View Full Version : factions (again)

02-19-2006, 06:49 AM
Hey everyone..new here, but a friend of branks (the guy that revamped all those aa's) and we've kind of gotten re-interested in making a pretty highly customized server. He's working with the code 6.0-DR3 (I don't know C from Yiddish), and I've been working on the DB..mobs, grids, spells, etc. For the server we're building, we've totally deleted the following tables using MySQL:

+ others but those are not important for this question (I think).

So we want 2 opposing (fighting) factions in one zone, and I can't get the advice in either of these threads to work properly.



So far in the npc_types table, i have all mobs on npc_faction_id 1 or 2, social set to 1 (want them to assist each other), and npc_aggro set to 1.

in the faction lists table (format is id / name / base /) I have
1 / Blue Team / 1000 and
2 / Red Team / -1000 (so players con warmly to blue and KOS to red)

not using the other entries in this table as they're for setting race/class/diety modifiers, which I don't need.

On to the npc_faction table - format is id / name[MEMO] / primary faction -here I have:
1 / Blue_Team / 1
2 / Red_Team / 2

I don't really get why the old db had different values for faction and primary faction, so I tried changing the primary faction codes to 4 digit numbers (1001, 2001) -it didn't seem to change/help anything

ok, the npc_faction_entries table -I think this where I'm messing up. Format is npc_faction_id / faction_id / value / npc_value - and here is what I put in
1 / 1 / 0 / 1
1 / 2 / 0 / -1
2 / 2 / 0 / 1
2 / 1 / 0 / -1

as I understand it, the "value" column only affects how much of a faction hit players get by killing either sides mobs. and the npc_value column is (1=assist /0=nuetral/ -1=aggro). This is obviously way wrong, as when i log in the mobs are "aggro" at each other, but don't attack..and my cleric mobs heal/buff the wrong team. The mobs will try to nuke the opposing team but have no effect, and warrior/rogue mobs will kick and backstab for damage, but can't seem to perform regular attacks against each other. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And remember, I'm a total newb to all of this. . . so, baby steps =).

02-19-2006, 07:22 AM
Also, i can't find a valid link to the guidebook v1.3, or that spell editing/viewing tool everyone was crazy over for awhile. If you have either and wouldn't mind, I could really use them. Please email em to solarpower19@yahoo.com

02-19-2006, 07:49 AM
You're joking about guidebook1.3 ?
there are 2 Right links on the wiki :)

02-19-2006, 08:11 AM
umm...good possibility i was drunk/blind/in the wrong house or something when looking for the guidebook. I just found it in about 15 seconds of looking. =p