View Full Version : Source code help

06-13-2005, 05:21 AM
i know this isnt a support forum but i didnt know where to put this. I am looking to stick titles in and i got instructions from Cisyouc/FatherNitwit in IRC and they basically told me to add titles in to spawn struct and player profile to make them useable in 6.0dr2.
/*1388*/ char servername[32]; // length probably not right
/*1421*/ char title[64]; //length might be wrong
/*1488*/ uint32 guildid2; //

/*007*/ Color_Struct dye_rgb[9]; // armor dye colors
/*0016*/ char title[32]; // Player's title not sure if i can do this
/*043*/ int8 class_; //class

Everything compiled but players were unable to join game. help please