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Old 10-24-2007, 06:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 394

Originally Posted by John Adams View Post
As an opposing view, LDoNs give smaller groups (and in theory, smaller servers) something to do without ruining the zones that do require larger groups or raids. I was a big fan of LDoN because of 2 things; 1) it introduced instancing, so that asshat level 65 couldn't come steal my goodies I camped 900 hours for, and 2) me and my very busy RL mates could dash into the game, take an adventure, knock it out, and still have time for dinner and a movie. Shrug. It's all about perspective.

As for priority in emulation, I agree it is not the top-most priority. That's why >I< have been looking into it - a non-developer who can barely spell C++. And I have only harassed Core Dev 2 times about it

However, I feel that if this gets some attention, and some architecture gets implemented to support not only adventures, but tasks and missions, it would open the door to many of the newer features you do like - like DoN Missions. It seems basically the same. Grab a mission, complete it, get crystals. How is that any different than LDoN points?

As for the zones all looking the same... that's called Themes, silly. But yes, after 200 of them, they started to rake on ones nerves. However, imo, missions and tasks are no less redundant and boring after awhile. They all still need work, and someone should step up, git er dun.
ALL very good points.

Believe me, if LDoN ever WAS emulated, I'd find a way to use it and would try to make it fun for my players.

There just so many other things I'd LOVE to see working... some of those things pretty basic (like AAs)... oh and FEAR.

Fear is a travesty on the emulator. it's such an important part of the game, yet it's useless.
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Old 10-25-2007, 03:16 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 248

Originally Posted by John Adams View Post
As an opposing view, LDoNs give smaller groups (and in theory, smaller servers) something to do without ruining the zones that do require larger groups or raids. I was a big fan of LDoN because of 2 things; 1) it introduced instancing, so that asshat level 65 couldn't come steal my goodies I camped 900 hours for, and 2) me and my very busy RL mates could dash into the game, take an adventure, knock it out, and still have time for dinner and a movie. Shrug. It's all about perspective.

As for priority in emulation, I agree it is not the top-most priority. That's why >I< have been looking into it - a non-developer who can barely spell C++. And I have only harassed Core Dev 2 times about it

However, I feel that if this gets some attention, and some architecture gets implemented to support not only adventures, but tasks and missions, it would open the door to many of the newer features you do like - like DoN Missions. It seems basically the same. Grab a mission, complete it, get crystals. How is that any different than LDoN points?
TBH, i share the view that ldon and missions are low priority. personally, i'd like to see standard content (spells, songs, etc.) fully operational. there are a host of standard (aka, in the game well before these expansions appeared) things that are completely non-functional (charm?) or are not functioning properly ( fear, buffs, tradeskills, etc.)

granted, the "newer features" will contain more "woohoo" factor. but listening to a bard on my server laments the broken songs that litter his repertoire, among the various things, holds my attention. thus, i spend time pouring over the song code trying to devise ways to make it work without crashing my server or doing "bad things" to the code base.

and i agree with gernblan. we gotta pick our battles. if you're hot and heavy for ldon, rock that world, man. i'm a nub at packet disassembly, so i'm picking my battle elsewhere, atm.

== sfisque
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Old 10-26-2007, 06:20 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Agreed. I didn't expect any devs to actually code LDoN, I am merely asking for guidance. I do not know how to detect unknown Opcodes. I do not know how to add to the extended profile structure effectively. And I do not want to re-write everything to work "my way" when it will just be rejected by the core team because it looks like it was coded by a 3rd grader.

But I absolutely agree, this is a project for the casual dev who cannot help elsewhere. That'd be me (and hopefully someone else eventually).
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Old 10-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
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All you LDoN haters out there are going to be sad to hear work has already begun on LDoN, mostly at PEQ so far, but LDoN is coming to an emulated server near you.. probably not until sometime after the holidays though.

Of course there is a very long list of things that need to be done on the server. And depending on who you ask and what that person's agenda is, you'll get a different list of priorities. But thats neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, the things that are going to get coded, are whatever the person doing the code is most interested in. So relax, download the code and contribute to it by posting in the code submission section of this forum or simply play and enjoy yourselves.

Think back a year ago today and ask yourself, what was the state of the server code then... I can tell you, at the time the server code had many stability issues, memory issues and bugs that would lock up the whole server just because some assling in misty thicket looted his bee jam! My friends, what a long way the code has come and for the better.

So I guess my point is this... If you hate LDoN and cant figure out why some ass clown like me is going to waste my time coding zone instancing instead of fixing fear pathing, well no one is going to stop you from following your interests and no one here is going to turn down your code contribution to implement fear pathing either.
Read my developer notes at my blog.

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Old 10-26-2007, 03:53 PM
John Adams
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Originally Posted by WildcardX View Post
So I guess my point is this... If you hate LDoN and cant figure out why some ass clown like me is going to waste my time coding zone instancing instead of fixing fear pathing, well no one is going to stop you from following your interests and no one here is going to turn down your code contribution to implement fear pathing either.
/cheer ! ! !

