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Aegis of Norrath
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Worldserver Name:
Aegis of Norrath: Classic Progression server
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Server Information
Registered Name:
Aegis of Norrath
Server Type:
Legit, Custom, PvE
Server Owner:
Description: Aegis of Norrath is a community-driven server currently in the Scars of Velious (6/2023), where we strive to preserve a classic(ish) experience while also adding quality-of-life features from later expansions. Our dedicated team aims to create a fun and nostalgic journey through EverQuest's classic and progression eras. While MQ2 and multiboxing are allowed, cheating in any form, including warping, instant camping, or hacks, will not be tolerated. Let's foster kindness and relish in the nostalgia together! Join us on Discord to be a part of our community. https://discord.gg/ypCh38Htjs
Server Features
ROF2 Client
All loot is tradeable with the exception of High-level quest items and raid loot.
Instances available for all raid targets with a 7-day lockout period
Classic loot drops like Manastone, Jboots, Guise, etc., still drop.
MQ2 Allowed - Boxing up to 18 accounts
Lore has been removed form all items to make inventory management easier for boxing
QOL Features turned on include: Retain items upon death, Retain memorized spells upon death, Removed Race penalties, Added extended target windows, All Backpacks are 10 slot bags, and all TS items stack to 1000.
Raid XP penalty was removed. Raids gain xp at a similar rate as groups.
Responsive Server Administrators
East Commonland's Tunnel is the Hub zone. Buffs do not fade while in EC. Perfect newbie location!
Translocators outside of every city offering ports back to ECTunnel.