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Old 01-28-2011, 07:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default assistance setting up an EQEmu Server

I was wondering if I might be able to get a little assistance setting up an EQEmu Server. I have successfully set up a private one before but at the time didn't have time to start learning how to edit it or play with it.
(meaning I could log on and everything worked)
But because of the lack of time I had to spend at that time to learn and edit.. I deleted it.
Because things have settled down here.. I now have time to do more then just play around on other server and was thinking about setting up another server and see what I could do.
I understand how it works as far as MySQL and have a general idea of how it is suppose to work and would probably be able able to do much more once it is up and running.. but this is the problem....

I have installed...
MySQL 5.0.82
Visual Studio C++ 2008
all seems to be correct and followed the guide(s) and that is all the same as when I did this before.

I update VS 2008 Directories .. np there

I get 5 suc 0 - 0 - 0 (I think) after the build so seems correct

It is up to the point when I'm suppose to combine the directories into my EQEmu server Dir and editing the some of the files I start having problems.
There are subtle differences in the guides and some of the files I'm suppose to have. Also there are references to some files that have either changed names or just aren't there. (needless to say I think I may just be confusing myself)
I tried a few times now to start a server after playing with the configurations a few times and still get a lot of errors and a not so working server.
Even though the database and everything looks good.

Another thing I would like to try to do but don't grasp how it's done is to create the server were it shows up through the EQEmu server list.. this is to be able to play around on and let a few friends and people that might want to play come and join us.

I have a Router with the DMZ set up .. port forwarding and Networking isn't a problem on my end.. I know how to do that. I also have 2 options I can consider for the server.

Option 1
My system
AMD 6xCore 3.0
16 gig DDR3
Win 7 Pro 64
(no compatibility issues with anything .. not even the clients.. everything runs great on it)

Option 2
2xCore proc
gave it 4gig mem (for the moment)
200 gig HDD
running Win Server (32 bit) 2008

My ISP isn't to shabby at all either. I don't have a T1 but I do have 10Mbs download and 1 Mbs upload

I would love the opertunity to chat with someone who has set up a server if they don't mind sparing just a little of their time with me to go over some of this so I might be able to find my mistakes . I would even go as far as opening up instant message lines with them to make it go much faster (also makes it much easier)

If someone could help me out thanks....
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Old 01-29-2011, 12:53 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default Figured out a couple of mistakes

Ok well....
I did figure out.. by starting from scratch again and going over everything in detail, oh and by reading a few more posts and guides...

1) I had mistaken the placement of a couple of files when assembling my eqemu server directory (At least I think) not tested yet

2) still have a few more things, options, according to some other posts on how to set it up that might work better.

I am confused still about the login server...
almost every guide refers to the eqemulogin.ini file.
The problem is were this file is to be located, according to most of the guides, the only file that is even close and has the same content in it is... login.ini

Now can I use this file with that name or do I need to change it?

I have use the repositories to get the most updated files so I'm assuming this file is correct as is... but not 100% sure.

Also there is a file that most of the guides refer to when assembling the server directory that I can not find and that is the patch_live.conf when it states that is one of the files you place in UTILS folder. Is that file obsolete now?

anyway.. that is were I am ATM.. will try this stuff out and see if I'm any closer to actually getting the server to work. Any suggestions would be nice or maybe some contact with someone that has fist hand experience with setting up a server.
Thank you
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:12 AM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Files to copy to server folder:

In /trunk/EQEmuServer/Build folder -

Chatserver.exe, eqlaunch.exe, World.exe, Zone.exe and EMuShareMem.dll

In /trunk/EQEmuServer/utils folder -

mail_opcodes.conf, opcodes.conf, patch_6.2.conf, patch_Anniversary.conf,
patch_HoT.conf, patch_SoD.conf, patch_SoF.conf, patch_Titanium.conf,
and patch_Underfoot.conf

In /trunk/EQEmuServer/utils/defaults folder -

Copy ALL the folders and files inside this folder.

You will also need all the .map files downloaded in the Maps folder.

You will need all the quests downloaded in to your quests folder and
then inside the quests folder (after downloading) there will be a sub
folder called plugins. Copy that whole folder in to your root server
folder. (Should have a folder there called plugins.

