View Full Version : Donating for stat alterations

06-06-2011, 07:06 PM
I was hoping I could get one of the many great coders here to make some rules that would allow a little more customization with how stats effect PCs. Pretty much I'd like it to be like Shards of Dalaya.

STR - attack
STA - hp (no changes needed)
DEX - proc rate and hit chance
AGI - avoidance rate
WIS - mana pool (no changes needed)
INT - mana pool (no changes needed)
CHA - affects chance of mob resisting your spell (plus current charm effects)

With rules that allow you to tinker with the exact values much like the current rule for DEX on proc chance. Would this be much work to implement? I'd happily donate $20 via paypal for someone to do this, assuming it would be allowed into the binary code as an optional rule. That way anyone else who wanted to use it would be welcome to as well.

06-06-2011, 10:41 PM
I could see this being done with rules, but since most servers have varying stat curves, modifying the source directly is probably easiest.

Most of the work is going to be in
zone/attack.cpp (mob::CheckHitChance, Client::Attack)
zone/spells.cpp (mob::ResistSpell)
zone/pets.cpp (mob::MakePet)

These get a little trickier
I start in mob::SpellEffect but then you have to look at BuffTick also.