I have spent so much time in this code, I hope you can share with me your insights into how you are making it work. I feel it is a personal mission, heh. I will stop fiddling with it for now, because imo, I am totally blocked from continuing any research on this until I get that god forsaken adventure_id.
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:06 AM
The Solo Server
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I also hope this comes to life. When John mentioned it months ago, I got excited. I really enjoyed ldon because it gave short-quest type of things to do, as well as loot.
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:04 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by WildcardX View Post
(although I can tell you right now I am going to code a rule to override this requirement)
In my testing, trying to set things up, I found that a single player cannot "Request Adventure" from an Adventure Recruiter without at least being grouped with 1 other player. The Live version requires 3 to accept the adventure, I believe. I have surfed much of the server code to see where this limit of 2 is coming from, and cannot find it. I started to think it was hard-coded in the client itself... and long ago was going to post a request for someone to tell me how to "fool" the client into thinking I was grouped when I was not. My goal was offering solo LDoN capabilities.

I am very happy to see this getting some attention. But at the same time, I'll admit a little disappointment that once again, my efforts are completely overlooked until someone else takes interest. See my post on understanding the PlayerProfile struct :p At least it's being looked at, which is good for the community, regardless.
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Old 01-14-2008, 09:45 PM
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Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by WildcardX View Post
So I guess my point is this... If you hate LDoN and cant figure out why some ass clown like me is going to waste my time coding zone instancing instead of fixing fear pathing, well no one is going to stop you from following your interests and no one here is going to turn down your code contribution to implement fear pathing either.
I know some players who are very happy to hear this.
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Old 01-15-2008, 02:21 AM
Join Date: May 2006
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Dang, how did I miss this thread until it got bumped?

It'd be great to see implemented, just as any progress made is still progress. There's a lot to do, and a little bit at a time is the way to go. Like was mentioned above, how far has the project come since a year ago?

Also, JohnAdams, I'm a huge fan of self-deprecation myself, but give yourself some credit! Looks like you dug up a lot of the leads that helped others gain some ground on the LDoN system. Hopefully whatever progress is being made will be updated here soon, along with any roadblocks that they could use help clearing.
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Old 01-26-2008, 05:30 AM
John Adams
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Self-abuse may cause blindness.

But thank you. I just hope that wasn't a momentary spike in interest... Yo WildcardX, any movement on this? Since I am no longer looking into it, I hope someone is.
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Old 02-25-2008, 01:32 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Default Ldon

Just wondering how this is comeing along? =) I am super enterested in seeing Instance zone added to the emu. Even if there is still alot of work to do on it, an update would be awsome.

Keep up the great work guys!
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Old 02-28-2008, 06:44 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2008
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LDoN is the ONE expansion that makes the most sense to me in terms of small private servers. I can't wait to see this implemented!!
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Old 02-28-2008, 07:07 PM
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"LDoN is the ONE expansion that makes the most sense to me in terms of small private servers. I can't wait to see this implemented!!
02-25-2008 09:32 AM

Respectfuly -I disagree.
LDON WAS the best thing for casual pick up groups in the hueg bareness of eq1 hard core group and raid oriented world.
It was cheap, repedious, uncreative substitute to give casual players a tiny glimse at good items and encounters they can actual defeat in massive world designed for hardcore raiders.

However the entrie concept of eq emu changes all this to just the opposite - with Emu you have the power to remake the world into any shape.
With over 200 zones avilable to custom modding, why would anyone from lev 20 to 65 time after time go into the same 4 dungeons (ok 40, each 10 of each are neraly identical to each other), kill over and over the same mobs with slightly different names, where 200+ UNIQUE zones with hundrends of monster models will sit unused?

Thats is BEYOND my comprehension.
The implementation of instancing is a great task to undertake specialy from programming concept side - but implementing LDOn excatly how it was on LIVE - is IMHO- an isult to entire concept of Emu at its core
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Old 02-28-2008, 07:10 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 3

Quite simply, nostalgia; The single reason that I even have eqemu running in the first place. I have more memories running LDoN missions with my friends than almost anything else.

"an isult to entire concept of Emu at its core "

C'mon now ... let's not be TOO dramatic here.
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Old 02-28-2008, 07:30 PM
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by dj_krztoff View Post
Quite simply, nostalgia; The single reason that I even have eqemu running in the first place. I have more memories running LDoN missions with my friends than almost anything else.

"an isult to entire concept of Emu at its core "

C'mon now ... let's not be TOO dramatic here.
Hey i was hardcore LDOn runner too.. back when it was hot - but after I had like 50 runs in each theme i was sick of it =) The only reason i kept doing it is to get 1492 points druid tunic from Guk (it was pain in the arse to get Guk groups, no one ever wanted to do Guk) and 2 FT2 augments.
Thank God I was in a decent raiding guild, who just started VT and did tier 1-3 pop on regular bases, so i wasn't depedant on LDOn for gear, or i would have hanged myself.

yes nostalgy - most of my grouping also occured in LDON, so once i got Emu runing I went there too...

ruja - yeah cool.. LDON
rujb - yeah ldon...
rujc - kind of like ruja...or rujb..
rujd - ummm ldon?

past that point I could no longer tell them appart.
Guk prabobly is the worst one in that perspective - all zones start to look identical after first 5 minutes

On my server I use LDOn zones all over the place as "in-dungeon" dungeons (for exmaple I use one of the Guks as "sewer" zone for Freeport). Or as conection poitns bewten some zones. But as stand alone package which would be designed to provide 24/7 Xp/hunting ground - players will get sick after the nostalgy feeling fades off in about 15-30 minutes
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