View Full Version : SQL to convert one item, to another item

04-03-2013, 01:01 AM
if you wanted an easy way to make something like fabled the exact stats as the non fabled so you can do your own conversion ratio, this would be the best way I can think of.

You can also use this to mass create items with an ID/name and copy other items and do it quickly. Possibilities.

items a,
items b
a.minstatus = b.minstatus,
a.aagi = b.aagi,
a.ac = b.ac,
a.accuracy = b.accuracy,
a.acha = b.acha,
a.adex = b.adex,
a.aint = b.aint,
a.artifactflag = b.artifactflag,
a.asta = b.asta,
a.astr = b.astr,
a.attack = b.attack,
a.augrestrict = b.augrestrict,
a.augslot1type = b.augslot1type,
a.augslot1visible = b.augslot1visible,
a.augslot2type = b.augslot2type,
a.augslot2visible = b.augslot2visible,
a.augslot3type = b.augslot3type,
a.augslot3visible = b.augslot3visible,
a.augslot4type = b.augslot4type,
a.augslot4visible = b.augslot4visible,
a.augslot5type = b.augslot5type,
a.augslot5visible = b.augslot5visible,
a.augtype = b.augtype,
a.avoidance = b.avoidance,
a.awis = b.awis,
a.bagsize = b.bagsize,
a.bagslots = b.bagslots,
a.bagtype = b.bagtype,
a.bagwr = b.bagwr,
a.banedmgamt = b.banedmgamt,
a.banedmgraceamt = b.banedmgraceamt,
a.banedmgbody = b.banedmgbody,
a.banedmgrace = b.banedmgrace,
a.bardtype = b.bardtype,
a.bardvalue = b.bardvalue,
a.book = b.book,
a.casttime = b.casttime,
a.casttime_ = b.casttime_,
a.charmfile = b.charmfile,
a.charmfileid = b.charmfileid,
a.classes = b.classes,
a.color = b.color,
a.combateffects = b.combateffects,
a.extradmgskill = b.extradmgskill,
a.extradmgamt = b.extradmgamt,
a.price = b.price,
a.cr = b.cr,
a.damage = b.damage,
a.damageshield = b.damageshield,
a.deity = b.deity,
a.delay = b.delay,
a.augdistiller = b.augdistiller,
a.dotshielding = b.dotshielding,
a.dr = b.dr,
a.clicktype = b.clicktype,
a.clicklevel2 = b.clicklevel2,
a.elemdmgtype = b.elemdmgtype,
a.endur = b.endur,
a.factionamt1 = b.factionamt1,
a.factionamt2 = b.factionamt2,
a.factionamt3 = b.factionamt3,
a.factionmod1 = b.factionmod1,
a.factionmod2 = b.factionmod2,
a.factionmod3 = b.factionmod3,
a.factionmod4 = b.factionmod4,
a.filename = b.filename,
a.focuseffect = b.focuseffect,
a.fr = b.fr,
a.fvnodrop = b.fvnodrop,
a.haste = b.haste,
a.clicklevel = b.clicklevel,
a.hp = b.hp,
a.regen = b.regen,
a.icon = b.icon,
a.idfile = b.idfile,
a.itemclass = b.itemclass,
a.itemtype = b.itemtype,
a.ldonprice = b.ldonprice,
a.ldontheme = b.ldontheme,
a.ldonsold = b.ldonsold,
a.light = b.light,
a.lore = b.lore,
a.loregroup = b.loregroup,
a.magic = b.magic,
a.mana = b.mana,
a.manaregen = b.manaregen,
a.enduranceregen = b.enduranceregen,
a.material = b.material,
