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Old 10-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 5

Why don't you make the class buff abilities worn buffs on the charm itself? Or are they going to be group target?

If they only affect you, I would think it would be better to make them worn, so you don't have to worry about buff slots and recasting every time you die, etc. I'm pretty sure there's also ways to make the charm give you abilities when you equip it also, instead of getting every ability and requiring the charm as a reagent.

Just my 2cp, I thought all the buffs that were self-only and effectively permanent were kinda silly to have take up buff slots.
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Old 10-08-2013, 02:08 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Udeni View Post
Why don't you make the class buff abilities worn buffs on the charm itself? Or are they going to be group target?

If they only affect you, I would think it would be better to make them worn, so you don't have to worry about buff slots and
recasting every time you die, etc. I'm pretty sure there's also ways to make the charm give you abilities when you equip it also,
instead of getting every ability and requiring the charm as a reagent.

Just my 2cp, I thought all the buffs that were self-only and effectively permanent were kinda silly to have take up buff slots.

These buffs will not be group targeted, they will indeed be self only. If I made these items into a focus/worn early on most
of the items found in the game would not stack and become worthless. With this, you'll be able to use a healing/spell damage focus found
elsewhere along with the buff. Also, worn can't directly increase your melee damage sadly. It's not able to in the source, only
a buff does it. (This was tested a while back on the older Varlyndria. +melee damage worn effect using the Damage Modifier Spell Effect did not work.)

I'm going to be staying away from changing source code this time around and work with what I got in the build. (Currently on 2506)
(which is a lot to work with honestly) I don't want to cause lag/link death central and piss players off because they can't play, when
the server is running really good on test so far. Screwing with too much source can downright destroy your server if you don't know what you're doing.
I've done many tests with other people in source code changes in the past and they never came out like we wanted them to. All they lead to was major
crashes and a headache from the pits of the nine hells. (D&D reference) Overall, it's a single buff for the class role and a single buff for the weapon
mastery you choose. There won't be many more than that. Normal class spells will not be touched and the custom spells will be balanced and not over-shadow
those normal spells either. These buffs will also be immune to dispells.

EDIT: Btw, I noticed you typed "getting every spell and having this as a reagent.". That is not going to happen anymore and was scratched. The reason
being, the spell types are so vastly different from each other (such as songs/disciplines) I decided to make the spells you get clicky based dependent on the
augment you have equipped. (Like Materia in Final Fantasy 7). This will allow ALL classes to use the same powers and players to build their characters however
they want without me having to create thousands of the same spell. It also lets you fully play the original class and just have some extra abilities to make you
unique. You also get your normal class abilities too which haven't been touched and which also need to be learned and found like the old EQ. You will also need
to find these special augments as well but can get most of them early on from a vendor. If I could do this where you don't need a buff I would, but it's going to
interfere with other focus items in the game. The buff is the best way to do it because it lets me tackle multiple avenues of damage effects, defense effects etc,
where a focus/worn can only handle one at a time. It also lets you get items that STACK with these buffs. It's really the best way to do it aside from redesigning
the source code. Which i seriously don't want to bother with at all as it's not necessary to make a server fun. The old Varlyndria did not have an ounce of source
code change when I first came into the scene and did very well until I made some unwise choices and mistakes with that server.

Also, you'll notice that even if you do have a tank that chooses say. "Fire Augments". That WAR/PAL/SK can get a max of 200% spell damage where a caster can
get 290%. This will be a main factor in classes and who does what for damage even though they are shared. The class roles balance everything out.
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Old 10-10-2013, 06:26 AM
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Weapon Mastery Stones will be treasured around the world. Players can get the lower level versions of these stones early on but will need to find stronger versions of them by adventuring in Norrath and beyond. These stones can be traded so they will be very sought after by all players.

Class Role System Chart (Updated)

Added Pet Master as a new Role. Players can focus fully on making their pet into a super beast now.

