View Full Version : Max_procs

06-20-2012, 10:13 AM
I see the MAX_PROCS constant is set to 4. I noticed that is the array size selected for procs and defensive procs. Does that mean you can have up to 4 weapon procs and defensive procs? I see that as procs are added, they are sent to the arrays based on their type. Is their a bottle neck upstream that chokes the total list of procs down to 4 total, regardless of type, and I just cannot find it, or is my earlier assertion correct?

If this is a limit, is it a voluntary limit to make the EMU live-like, or is it a limitation based on the client? (i.e. would it break something if I changed it to something lower or higher?)

06-20-2012, 07:10 PM
Its not exactly what you think it is...

enum {MAX_PROCS = 4};
tProc PermaProcs[MAX_PROCS];
tProc SpellProcs[MAX_PROCS];
tProc DefensiveProcs[MAX_PROCS];
tProc RangedProcs[MAX_PROCS];

None of those are weapon procs, which are handled seperately in the attack code(there is no limit, TryWeaponProc function).

I have never seen PermaProcs used but the rest are pretty obvious.

I have set the values to 50 without issue as well as creating a few types of procs that were not natively supported in EQ(weapon procs added by armor effects for example). There is no client limitation on any of it.