a.maxcharges = b.maxcharges,
a.mr = b.mr,
a.nodrop = b.nodrop,
a.norent = b.norent,
a.pendingloreflag = b.pendingloreflag,
a.pr = b.pr,
a.procrate = b.procrate,
a.races = b.races,
a.range = b.range,
a.reclevel = b.reclevel,
a.recskill = b.recskill,
a.reqlevel = b.reqlevel,
a.sellrate = b.sellrate,
a.shielding = b.shielding,
a.size = b.size,
a.skillmodtype = b.skillmodtype,
a.skillmodvalue = b.skillmodvalue,
a.slots = b.slots,
a.clickeffect = b.clickeffect,
a.spellshield = b.spellshield,
a.strikethrough = b.strikethrough,
a.stunresist = b.stunresist,
a.summonedflag = b.summonedflag,
a.tradeskills = b.tradeskills,
a.favor = b.favor,
a.weight = b.weight,
a.UNK012 = b.UNK012,
a.UNK013 = b.UNK013,
a.benefitflag = b.benefitflag,
a.UNK054 = b.UNK054,
a.UNK059 = b.UNK059,
a.booktype = b.booktype,
a.recastdelay = b.recastdelay,
a.recasttype = b.recasttype,
a.guildfavor = b.guildfavor,
a.UNK123 = b.UNK123,
a.UNK124 = b.UNK124,
a.attuneable = b.attuneable,
a.nopet = b.nopet,
a.updated = b.updated,
a.comment = b.comment,
a.UNK127 = b.UNK127,
a.pointtype = b.pointtype,
a.potionbelt = b.potionbelt,
a.potionbeltslots = b.potionbeltslots,
a.stacksize = b.stacksize,
a.notransfer = b.notransfer,
a.stackable = b.stackable,
a.UNK134 = b.UNK134,
a.UNK137 = b.UNK137,
a.proceffect = b.proceffect,
a.proctype = b.proctype,
a.proclevel2 = b.proclevel2,
a.proclevel = b.proclevel,
a.UNK142 = b.UNK142,
a.worneffect = b.worneffect,
a.worntype = b.worntype,
a.wornlevel2 = b.wornlevel2,
a.wornlevel = b.wornlevel,
a.UNK147 = b.UNK147,
a.focustype = b.focustype,
a.focuslevel2 = b.focuslevel2,
a.focuslevel = b.focuslevel,
a.UNK152 = b.UNK152,
a.scrolleffect = b.scrolleffect,
a.scrolltype = b.scrolltype,
a.scrolllevel2 = b.scrolllevel2,
a.scrolllevel = b.scrolllevel,
a.UNK157 = b.UNK157,
a.serialized = b.serialized,
a.verified = b.verified,
a.serialization = b.serialization,
a.source = b.source,
a.UNK033 = b.UNK033,
a.lorefile = b.lorefile,
a.UNK014 = b.UNK014,
a.svcorruption = b.svcorruption,
a.UNK038 = b.UNK038,
a.UNK060 = b.UNK060,
a.augslot1unk2 = b.augslot1unk2,
a.augslot2unk2 = b.augslot2unk2,
a.augslot3unk2 = b.augslot3unk2,
a.augslot4unk2 = b.augslot4unk2,
a.augslot5unk2 = b.augslot5unk2,
a.UNK120 = b.UNK120,
a.UNK121 = b.UNK121,
a.questitemflag = b.questitemflag,
a.UNK132 = b.UNK132,
a.clickunk5 = b.clickunk5,
a.clickunk6 = b.clickunk6,
a.clickunk7 = b.clickunk7,
a.procunk1 = b.procunk1,
a.procunk2 = b.procunk2,
a.procunk3 = b.procunk3,
a.procunk4 = b.procunk4,
a.procunk6 = b.procunk6,
a.procunk7 = b.procunk7,
a.wornunk1 = b.wornunk1,
a.wornunk3 = b.wornunk3,
a.wornunk4 = b.wornunk4,
a.wornunk5 = b.wornunk5,
a.wornunk6 = b.wornunk6,
a.wornunk7 = b.wornunk7,
a.focusunk1 = b.focusunk1,
