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Old 08-24-2006, 01:49 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 10
Default Java EQEmu

Has there ever been talk about taking the current EQEmu and porting it over into Java? The reason I ask is that its total multi-platformable and i think there are more developers that would know java then C. Also by porting it over it gives you a chance to redo some of the old code and structuring it a little better. I don't know what kind of responce i'll get from this but i was thinking of maybe doing this in my spare time and if anyone was intrested just give me a shout.

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Old 08-24-2006, 07:40 AM
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uumm LOL, ROFL...

Sorry but this is just a funny idea.
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Old 08-24-2006, 08:21 AM
Scorpious2k's Avatar
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Java just plain isn't fast enough or powerful enough to do what the server does.

On the other hand, C++ is multiplatform...
Maybe I should try making one of these servers...
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Old 08-24-2006, 02:40 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

C++ is multiplatformable but need special compiling under windows and such, to me Java is more universal... and Java just is plenty powerful enough to do the job. May not be as fast as C but its still pretty fast. I would be quite a fun project to do.

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Old 08-24-2006, 02:46 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: LasShithole, NV
Posts: 520

so how fast is java to read through over 100megs of database info.. process it send that info to the client.. all while you have 5-300 zones running as well as handling connections from 1 to 500+?

i agree with matt.. LOL
Perfect quote from another site: it's immature pricks who refuse to read the numerous stickies in every forum pointing out what to do and what not to do that get flamed. Grow up and learn to do your fucking homework before opening your cake hole, junior. EQEmu doesn't like you anymore, and that's why you're getting errors. So go away.
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Old 08-25-2006, 01:29 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 3

i think you should go ahead with your project and ignore their imature flames, ive used several different languages honestly i dont see that there would be much speed difference, to those who decided to be rude to this poor guy... mysql REGUARDLESS of the language accessing it it will only go as fast as mysql goes genius' perhaps you should think before making yourselves look the fool publicly? if coded properly any language COULD be multi platform however as previously stated compiling on windows is quite a pain in the ass to be honest. I have seen PUBLIC Games ( GEMSTONE FOR ONE) That are indeed written in java and do the same crap as eq and twice as fast so dude ignore them or prove them wrong... i doubt they even know how to code java anyway...
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Old 08-25-2006, 08:28 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Agreed. It's probably not necessary to be a dick to the guy for an idea. Takes guts to ask, anyway. But I do agree, Java is not exactly lightning-bolt speed compared to other languages. It really comes down to what you know, how much interest you have in your project, and whether you can stand on your own to get it done - cuz it's apparent you won't get too much input here. Not insulting our devs at all, but they have their hands full with the current code as designed.

Good luck, should you proceed.
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Old 08-25-2006, 12:10 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by wize_one
so how fast is java to read through over 100megs of database info.. process it send that info to the client.. all while you have 5-300 zones running as well as handling connections from 1 to 500+?

i agree with matt.. LOL
Accually java can do the above quite fast, currently at my place of work we push about 30-40 mbs of database data into objects (called Beans) in about 10 seconds. Also once there in memory its much faster to access the data and send it to the client. For all the zones and the client connections this is all done by threads and is really just limited by your hardware and not the coding language. I would recommend that you do some more research before you make a flame post like that, I do like constructive critizim but please back it up with some facts next time.

Originally Posted by Scorpious2k
Java just plain isn't fast enough or powerful enough to do what the server does.
Again I would like you to back this quote up. I know java isn't the fastest language but it does have some benifits that C does not (like not needing to compile it special for windows/unix).

Originally Posted by John Adams
Agreed. It's probably not necessary to be a dick to the guy for an idea. Takes guts to ask, anyway. But I do agree, Java is not exactly lightning-bolt speed compared to other languages. It really comes down to what you know, how much interest you have in your project, and whether you can stand on your own to get it done - cuz it's apparent you won't get too much input here. Not insulting our devs at all, but they have their hands full with the current code as designed.

