View Full Version : Disable Exp Gains

10-14-2015, 11:12 PM
For one reason or another, you may wish to disable exp gains on a character by character basis. If so, feel free to use this code to do so. Changes should be added to the beginning of the Client::AddEXP function in zone/exp.cpp:

std::string query = StringFormat("SELECT value FROM quest_globals WHERE charid='%i' AND name='Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle'", this->CharacterID());
auto results = database.QueryDatabase(query);
if(results.Success()) {
auto row = results.begin();
char* ExpOff = row[0];
int8 ExpFlag = atoi(ExpOff);
if (ExpFlag == 1)

This makes use of a quest global flag named "Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle", which would need to be set via a quest (or as simply as talking to an NPC). For example, I tested this via adding the below to Seer Mal Nae-Shi's perl script in PoK:

if($text=~/experience/i) {
quest::say("Greetings, $name. This is a test script. Do you want to [check your experience flag] or [toggle your experience flag]?");

if($text=~/check my exp/i) {
if(defined $qglobals{Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle}) {
if($qglobals{Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle} == 1) {
$expflag = "disabled";
} else {
$expflag = "enabled";
} else {
$expflag = "enabled";

quest::say("Well, $name, your ability to gain experience appears to be $expflag");

if($text=~/toggle my exp/i) {
quest::say("Are you sure you [want to toggle] your experience flag?");

if($text=~/want to toggle/i) {
if(defined $qglobals{Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle}) {
if($qglobals{Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle} == 1) {
quest::setglobal("Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle", 0, 5, "F");
$expflag = "enabled";
} else {
quest::setglobal("Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle", 1, 5, "F");
$expflag = "disabled";
} else {
quest::setglobal("Halt_Exp_Gains_Toggle", 1, 5, "F");
$expflag = "disabled";

quest::say("Your ability to gain experience is now $expflag. If you wish to alter this status, please talk to me again.");

Of course the quest portion could be modified in any way you'd like. Have fun with it!