a.focusunk2 = b.focusunk2,
a.focusunk3 = b.focusunk3,
a.focusunk4 = b.focusunk4,
a.focusunk5 = b.focusunk5,
a.focusunk6 = b.focusunk6,
a.focusunk7 = b.focusunk7,
a.scrollunk1 = b.scrollunk1,
a.scrollunk2 = b.scrollunk2,
a.scrollunk3 = b.scrollunk3,
a.scrollunk4 = b.scrollunk4,
a.scrollunk5 = b.scrollunk5,
a.scrollunk6 = b.scrollunk6,
a.scrollunk7 = b.scrollunk7,
a.UNK193 = b.UNK193,
a.purity = b.purity,
a.evolvinglevel = b.evolvinglevel,
a.clickname = b.clickname,
a.procname = b.procname,
a.wornname = b.wornname,
a.focusname = b.focusname,
a.scrollname = b.scrollname,
a.dsmitigation = b.dsmitigation,
a.heroic_str = b.heroic_str,
a.heroic_int = b.heroic_int,
a.heroic_wis = b.heroic_wis,
a.heroic_agi = b.heroic_agi,
a.heroic_dex = b.heroic_dex,
a.heroic_sta = b.heroic_sta,
a.heroic_cha = b.heroic_cha,
a.heroic_pr = b.heroic_pr,
a.heroic_dr = b.heroic_dr,
a.heroic_fr = b.heroic_fr,
a.heroic_cr = b.heroic_cr,
a.heroic_mr = b.heroic_mr,
a.heroic_svcorrup = b.heroic_svcorrup,
a.healamt = b.healamt,
a.spelldmg = b.spelldmg,
a.clairvoyance = b.clairvoyance,
a.backstabdmg = b.backstabdmg,
a.created = b.created,
a.elitematerial = b.elitematerial,
a.ldonsellbackrate = b.ldonsellbackrate,
a.scriptfileid = b.scriptfileid,
a.expendablearrow = b.expendablearrow,
a.powersourcecapacity = b.powersourcecapacity,
a.bardeffect = b.bardeffect,
a.bardeffecttype = b.bardeffecttype,
a.bardlevel2 = b.bardlevel2,
a.bardlevel = b.bardlevel,
a.bardunk1 = b.bardunk1,
a.bardunk2 = b.bardunk2,
a.bardunk3 = b.bardunk3,
a.bardunk4 = b.bardunk4,
a.bardunk5 = b.bardunk5,
a.bardname = b.bardname,
a.bardunk7 = b.bardunk7,
a.UNK214 = b.UNK214,
a.UNK219 = b.UNK219,
a.UNK220 = b.UNK220,
a.UNK221 = b.UNK221,
a.UNK223 = b.UNK223,
a.UNK224 = b.UNK224,
a.UNK225 = b.UNK225,
a.UNK226 = b.UNK226,
a.UNK227 = b.UNK227,
a.UNK228 = b.UNK228,
a.UNK229 = b.UNK229,
a.UNK230 = b.UNK230,
a.UNK231 = b.UNK231,
a.UNK232 = b.UNK232,
a.UNK233 = b.UNK233,
a.UNK234 = b.UNK234,
a.UNK235 = b.UNK235,
a.UNK236 = b.UNK236,
a.UNK237 = b.UNK237,
a.UNK238 = b.UNK238,
a.UNK239 = b.UNK239,
a.UNK240 = b.UNK240,
a.UNK242 = b.UNK242
a.name like 'Fabled belt of growth'
b.name like 'belt of growth'

04-03-2013, 01:40 AM
How long did that take you to type out? Haha, but no, good job. Saved me a lot of work.

04-03-2013, 02:32 AM
Uhh like 30 seconds after figuring the query out

04-03-2013, 02:54 PM
a.name like 'Fabled belt of growth'
b.name like 'belt of growth'

Using LIKE without a wildcard is the same as using a equals sign but with the performance hit of pattern matching.

04-03-2013, 08:17 PM
O I C what u did thar. Truth, I was tired and was testing with a wildcard and then removed them to post.