Go to this link and download the EQEmuLoginServer.rar

Unrar all those files in to your server folder, then edit eqemu_config.conf
and the login.ini files.

Also, you will have to source in all the sql updates into your database,
from 1667 to 1823, found in /trunk/EQEmuServer/utils/sql/svn folder

You'll also have to create a login database (I call mine peqlogindb) and
source in an sql file called EQEmuLoginServerDBInstall.sql that you
would of got with the login.rar file you downloaded.

You also have to make TWO files, (I use notepad++)
Call them accounts.sql and worldreg.sql

Add the following line to accounts.sql - (edit AFTER the VALUES word, username, password and ip address of your client)

INSERT INTO tblLoginServerAccounts (AccountName, AccountPassword, AccountEmail, LastLoginDate, LastIPAddress) VALUES('username', sha('password'), 'fakename@hotmail.com', now(), '192.168.1.xxx');
Add the following line to worldreg.sql - (edit AFTER the VALUES word, Your Long Name and shortname

INSERT INTO `tblWorldServerRegistration` (`ServerID`, `ServerLongName`, `ServerTagDescription`, `ServerShortName`, `ServerListTypeID`, `ServerLastLoginDate`, `ServerLastIPAddr`, `ServerAdminID`, `Note`) VALUES ('1', 'Your Long Name', 'ServerTagDescription', 'shortname', '3', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL);
Then source both of these in to the login database you created.
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Old 01-29-2011, 09:39 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: EC Tunnel
Posts: 81

Perfect walkthrough Huppy. Have you ever considered editing the most recent full Windows Installation walkthrough and bring it up to date? Ya seem to have the great knack for writing up explicit, easy-to-follow instructions.
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Old 01-29-2011, 11:26 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default following your lead

ok I see what I can do as far as what I haven't done... just a couple of things though.

in the EQEmuLoginServer folder after I unrar it there isn't a eqemu_conf.conf file. The only (conf) files that are in that folder after unraring is:

There is the eqemu_config.xml and eqemu_config.xml.full (which are also not in the EqEmuLoginServer folder) but they are in the server SVN files in the "Defaults" folder.

I did a search in all the files I have gotten from the SVN(s) and can't find a eqemu_conf.conf

Also the sql files I'm suppose to source in from 1667 to 1823.....
I don't have a 1667. Around the 1600s it goes from 1625 then jumps to 1672.

The Login Database I got.. the compiling I got.. didn't know I had to source in all those sql files though or the 2 lines into worldreg.sql or accounts.sql

Anyway, will try what I can from what you have listed.. have provided some more insight on some things I can try. Let me know what you can tell about what I mentioned. I assume there aren't files missing from the SVNs or the rar downloads... prob just changes that has been made since the last time they have been messed with.
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Old 01-29-2011, 02:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default Updating

I'm compiling again and starting from scratch with the EQEmu server files.
Not deleting what I have.. I have backed up all the SVN files and EQEmuLoginServer files and the PEQ SVN files so if I make a mistake.. instead of mixing everything up I can just delete what I have and copy from the backups to save time (with the backups being untouched) so I know I'm good to go.
Also I know I'm good on the data base up to sourcing in the additional files I didn't know I had to source in so not touching the database... will just source in those sql files.

I also noticed even though I'm getting the:

========== Build: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
This is a good thing at the end o the build and I know the guide(s) said you would have a lot of warnings but I do notice I'm getting a lot of this:

5>        Cannot generate copy-ctor or copy-assignment operator when UDT contains a zero-sized array
5>c:\eqemusvnfiles\eqemu\trunk\eqemuserver\ucs\../common/eq_packet_structs.h(3987) : warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union
5>        Cannot generate copy-ctor or copy-assignment operator when UDT contains a zero-sized array
5>c:\eqemusvnfiles\eqemu\trunk\eqemuserver\ucs\../common/eq_packet_structs.h(4451) : warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union
5>        Cannot generate copy-ctor or copy-assignment operator when UDT contains a zero-sized array
5>c:\eqemusvnfiles\eqemu\trunk\eqemuserver\ucs\../common/eq_packet_structs.h(4483) : warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union
5>        Cannot generate copy-ctor or copy-assignment operator when UDT contains a zero-sized array
5>c:\eqemusvnfiles\eqemu\trunk\eqemuserver\ucs\../common/eq_packet_structs.h(4495) : warning C4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union
I take it that is normal as long as my build is successful.

