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No Phun Intended
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Worldserver Name:
No Phun Intended - ( WIP )
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Server Information
Registered Name:
No Phun Intended
Server Type:
Legit, Custom, PvE
Server Owner:
Bringing back No Phun Intended. Currently developing.
Looking to make a server you can play that's a bit different from vanilla EverQuest. Ideally everyone will be able to advance through most content with just a single group. This should be easier as well since bots are enabled. That way those who do not want to box aren't force to and those that do are rewarded.
ROF2 Client which includes all available Quality of Life features
Out of Era Alternate Advancement (Get all AA above level 80 @ level 80)
Out of Era Spells! (Get all spells above level 80 @ level 80)
Every single item is tradable!
Every item has been buffed.
Easy to obtain starter gear with world drops to upgrade it.
Custom spells and Items
No level requirements on loot with the exception of certain procs and click effects
All Race/Class combos
Epic 1.0s buffed from classic versions and given on spawn
Epic 1.5/2.0 Questable from world drops. Get the piece you need anywhere.
Instancing for all solo/group/raid content w/ XP bonus for solo players
Buff and Port NPCs in hub zone.
#warp command in game to get around as needed.
MQ2/E3 allowed for boxing (No AFK macros or Ghost killing)
Bots enabled for those who do not want to box
Most content can be cleared solo or with bots. However multiple boxes are still welcome!
New content coming out pretty much daily right now.
I am highly receptive to feedback about content. Give me ideas I turn into code and I will reward you with tokens in game .
And more...