View Full Version : Quests::LUA

  1. Client:HateList() or determining which mobs are aggro on a client...
  2. lua_modules/items.lua enhanced
  3. Need help with global/spells/spellid.lua script
  4. event_case - LUA
  5. Changing corpses loot
  6. Mob:GetOwner
  7. Lua npc languages
  8. How to set a find button path in Lua script?
  9. Simple Lua Concatenation
  10. $npc->GetItemStat($itemid, "id"); in LUA?
  11. Getting the grid
  12. NPC Self buff in POK
  13. Faratain newbie quest trouble
  14. Lua: Getting qglobals in event_death_complete
  15. LuaRocks support
  16. Potimea remove raid
  17. Lua to ooc
  18. Lua interpret a skill (like taunt)
  19. Remove Raid Time
  20. TakeMoneyFromPP() not working for this script
  21. Using the Lua event_hate_list
  22. Set Base Attribute Values
  23. MySQL connect
  24. Client:GetAccountName()
  25. Anti-MQ2 Reward NPC
  26. Lua trade ins not working
  27. get account status?
  28. Adding a pause to scripts
  29. Deleteing Globals
  30. event_level_up()
  31. items.lua issue and my resolution
  32. Getting an NPC to play a custom MP3 file in LUA.
  33. LuaRocks on Windows