So basicly going to ...
Re-compile ..rebuild the EQEmu Server Directory.. source in the files I need to and add the lines I need into the database.
Still can't find the eqemu_conf.conf file though.

When I get a working eqemu (with a little assistance) I will try to post an updated guide for everyone.

Also still not sure how to link the server to the eqemu world server listings.. I'll worry about that later once I have this figured out.. one step at a time.

Ok down to editing the eqemu_config.xml

My file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0">
		<longname>EQExcalibur in BETA</longname>

		<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
		<!-- <address>some.server.com</address> -->
		<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->

		<!-- Loginserver information.  Defaults shown -->

		<!-- Server status.  Default is unlocked -->
		<!-- <unlocked/> -->

		<!-- Sets the ip/port for the tcp connections.  Both zones and console (if enabled).  Defaults are shown -->
		<tcp ip="localhost" port="9000" telnet="disable"/>

		<!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
		<key>some long random string</key>
		<!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service.  Defaults are shown -->
		<http port="9080" enabled="false" mimefile="mime.types" />

	<!-- Chatserver (channels) information.  Defaults shown -->

	<!-- Mailserver (in-game mail) information.  Defaults shown -->


		<!-- Sets port range for world to use to auto configure zones -->
		<ports low="7000" high="7100"/>

	<!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini.  Defaults shown -->

	<!-- Launcher Configuration -->
		<!-- <logprefix>logs/zone-</logprefix> -->
		<!-- <logsuffix>.log</logsuffix> -->
		<!-- <exe>zone.exe or ./zone</exe> -->
		<!-- <timers restart="10000" reterminate="10000"> -->

	<!-- File locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <spells>spells_us.txt</spells> -->
		<!-- <opcodes>opcodes.conf</opcodes> -->
		<!-- <logsettings>log.ini</logsettings> -->
		<!-- <eqtime>eqtime.cfg</eqtime> -->
	<!-- Directory locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <maps>Maps</maps> -->
		<!-- <quests>quests</quests> -->
		<!-- <plugins>plugins</plugins> -->
First Question:
Do I need to uncomment this...
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to.  (read: You don't) -->
		<!-- <address>some.server.com</address> -->
		<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->
some guides say to ... the actual file says you don't need to....

Second question:
Is this what links the server to the EQEmu world server list?
<!-- Loginserver information.  Defaults shown -->
if so.. is that correct besides my account and login info?
And does it go by the "World Server" account login information? or is there a lot more involved with that process?

Last Question (for the moment)
<!-- Launcher Configuration -->
		<!-- <logprefix>logs/zone-</logprefix> -->
		<!-- <logsuffix>.log</logsuffix> -->
		<!-- <exe>zone.exe or ./zone</exe> -->
		<!-- <timers restart="10000" reterminate="10000"> -->

	<!-- File locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <spells>spells_us.txt</spells> -->
		<!-- <opcodes>opcodes.conf</opcodes> -->
		<!-- <logsettings>log.ini</logsettings> -->
		<!-- <eqtime>eqtime.cfg</eqtime> -->
	<!-- Directory locations.  Defaults shown -->
		<!-- <maps>Maps</maps> -->
		<!-- <quests>quests</quests> -->
		<!-- <plugins>plugins</plugins> -->
does it matter if you uncomment these and edit them or can you just leave these alone?
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Old 01-29-2011, 02:36 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Sorry chrismed0, I was a little tired when I wrote my reply.
The eqemu_config.xml is what I meant to type, ( instead of .conf)

The two you found are correct, but the eqemu_config.xml.full is what
you use if your running your own private login, but REMOVE the .full
and edit it with your own.
If your simply going to link your server in to eqemulator.net then you

There is plenty of info on this forum for configuring your server.
The "5 succeeded" you got during compile is normal and you DON"T
need to re-compile again. You just need all the rest of the files and
the database/sql's sourced in.

