View Full Version : utils/ppconvert

Shin Noir
08-18-2009, 06:43 AM
I'm writing this horrid hack job to try to get the playerprofile tool to work with a new struct.

Any programmers out there wish to help me? My skills with this sort of stuff is terribly lacking.

Essentially, with ppconvert, I need to convert this struct:

struct VZTZ_Struct
/*0000*/ uint32 checksum; // Checksum from CRC32::SetEQChecksum
/*0004*/ char name[64]; // Name of player sizes not right
/*0068*/ char last_name[32]; // Last name of player sizes not right
/*0100*/ uint32 gender; // Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
/*0104*/ uint32 race; // Player race
/*0108*/ uint32 class_; // Player class
/*0112*/ uint32 unknown0112; //
/*0116*/ uint32 level; // Level of player (might be one byte)
/*0120*/ BindStruct binds[5]; // Bind points (primary is first)
/*0220*/ uint32 deity; // deity
/*0224*/ uint32 guild_id;
/*0228*/ uint32 birthday; // characters bday
/*0232*/ uint32 lastlogin; // last login or zone time
/*0236*/ uint32 timePlayedMin; // in minutes
/*0240*/ uint8 pvp;
/*0241*/ uint8 level2; //no idea why this is here, but thats how it is on live
/*0242*/ uint8 anon; // 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon
/*0243*/ uint8 gm;
/*0244*/ uint8 guildrank;
/*0245*/ uint8 unknown0245[7]; //
/*0252*/ uint32 intoxication;
/*0256*/ uint32 spellSlotRefresh[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL]; //in ms
/*0292*/ uint8 unknown0392[4];
/*0296*/ uint8 haircolor; // Player hair color
/*0297*/ uint8 beardcolor; // Player beard color
/*0298*/ uint8 eyecolor1; // Player left eye color
/*0299*/ uint8 eyecolor2; // Player right eye color
/*0300*/ uint8 hairstyle; // Player hair style
/*0301*/ uint8 beard; // Beard type
/*0302*/ uint8 ability_time_seconds; //The following four spots are unknown right now.....
/*0303*/ uint8 ability_number; //ability used
/*0304*/ uint8 ability_time_minutes;
/*0305*/ uint8 ability_time_hours;//place holder
/*0306*/ uint8 unknown0306[6]; // @bp Spacer/Flag?
/*0312*/ uint32 item_material[MAX_MATERIALS]; // Item texture/material of worn/held items
/*0348*/ uint8 unknown0256[44];
/*0396*/ Color_Struct item_tint[MAX_MATERIALS];
/*0432*/ AA_Array aa_array[MAX_PP_AA_ARRAY];
/*2348*/ float unknown2348; //seen ~128, ~47
/*2352*/ char servername[32]; // length probably not right
/*2384*/ char title[32]; //length might be wrong
/*2416*/ char suffix[32]; //length might be wrong
/*2448*/ uint32 guildid2; //
/*2452*/ uint32 exp; // Current Experience
/*2456*/ uint32 unknown1496;
/*2460*/ uint32 points; // Unspent Practice points
/*2464*/ uint32 mana; // current mana
/*2468*/ uint32 cur_hp; // current hp
/*2472*/ uint32 unknown1512; // 0x05
/*2476*/ uint32 STR; // Strength
/*2480*/ uint32 STA; // Stamina
/*2484*/ uint32 CHA; // Charisma
/*2488*/ uint32 DEX; // Dexterity
/*2492*/ uint32 INT; // Intelligence
/*2496*/ uint32 AGI; // Agility
/*2500*/ uint32 WIS; // Wisdom
/*2504*/ uint8 face; // Player face
/*2505*/ uint8 unknown1545[47]; // ?
/*2552*/ uint8 languages[MAX_PP_LANGUAGE];
/*2580*/ uint8 unknown1620[4];
/*2584*/ int32 spell_book[MAX_PP_SPELLBOOK];
/*4184*/ uint8 unknown3224[448]; // all 0xff
/*4632*/ int32 mem_spells[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL];
/*4668*/ uint8 unknown3704[32]; //
/*4700*/ float y; // Player y position
/*4704*/ float x; // Player x position
/*4708*/ float z; // Player z position
/*4712*/ float heading; // Direction player is facing
/*4716*/ uint8 unknown3756[4]; //
/*4720*/ sint32 platinum; // Platinum Pieces on player
/*4724*/ sint32 gold; // Gold Pieces on player
/*4728*/ sint32 silver; // Silver Pieces on player
/*4732*/ sint32 copper; // Copper Pieces on player
/*4736*/ sint32 platinum_bank; // Platinum Pieces in Bank
/*4740*/ sint32 gold_bank; // Gold Pieces in Bank
/*4744*/ sint32 silver_bank; // Silver Pieces in Bank
/*4748*/ sint32 copper_bank; // Copper Pieces in Bank
/*4752*/ sint32 platinum_cursor; // Platinum on cursor
/*4756*/ sint32 gold_cursor; // Gold on cursor
/*4760*/ sint32 silver_cursor; // Silver on cursor
/*4764*/ sint32 copper_cursor; // Copper on cursor
/*4768*/ sint32 platinum_shared; // Platinum shared between characters
/*4772*/ uint8 unknown3812[24]; // @bp unknown skills?
/*4796*/ uint32 skills[MAX_PP_SKILL];
/*5096*/ uint8 unknown5096[284]; // @bp unknown skills?
/*5380*/ int32 pvp2; //
/*5384*/ int32 unknown4420; //
/*5388*/ int32 pvptype; //
/*5392*/ int32 unknown4428; //
/*5396*/ uint32 ability_down; // Doodman - Guessing
/*5400*/ uint8 unknown4436[8]; //
/*5408*/ uint32 autosplit; //not used right now
/*5412*/ uint8 unknown4448[8];
/*5420*/ int32 zone_change_count; // Number of times user has zoned in their career (guessing)
/*5424*/ uint8 unknown4460[28]; //
/*5452*/ int32 expansions; // expansion setting, bit field of expansions avaliable
/*5456*/ sint32 toxicity; //from drinking potions, seems to increase by 3 each time you drink
/*5460*/ char unknown4496[16]; //
/*5476*/ sint32 hunger_level;
/*5480*/ sint32 thirst_level;
/*5484*/ int32 ability_up;
/*5488*/ char unknown4524[16];
/*5504*/ uint16 zone_id; // Current zone of the player
/*5506*/ uint16 zoneInstance; // Instance ID
/*5508*/ SpellBuff_Struct buffs[BUFF_COUNT]; // Buffs currently on the player
/*6008*/ char groupMembers[6][64]; //
/*6392*/ char unknown6392[668];
/*7060*/ sint32 ldon_points_guk; //client uses these as signed
/*7064*/ sint32 ldon_points_mir;
/*7068*/ sint32 ldon_points_mmc;
/*7072*/ sint32 ldon_points_ruj;
/*7076*/ sint32 ldon_points_tak;
/*7080*/ sint32 ldon_points_available;
/*7084*/ uint8 unknown5940[112];
/*7196*/ uint32 tribute_time_remaining; //in miliseconds
/*7200*/ uint32 unknown6048;
/*7204*/ uint32 career_tribute_points;
/*7208*/ uint32 unknown6056;
/*7212*/ uint32 tribute_points;
/*7216*/ uint32 unknown6064;
/*7220*/ uint32 tribute_active; //1=active
/*7224*/ Tribute_Struct tributes[MAX_PLAYER_TRIBUTES];
/*7264*/ Disciplines_Struct disciplines; //fathernitwit: 10-06-04
/*7664*/ char unknown7464[240];
/*7904*/ uint32 endurance;
/*7908*/ uint32 group_leadership_exp; //0-1000
/*7912*/ uint32 raid_leadership_exp; //0-2000
/*7916*/ uint32 group_leadership_points;
/*7920*/ uint32 raid_leadership_points;
/*7924*/ LeadershipAA_Struct leader_abilities;
/*8052*/ uint8 unknown8052[132];
/*8184*/ uint32 air_remaining;
/*8188*/ uint8 unknown8188[4608];
/*12796*/ uint32 aapoints_spent;
/*12800*/ uint32 expAA;
/*12804*/ uint32 aapoints; //avaliable, unspent
/*12808*/ uint8 unknown12808[36];
/*12844*/ Bandolier_Struct bandoliers[MAX_PLAYER_BANDOLIER];
/*14124*/ uint8 unknown14124[5120];
/*19244*/ PotionBelt_Struct potionbelt; //there should be 3 more of these
/*19532*/ uint8 unknown19532[8];
/*19540*/ uint32 currentRadCrystals; // Current count of radiant crystals
/*19544*/ uint32 careerRadCrystals; // Total count of radiant crystals ever
/*19548*/ uint32 currentEbonCrystals; // Current count of ebon crystals
/*19552*/ uint32 careerEbonCrystals; // Total count of ebon crystals ever
/*19556*/ uint8 groupAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*19557*/ uint8 raidAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*19558*/ uint8 guildAutoconsent; // 0=off, 1=on
/*19559*/ uint8 unknown19559[5]; // ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
/*19564*/ uint32 unknown15964;