Good luck, should you proceed.
Originally Posted by myrrddyn25
i think you should go ahead with your project and ignore their imature flames, ive used several different languages honestly i dont see that there would be much speed difference, to those who decided to be rude to this poor guy... mysql REGUARDLESS of the language accessing it it will only go as fast as mysql goes genius' perhaps you should think before making yourselves look the fool publicly? if coded properly any language COULD be multi platform however as previously stated compiling on windows is quite a pain in the ass to be honest. I have seen PUBLIC Games ( GEMSTONE FOR ONE) That are indeed written in java and do the same crap as eq and twice as fast so dude ignore them or prove them wrong... i doubt they even know how to code java anyway...
Thanks for your guys post it's nice to see a post that isn't a flame.

By no means i'm i dissing the dev's here, they are doing an awesome job. This was just an idea I thought would be cool and wanted some input on. I must admit I didn't expect all the flames but its all good. Either way i think i'll be doing it as a little side project because alot o fthe code will be similar in another project im correctly working one (Network and database layers). If anyone has anymore input on the idea feel free.

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Old 08-25-2006, 02:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 80

Emulated servers using java are do-able, for instance, UOX3 an ultima online emu converted their c scripts to java scripts which they claim are faster. But you really cant compare an mmorpg like UO to EQ, EQ's alot different in many ways. Besides we already have a working EQ emu, which is hella better then ashrans piece of poo emu if anyone remembers the birth and fall of hackerquest.. why create another eq emulator just because this one isnt in java, or why port this project to java when this one works just fine? Im actually glad that the eq emulator scene hasnt turned the UO or WoW way where there are like 12 or more emulators per mmorpg and none that are up to par because everyone in those groups want to have their own emu, and its very disappointing that they dont band together and make an awesome emu like eqemulator. One emu! one db! Nuff said!

Do I hear an Amen?
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Old 08-25-2006, 04:04 PM
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Quoting several sources here from a simple google for java vs C++

The biggest potential stumbling block is speed: interpreted Java runs something like 20 times slower than C. Nothing prevents the Java language from being compiled and there are just-in-time compilers appearing at this writing which offer significant speed-ups. It is not inconceivable that full native compilers will appear for the more popular platforms, but without those there are classes of problems that will be insoluble with Java because of the speed issue.
Java uses a singly-rooted hierarchy, so all objects are ultimately inherited from the root class Object. In C++ you can start a new inheritance tree anywhere, so you end up with a forest of trees. In Java you get a single ultimate hierarchy which is very restrictive.
[quote]No inline methods. The Java compiler may decide on its own to inline a method, but you don
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Old 08-25-2006, 07:42 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 196

I only want point that L2j (Lineage 2 emulator) is done with Java. I have tried it L2j emu, and it goes fast and it looks stable...then not say that Java isnt a good language for develop a emu.. On other hand, the eqemu already is very advanced, then it would be a loss time port it to other language without any visible benefit.
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Old 08-26-2006, 12:01 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

I've developed a bit for L2J, and I although the project is pretty solid, it's still java which hurts it in the long run. Sure, it's fine for a handful of people playing on the server, but once you have more people log on, it goes downhill very fast. It simply cannot handle that many instructions and users at the same time. And till this very day, it still suffers from the same issue. Now some may argue that java is the internet coding language to use, but you really can't base a game structure on it. It's just not efficient enough no matter how good at java you are.

When I got my hands on the C++ version of the Lineage 2 server, it was infinitely better. It can handle thousands of people online, and since you're using a SQL database structure, it's quick and fast. No lag, and more options to edit the database without having to sift through tons of java scripts just to edit one item. Even though L2J has migrated to the MySQL structure, it still has issues. There's just some coding language that gets lost through the transition, and most of the time, it breaks it even more.

Why do you think that the L2J dev team uses the C++ server's coding to help them along? I'm sure they won't admit it (since it draws a fine line on whether or not it's legal), but it's there as proof on their forums. They're even using the geodata structure from the C++ server files to try and squash the Z axis bugs that L2J suffers from. Did you ever run through some of the areas on the L2J server? Mobs are underground and even fall from multiple levels in dungeons, ignoring all Z axis information. On the C++ server, the mobs act accordingly since the geodata structure is there, plus you have the pathnode files. Not to mention you can edit the geodata in the game now so no more dodgy geodata. L2J is just catching on, I'm sure. Maybe even using the tools for the C++ server as I type this. Of course I'm pretty sure they're not going to come out and admit it. But I don't see any possible way for them to just ignore it. The tools are there - they just won't show their interest in it. And don't even mention it there. They'll lock the topic in a heartbeat, which I have no problem with. They're only protecting their best interests, after all.