Here is an eqemu_config.xml file that only needs the shortname, longname and database info edited;
After that, IT WILL connect to the eqemulator.net (providing everything else is done.
DO NOT uncomment anything. Just edit the above mentioned fields. NOTHING ELSE needs editing.

<?xml version="1.0">
<longname>Whatever Long Name You Pick</longname>

<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. (read: You don't) -->
<!-- <address></address> -->
<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->

<!-- Loginserver information. Defaults shown -->

<!-- Server status. Default is unlocked -->
<!-- <unlocked/> -->

<!-- Sets the ip/port for the tcp connections. Both zones and console (if enabled). Defaults are shown -->
<tcp ip="localhost" port="9000" telnet="disable"/>

<!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
<key>some long random characters</key>

<!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service. Defaults are shown -->
<http port="9080" enabled="false" mimefile="mime.types"/>

<!-- Chatserver (channels) information. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <host></host> -->
<!-- <port>10234</port> -->

<!-- Mailserver (in-game mail) information. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <host></host> -->
<!-- <port>10234</port> -->


<!-- Sets port range for world to use to auto configure zones -->
<ports low="7000" high="7100"/>

<!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini. Defaults shown -->

<!-- Launcher Configuration -->
<!-- <logprefix>logs/zone-</logprefix> -->
<!-- <logsuffix>.log</logsuffix> -->
<!-- <exe>zone.exe or ./zone</exe> -->
<!-- <timers restart="10000" reterminate="10000"> -->

<!-- File locations. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <spells>spells_us.txt</spells> -->
<!-- <opcodes>opcodes.conf</opcodes> -->
<!-- <logsettings>log.ini</logsettings> -->
<!-- <eqtime>eqtime.cfg</eqtime> -->
<!-- Directory locations. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <maps>Maps</maps> -->
<!-- <quests>quests</quests> -->
<!-- <plugins>plugins</plugins> -->
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default The update on the server so far

Hey.. think I'm making progress.

All intent and purposes, it looks like the server started up and is running.
I log into host=eqemulator.net and my server shows up on the server menu with all the other servers. ( that is fricken awsome )

I did get this error when the server started up though which I'm not sure about unless it is normal:

 [Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_3136.log
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] WorldConnection connect: Connecting to the server localhost
:9000 failed: TCPConnection::Connect(): connect() failed. Error: 10061
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] worldserver.Connect() FAILED! Will retry.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Starting main loop...
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] Connected to World: localhost:9000
The next thing which is the first problem is when I click on my server on the menu I get this error in my "world.exe" window and can't connect:

[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Unable to identify stream from, no m
atch found.
I take it is trying to match up my local ip (which is what I entered into the database when I made the account entry) with the "actual" ip address it is seeing and can't match up the account to the IP. I will try to put my "actual" ip in and see if that works unless it is something els not allowing me to log in.

Which brings me to my first question at this point...
What allows people to go through the eqemulator.net login server and log on to what ever server without an entry in that servers DB? is there something in one of the files (.ini , .conf , .xml ) that allows people to do so or that allow the server to see them enter and then automatically add them to the database?

I obviously don't have this part salved yet....

Thanks for the assistance up to this point, it has helped a lot.
It also helps to post because it allows me to think things through.. let those that might assist know were I'm at up to that point .. and keeps me from blankly looking at the screen scratching my head hehehe...


Nope.. updated the IP in the loginDB under the accounts for my login and still get the exact same error message so it's something else.
Could it be I have use the loginDB entry in the .ini or .xml file in my main server directory instead of the entry for the main DB?
Going to take a break from this for about an hour... so not to get to tired then will see if there is any new news on what I maybe doing wrong, check the forums for possible solutions and try a couple of other things.
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Old 01-29-2011, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

Instead of localhost, try using

The "unable to identify" error might be due to missing opcode files. What client are you using?
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Old 01-29-2011, 07:01 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default The Server

I tried to replace the "localhost" in the eqemu_config.xml and the login.ini (only places I have the "localhost" used.

