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Divine Reapers [US][LIVE-XP+MERCS]
 Worldserver Name: Divine Reapers [US][LIVE-XP+MERCS]
 Server Version: [U]
 Server Status: Down (Last Seen: 03/18/24 06:26 AM EST)
 Average Players: 2
 Max Players: 8
 Registered Name: Divine Reapers [US][LIVE-XP+MERCS]
 Server Type: Legit
 Class: Standard
 Server Owner: Chippy
 Website: http://discord.gg/Vk2CMDZF7r
 Description: Our mission is similar to Project 1999: That is we intend to bring back the glory days of EverQuest before SOE ruined it. Our ideals differ from P99 in that we believe the point of failure for EverQuest was the cash shop and how adding 2x experience on-demand and near-max-level characters on demand devalued and cheapened everyone else's experience.

Therefore, you will find that any item (besides deco/fluff) items will be available to everyone through earning that item except for special server events. We WILL NOT ever sell any stat item or item that manipulates experience or stats - EVER.

We are currently raid-testing Omens of War - that's right, it's completed (in theory) on our server and we're looking for testers to be issued lvl 70 characters (which will be controlled and deleted after the test) and taken into a few raids to see how the raid tasks work.

Our server is unique in several aspects. Firstly, the hardware is likely better than live hardware. We currently have 4 servers running at least 24 Xeon cores, and at or over 144GB of RAM on each server. The circuit is 50gbps and the servers run on a 1gbps public connection and a 1gbps vlan connection (different adapters so lan traffic doesn't interfere with wan traffic).

Secondly, our head admin is a former employee of SOE - an actual, verifiable GM responsible for the E-Marr server. That means management knows the ins and outs of the command structure to help players recover from bugs and other oddities while also being trained on how to look for botters who can quickly ruin grouping experiences in the game.

Third, our community is old, time-tested, and is always available to help those that need it. Our discord is listed - join us, check us out and if we're not your cup of tea, no hard feelings. Be sure to have a look at our server rules. We're pretty strict on the cheating and botting so it would do you well to read through them before joining the server.

We are hoping to provide this community with a "go-to" server for a fair, authentic, and high performance MMO experience. If you visit our servers and feel as if we have in any way failed our mission, please let Chip know in Discord.

See you soon! Game on!
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