There's even some projects that attempted to convert the Lineage 2 java code to C and it ran much faster, given it was missing some vital codes - they're all on sourceforge by the way. Check if you don't believe me. :p It's been a while since I last checked, but I beleive it was called L2JC or L2C.

I don't mean to bash on L2J. It's the whole reason what got me interested in all of this. Lineage 2? Java?! Sweet! It was almost too good to pass up. It was fun when I was into it full speed, though I have to admit. But I just got tired of the crashes and moved on to better things.

And before anyone gets an itchy finger to PM me, I want to just say that I'm not about to give out the server files for Lineage 2 since it's a pretty sensitive subject. So don't even bother asking. It's not technically illegal since it was distributed by NCSOFT's internet provider in China, but it draws a fine line here in the states. If you want it, then do your own research. :p But I didn't type out the four paragraphs above this one to blow smoke out of my bum. It's the plain truth, and I speak with experience from both ends. I don't claim to be a coding guru, nor do I really care. But after I broke the structures down and played both versions, it's really a no-brainer.

I just wanted to give my two cents for the topic. That's all. If people want to code in Java or whatever they want, let them. It's not about which is faster or better, but what makes anything worthwhile is the challenge of it all. But since the subject of L2J came up, I had to say something.

Uh, carry on then. Don't mind me. I'm just an old man with nothing better to do at 5 in the morning, lol.
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Old 08-26-2006, 04:49 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by mattmeck
There were points that were made that made it better then C++ however the speed issue is the one that craps this idea.
mattmeck i thank you for your quotes. I did know about the other 2 quotes (about inline compiling and the inheritance) and for what I cant do with multi-inheritance i can do in interfaces (may not be as good as multi-inheritance but gets the job done). As i stated before I do know that C++ is faster then Java but i dont think that it craps the out the idea. If this subject were to come out a few years ago there would be no arguement because Java was slow. Over the past serveral years Java has gotten better and faster. Plus im not doing this for speed or to make it better then EQEmu (because its already an amazing product) I was just thinking it would be a nice project to attempt. But maybe my effort should be geared toward the current EQEmu but who knows.

Originally Posted by vales
I just wanted to give my two cents for the topic. That's all. If people want to code in Java or whatever they want, let them. It's not about which is faster or better, but what makes anything worthwhile is the challenge of it all. But since the subject of L2J came up, I had to say something.
Thanks for you input . Like you said in your quote its not about if it faster or better, its the challenge of it all.

Originally Posted by Arex
I only want point that L2j (Lineage 2 emulator) is done with Java. I have tried it L2j emu, and it goes fast and it looks stable...then not say that Java isnt a good language for develop a emu.. On other hand, the eqemu already is very advanced, then it would be a loss time port it to other language without any visible benefit.
Like i said to the last quote its all about the challenge and plus it would be fun. Im not coding this to replace EQEmu i just thought it would be cool to attempt.

With all the reponses I have gotten maybe it would be more benifical to work on the current EQEmu then making a Java port. I dont know what im gonna do but i'll let you guys know. I dont know C++ nearly as much as I know Java but I have to start some where I guess. If you start to see C++ code poping up on the fourm you will know what I desided

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Old 08-26-2006, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 43


Thanks for you input . Like you said in your quote its not about if it faster or better, its the challenge of it all.
No offense, but maybe it might be a bit better to do a challenge that will actually improve upon the emu?
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Old 08-26-2006, 11:31 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Elysius
No offense, but maybe it might be a bit better to do a challenge that will actually improve upon the emu?
The challenge is to code it and not to out do EQEmu because it is a great product that probably can't be beat except by the real thing.
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