View Full Version : Pickpocketing weapons

07-17-2015, 10:47 PM
So I'm not much of a programmer. Let me just add that up front...

I've had reports of rogues being able to pickpocket weapons right off an NPC. In an effort to try to fix it, I've come up with the following in zone/npc.cpp:

bool is_arrow = (item->ItemType == ItemTypeArrow) ? true : false;
int slot_id = thief->GetInv().FindFreeSlot(false, true, inst->GetItem()->Size, is_arrow);
bool is_weapon = ((item->ItemType == ItemType1HSlash) == true) || ((item->ItemType == ItemType2HSlash) == true) || ((item->ItemType == ItemType1HPiercing) == true) || ((item->ItemType == ItemType1HBlunt) == true) || ((item->ItemType == ItemType2HBlunt) == true) || ((item->ItemType == ItemType2HPiercing) == true);
if (/*!Equipped(item->ID) &&*/
!item->Magic && item->NoDrop != 0 && !inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer) && slot_id != INVALID_INDEX && is_weapon == false

Now, I realize it's entirely likely I haven't done anything but add useless lines of code here. Can somebody with more than zero skills let me know if what I put here will work?

Also, I'm sure there's a better way than checking against all the weapon types, so if there's something more efficient please do tell.

Thanks! :)

07-17-2015, 11:30 PM
The best way to see if this will work is compile it in your own source and test it.

07-17-2015, 11:33 PM
Should change is_weapon into a ternary like how is_arrow is written above would look like this... (hopefully no typos here... I just woke up :p)

bool is_arrow = (item->ItemType == ItemTypeArrow) ? true : false;
int slot_id = thief->GetInv().FindFreeSlot(false, true, inst->GetItem()->Size, is_arrow);
bool is_weapon = (item->ItemType == ItemType1HSlash || item->ItemType == ItemType2HSlash || item->ItemType == ItemType1HPiercing || item->ItemType == ItemType1HBlunt || item->ItemType == ItemType2HBlunt || item->ItemType == ItemType2HPiercing) ? true : false;
if (/*!Equipped(item->ID) &&*/
!item->Magic && item->NoDrop != 0 && !inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer) && slot_id != INVALID_INDEX && !is_weapon

07-18-2015, 12:30 AM
Thanks! I knew there had to be a better way. I just basically monkeyed through the syntax until it compiled.