View Full Version : no npc hp regen

06-03-2006, 04:16 PM
Just curious how would one go about making it so NPC's can not regen their hp during a fight?

Would I have to modify something in the npc database table or is there something i have to change in a c++ file?


06-04-2006, 04:26 PM
Check your npc_types table in the database. There is a field for both hp regen and mana regen.

06-05-2006, 04:49 AM
Okay thx, i looked around and found this in one of the forums incase anyone else wants to turn off mob hp regen.

7) hp, hp_regen_rate, mana regen_rate

hp : it's the hit points of the npc
hp_regen_rate : it is the number of hp it regens by ticks
0 makes a npc to not regen its hit points
mana_regen_rate : same but for mana

be carefull, npcs with an insane hp regen can be impossible to kill "


i'm going to test it out, but i've looked at the data base and most of the mobs are already at 0 and they still regen crazy hit points. Makes leveling tough at lower levels. Anyone know the source file that has all the hp regen code. I would like to poke around and see if i can turn all mob hp regen off. Even if they are out of combat.

06-06-2006, 02:44 PM
Regen rates at a value of 0 might cause the server to make an intelligent attempt at determining its regen rate. Set the regen rates to 1. For any level after 5, a 1 hp/tick regen should not make a mob any harder to killl than having no regen.

Also, before you dismiss this as being a server problem, be sure your mobs don't have any (1) regen buffs cast on them by nearby mobs, and (2) don't have any equipment in their loot tables that is a worn regen buff (ie fungi tunics and the like). Mobs tend to equip any pieces of armor that exist in their loot tables.

06-07-2006, 02:45 AM
Regen rates at a value of 0 might cause the server to make an intelligent attempt at determining its regen rate.

Okay that explains why the lvl 1 to 4 mobs in the nub area were gaing 1/3 their hp ever tick when I set it to 0.

As for the items and buffs, I didn't know they would eqip items they have in their inv.
