with thread ID -1212912720
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting TCPServerLoop with thread ID -1221305424
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_world.log
[Status] Using database 'ax_peq' at localhost:3306
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Starting HTTP world service...
[Debug] [WORLD__HTTP] Loaded mime types from mime.types
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading variables..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading zones..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing groups..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading items..
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting DBAsyncLoop with thread ID -1229710416
[Status] libEMuShareMem.so loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=55054
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading guilds..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Live
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting EQStreamFactoryReaderLoop with thread ID
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting EQStreamFactoryWriterLoop with thread ID
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server...
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connected to Loginserver:
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting TCPConnectionLoop with thread ID -1295127
[root@nahunta server]# [Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_23005.log
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Starting main loop...
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] Connected to World:
[Debug] [COMMON__THREADS] Starting TCPConnectionLoop with thread ID -1213367
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zones'. Loading zone
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zones to active
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_01.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_02.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_03.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_04.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_05.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_01, but it is
already running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_02, but it is
already running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_03, but it is
already running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_04, but it is
already running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_05, but it is
already running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_01
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_01 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 20000 milliseconds before booting the sec
ond zone.
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_02
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_02 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_03
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_03 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_04
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_04 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next                     zone.
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_05
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_05 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next                     zone.
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[root@nahunta server]# [Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #1 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #2 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #3 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #4 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Zone started with name dynamic_05 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use port 7000
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Zone started with name dynamic_03 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use port 7001
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Zone started with name dynamic_02 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use port 7002
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Zone started with name dynamic_01 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use port 7003
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #5 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Zone started with name dynamic_04 by launcher zones
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Auto zone port configuration.  Telling zone to use port 7004
[root@nahunta server]#
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Old 10-04-2006, 05:33 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
Location: filler
Posts: 2,049

Just as a follow up, incase anyone else ever runs into this - the problem was with my Shorewall Firewall; I need to keep it(Shorewall) running because my old Lynksys router has a bug to where it does not re-direct ftp port properly, so I have my server in DMZ mode, with Shorewall.
I guess I don't have all the proper ports cleared under shorewall yet.
I stopped the firewall, then rebooted after setting dmz off - everything worked fine then.
So I'll go back to Shorewall, and work with the ports there.
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