to latest SVN struct.

I wrote a terrible hack job (that actually seems to semi work) here:

case (sizeof(VZTZ_Struct)+1305): { //Shin: Added a converter for our version.
VZTZ_Struct* ops = (VZTZ_Struct*)src;
PlayerProfile_Struct* pp = (PlayerProfile_Struct*)dst;
memcpy(dst, ops, sizeof(VZTZ_Struct));

This is a case I threw in at around line 301 of the ppconvert source. The problem is that it leaves a ton of discrepancies from the two different structs, one being that buffs aren't properly removed, so e.g. if you had a debuff prior to this conversion, it comes up as a permanent "unknown" debuff that has negative #showbuff ticks remaining and never goes away, even after death.

I tried to do this:
memset(pp->buffs, 0, sizeof(VZTZ_Struct)); //Zero out buffs?

but I can't figure out the sizeof() portion, the other routines utilize a e.g. "memcpy(pp->unknown0245, &ops->fatigue, StructDist(ops, fatigue, guild_id2));"
which seems to call the struct again after modifying the value or something, it kind of confuses me how this thing works.

Not sure what else is broken. I wrote a semi change log of the differences here:

//Changes needed: abilitySlotRefresh from uint32 to uint 8
//Resize from uint8 unknown3224[448] to uint8 unknown3224[128]
//Add empty uint32 drakkin_heritage; //
//Add empty uint32 drakkin_tattoo; //
//Add empty uint32 drakkin_details; //
//Resize from char unknown6392[668]; to char unknown6392[656];
//add empty uint32 entityid;
//add empty uint32 leadAAActive;
//add empty uint32 unknown7056;
//recasttimers added uint32 recastTimers[MAX_RECAST_TYPES]
//unknown 7744 should be empty? char unknown7744[160]
//add uint32 timeentitledonaccount
//add uint32 RestTimer

I can give you the source, or would love any direction. Spent a ton of time on this and it's really showing how much I suck at C++. I hate this kind of bit-sensitive crap.

Also, ppconvert by default doesn't include a db.ini file and that's an old EtherealQuest route of handling data, so may want to have the format distributed for that util..