View Full Version : Fix for leveling past level 86

12-28-2018, 11:14 PM
there is currently a bug where if your character is past level 86 and gains exp then it will automaticly be reset back to 86. reason for this is a buffer overflow on the pull of character data from your database to the zone client
this little patch is ment to fix this

with a lot of testing i was able to reach the 112 without having buffer overflow issues, currently live is at 110 so, i see no real need to raise level beyond that

Converts UINT32 -> char array to be readable

@@ -475,10 +475,16 @@ const char *ConvertArray(int input, char *returnchar)
sprintf(returnchar, "%i", input);
return returnchar;

+const char *ConvertArrayU(uint32 input, char *returnchar)
+ sprintf(returnchar, "%u", input);
+ return returnchar;
const char *ConvertArrayF(float input, char *returnchar)
sprintf(returnchar, "%0.2f", input);
return returnchar;
@@ -491,6 +497,6 @@ bool isAlphaNumeric(const char *text)
(text[charIndex] < '0' || text[charIndex] > '9'))
return false;

return true;
\ No newline at end of file

this is only seeable by gms when they gain experience as a gm... so its not really needed unless your having issues and want to debug things

@@ -46,10 +46,11 @@ bool isAlphaNumeric(const char *text);
bool strn0cpyt(char* dest, const char* source, uint32 size);
char *CleanMobName(const char *in, char *out);
char *RemoveApostrophes(const char *s);
char* strn0cpy(char* dest, const char* source, uint32 size);
const char *ConvertArray(int input, char *returnchar);
+const char *ConvertArrayU(uint32 input, char *returnchar);
const char *ConvertArrayF(float input, char *returnchar);
const char *MakeLowerString(const char *source);
int MakeAnyLenString(char** ret, const char* format, ...);
uint32 AppendAnyLenString(char** ret, uint32* bufsize, uint32* strlen, const char* format, ...);
uint32 hextoi(const char* num);

This is mostly a sanity check, if the add_exp float for some reason does buffer over flow, lets not allow it to buffer overflow the character and send it back to level 1

@@ -443,11 +443,11 @@ void Client::CalculateExp(uint32 in_add_exp, uint32 &add_exp, uint32 &add_aaxp,
if (zone->IsHotzone())
totalmod += RuleR(Zone, HotZoneBonus);

- add_exp = uint32(float(add_exp) * totalmod * zemmod);
+ if (float(add_exp) >= 0.0f) add_exp = uint32(float(add_exp) * totalmod * zemmod);

//if XP scaling is based on the con of a monster, do that now.
if (RuleB(Character, UseXPConScaling))
if (conlevel != 0xFF && !resexp)
@@ -756,11 +756,11 @@ void Client::SetEXP(uint32 set_exp, uint32 set_aaxp, bool isrezzexp) {

if (admin>=100 && GetGM()) {
char val1[20]={0};
char val2[20]={0};
char val3[20]={0};
- Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GM_GAINXP, ConvertArray(set_aaxp,val1),ConvertArray(set_exp,v al2),ConvertArray(GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1),val 3)); //[GM] You have gained %1 AXP and %2 EXP (%3).
+ Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GM_GAINXP, ConvertArrayU(set_aaxp, val1), ConvertArrayU(set_exp, val2), ConvertArray(GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel() + 1), val3)); //[GM] You have gained %1 AXP and %2 EXP (%3).

void Client::SetLevel(uint8 set_level, bool command)

this is the currently broken pull from the database that is normally only converted to a int, we are changing it to be converted into a long long, it being a long long will allow it to be converted to a UINT32 without any data loss

@@ -1114,11 +1114,11 @@ bool ZoneDatabase::LoadCharacterData(uint32 character_id, PlayerProfile_Struct*
pp->ability_number = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "ability_number, "
pp->ability_time_minutes = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "ability_time_minutes, "
pp->ability_time_hours = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "ability_time_hours, "
strcpy(pp->title, row[r]); r++; // "title, "
strcpy(pp->suffix, row[r]); r++; // "suffix, "
- pp->exp = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "exp, "
+ pp->exp = atoll(row[r]); r++; // "exp, "
pp->points = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "points, "
pp->mana = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "mana, "
pp->cur_hp = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "cur_hp, "
pp->STR = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "str, "
pp->STA = atoi(row[r]); r++; // "sta, "