Also tried changing my local network IP to my actual internet IP in the accounts in the loginDB and when I login in to eqemulator.net and try loggin onto my server I still get the same error:

[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Unable to identify stream from, no m
atch found.
As far as the .conf files these are what I have in my directory from the EQEmuLoginServer.rar:


Also I'm getting this in my "EQEmu Login Server" window:

[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Logging System Init.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Config System Init.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] MySQL Database Init.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Encryption Initialize.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Encryption Loaded Successfully.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Server Manager Initialize.
[Network] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] ServerManager listening on port 5998
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Client Manager Initialize.
[Network] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] ClientManager listening on Titanium stream.
[Network] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] ClientManager listening on SoD stream.
[Debug] [01.29.11 - 16:49:26] Server Started.
So still not sure....

ALSO.. almost forgot... The server is actually running on Windows Server 2008 (32bit) on a VMWare Workstation Vertual Machine on my system .. I went ahead and went with that for now. I'm bridging the connection to connect directly to the physical network like it's own independent computer. It shows up in my router as if it was just another computer which I have the server options setup for it in the router. I also gave it 2x proc with plenty of HD space and plenty of memory for the moment. When I have everything up and running well and I have a chance to play with editing it or tweaking it or what ever I decide to do once this stage of the server is done, then I may move it to an actual server system or share it with other systems.. time will tell ... and lots to do..hehe

so it has it's own local IP address....no problems there
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Old 01-29-2011, 07:18 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

Do you have files named patch*.conf in your server directory? You need to copy them from the trunk\EQEmuServer\utils directory where you downloaded the source code from SVN to where you put the server executables.

Once you have them in the right place you should see several lines like this in your world debug log:

[01.29. - 15:16:20] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[01.29. - 15:16:20] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[01.29. - 15:16:21] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch SoF
[01.29. - 15:16:21] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch SoD
[01.29. - 15:16:21] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Underfoot
[01.29. - 15:16:21] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch HoT
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Old 01-29-2011, 07:23 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default Patch files

thought all the "patch" files went into the EQEmu / utils folder (server directory)

do they go in the main server directory?

I'll try that see what it does....


ok looks more promissing now I copied the "patch" files into my main server directory...BUT getting this error now in the EQEmu\World.exe window...

Account Attempting to be created:(MyLoginUsername) 20
Error in CreateAccount query 'INSERT INTO account SET name='(MyLoginUsername)', status=2
0, lsaccount_id=178729, time_creation=UNIX_TIMESTAMP();' #1054: Unknown column '
time_creation' in 'field list'
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENTLIST_ERR] Error adding local account for LS login: '(MyloginUsername)', duplicate name?
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] NOCLE: Bad/Expired session key '178729'
I thought maybe it tried to create the account and because I was already in the database under the accounts that it came up with the "duplicate?" error but I deleted that record and I get the same error.

Also still have this error in the "0:sleeping" window and still not sure if that is something else or normal:

[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_3788.log
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] WorldConnection connect: Connecting to the server localhost
:9000 failed: TCPConnection::Connect(): connect() failed. Error: 10061
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] worldserver.Connect() FAILED! Will retry.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Starting main loop...
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] Connected to World: localhost:9000

Ok after seeing this post:

I decided to try what was one of the lasts replies on that page. Got me logged on but I run into more errors once it starts loading..
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 2032: 0a 37 5e 32 31 5e 33 37 - 0a 31 31 5e 32 30 0d
 0a  | .7^21^37.11^20..
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 2048: 5e 31 35 5e 31 39 5e 32 -
     | ^15^19^2
[Debug] Unable to convert EQ opcode 0x5d24 to an Application opcode.
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] chrismed0: Received unknown EQApplicationPacket
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] [OpCode OP_Unknown (0x5d24) Size=2056]
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 0000: f9 e1 be 08 c1 c8 00 00 - 59 13 00 00 72 2d 00
 00  | ........Y...r-..
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 0016: 61 26 00 00 80 06 00 00 - c6 2c 00 00 0c 00 00
 00  | a&.......,......
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 0032: 16 0a 00 00 58 2d 00 00 - e2 0b 00 00 62 10 00
 00  | ....X-......b...
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 0048: c6 31 00 00 8b 2a 00 00 - a4 08 00 00 df 09 00
I forgot to mention (DOH) I had gotten several error messages about some of the .sql files I tried to load into the database..

Listed above isn't the entire file name .. just enough to let you know what files I'm getting errors from when I try to source them in
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Old 01-29-2011, 08:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Default Server update

Ok logged in with my first toon...
No your right didn't need the login.ini file and didn't need to uncomment most of the eqemu_config.xml file.. all that seems good to go...
Everything in game seem to working correctly so far.. as far as I can tell.. looks like something still needs to be cleaned up though.. like there are uneeded files tring to run.
Getting these errors in the "EQEmu\World.exe" window...
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 0000: 30                      -
     | 0
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] chrismed0: Attempting autobootup of tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] chrismed0: Entering zone tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Broadcasting a world time update
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] chrismed0: Sending client to zone tutorialb (189:0) at 1
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] chrismed0: Client disconnected (not active in process)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] ZoneToZone request for Sanoora current zon
e 189 req zone 202

[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Processing ZTZ for egress from zone for cl
ient Sanoora

[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] Successfully booted a zone for Sanoora

[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0xff4 did not match
 expected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it di
d not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0xff4 did not match
 expected 0x2ec9
it says the client is disconnected from process. That may not be what I'm thinking it is the "did not match" errors...

But there is this one to:
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1600: 35 5e 32 5e 5e 30 5e 2e - 5e 39 36 30 31 32 30
 30  | 5^2^^0^.^9601200
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1616: 0d 0a 38 33 5e 34 2e 39 - 34 30 5e 36 0a 31 38
 5e  | ..83^4.940^6.18^
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1632: 35 0d 0a 36 32 30 5e 36 - 31 39 35 5e 34 2e 32
 5e  | 5..620^6195^4.2^
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1648: 5e 36 2e 36 5e 30 5e 31 - 5e 31 34 5e 39 37 2e
 35  | ^6.6^0^1^14^97.5
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1664: 32 35 5e 30 35 5e 33 5e - 38 5e 32 30 5e 33 5e
 37  | 25^05^3^8^20^3^7
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1680: 5e 32 2e 31 32 30 5e 37 - 31 34 37 30 5e 36 2e
 35  | ^2.120^71470^6.5
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1696: 31 30 5e 31 5e 38 35 38 - 31 2e 33 33 31 31 30
 5e  | 10^1^8581.33110^
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1712: 2e 37 35 0d 35 5e 31 2e - 32 5e 35 5e 38 35 0d
 0a  | .75.5^1.2^5^85..
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1728: 30 5e 39 5e 5e 31 34 31 - 5e 31 33 32 0d 0a 35
 35  | 0^9^^141^132..55
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1744: 32 0d 0a 36 32 5e 39 39 - 32 39 30 30 5e 35 5e
 31  | 2..62^992900^5^1
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1760: 2e 32 35 0d 34 35 5e 33 - 38 37 33 2e 5e 2e 36
 39  | .25.45^3873.^.69
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1776: 5e 36 30 5e 31 5e 31 5e - 34 30 5e 38 33 2e 33
 5e  | ^60^1^1^40^83.3^
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1792: 34 32 2e 35 34 35 0d 0a - 5e 32 5e 35 5e 32 30
 5e  | 42.545..^2^5^20^
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1808: 5e 38 2e 33 5e 31 37 37 - 5e 31 30 5e 32 35 0d
 0a  | ^8.3^177^10^25..
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] 1824: 5e 39 2e 36 32 5e 31 35 - 37 5e 31 33 35 5e 34
not sure what is causing that one...
There are also the possible issues with some of the .sql files I tried to source in....
I started at 1625 through 1823 since it jumps from 1625 to 1675 (I think) there was no 1667
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Old 01-29-2011, 09:33 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

None of those are errors, they are just informative. When you connect the server doesn't know what client you are using, so it tries to decode your packet with each version until one works. Since you are not using the 6.2 client it figures that out and moves on to titanium and so on.

In general you only need to apply the SQL updates that are newer than your database version. 1711 is a special case though, since the downloaded database has a newer version but doesn't have it applied. Since you're past that you should be fine. Just know that if you update your code you need to apply any required updates that come with it.
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