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Old 10-11-2013, 10:37 PM
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I have decided to do some changes to the system I currently had because I simply
couldn't figure out what a primary and secondary would be exactly, as the original idea for
secondary powers was weapon mastery, but I decided to make that into its own chest augment.

The final system will look like this:

• CLASS ROLE CHARM - Allows class to pick 1 of 8 class roles they wish to play. (Free 24 hour mega buff)
All class role buffs aside from the pet master will cast reclaim energy on your pet. This is done to prevent
players from getting a pet master charm, casting it, deleting it and then getting another class role charm.
Class Role Charms are under a special lore value which means you absolutely cannot have more then one
of these charms at any given time on any piece of gear or your inventory/bank. This is not just the same
item type but any of the charms. Example: You cannot have Class Role Charm: Destroyer and Protector
even though they are different items. Also, these buffs will not stack at all so you must remove your
current buff to get the new one if you switch charms. Class role buffs are based on the actual type
of class you are. (look at the list on the main development page)

• WEAPON MASTERY STONE - Fits in the Chest slot type 23 and gives the player a nice buff that stacks
with their Class Role Buff. Players can have multiple versions of these stones in their inventory on different
chest items if they wish, but they cannot stack with another weapon mastery buff. Weapon Mastery Stones
can be obtained by buying them from vendors or finding them in your adventures. These stones can also be
traded to other players.

• SPELL STONES - (Replaced Primary/Secondary idea) Fits in earrings, rings and bracers - slot type 22 and grants
players a large variety of clicky spell/ability powers. Spell stones have 6 types of shared CDs which will be
displayed in the name of the stone. Each bracer, ring and earring only have 1 type 22 slot, so players can
only have 6 of these special powers at any given time. Spell Stones can be obtained by buying them from
vendors or finding them in your adventures. These stones can also be traded to other players.

EXAMPLE: Stone of Fireball (Rank 1, Type 1), Stone of Ice Spikes (Rank 4, Type 5), Stone of Poison Mist (Rank 1, Type 1)
The Fireball and Poison Mist stone would share the same cooldown. This is just an example and some of these ability names
might not be official or appear in the game.

My goal here is to let players build their characters with a variety of choices instead of pigeon hole them to a path.
More to come on V2 as I get the server built.
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Old 10-15-2013, 02:50 AM
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Some new development changes have been added to V2. I want to make
sure things are solid and make sense in this system.

I'm adding a type 22 augment slot to all weapons and I have changed the weapon mastery stone to be named
combat mastery, and they fit inside the necklace slot now instead of the chest slot. The chest to necklace change
was made so that it made sense jewelry type items were holding these powerful enchantments. Weapon stones will
also come with aggro builder spell options for classes that want to tank and aren't the traditional tank classes. This
includes a spell that procs when casting spells, so a wizard kit can sit there and cast and pull aggro while using a
protection role if they wanted to.

Necklace, Bracer, Bracer, Ring, Ring, Earring, Earring, Weapon

NOTE: I'll be releasing some really cool info on the spell stone magic types later this week or next.
The old paths will really influence my design on these but things like the soulreaper won't be making the cut since
they are just ridiculously hard to get right. I will have things like blood ritual however instead of vampire. I'm going to
stay away from the word "vampire" if all possible. It's just heavily and ridiculously over-used in novels and fiction.
Also, don't forget that ALL classes will be able to harness the power of these spell stones instead of just one class,
so you could have a blood ritual rogue or even a blood ritual monk if you wanted to! I will also only release a handful
of these spell stones at launch and keep adding new ones into the game. This way there is a good amount of things
to choose from but you're left wanting more. Expect to see things like: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Arcane, Unholy, Holy,
Blood Ritual, Poison, Plague and Fighting as some of the starter stones to get things rolling.

More to come.
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Old 10-21-2013, 05:40 PM
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Notice: I have been sick with a nasty flu for almost a week now so it has really slowed down production on the server.

Varlyndria 2 has a new website design and a new forums. These forums will replace the Varlyndria: Ascension forums.



• TYPE 1: Opener - Opener spells have a long cast time on them but deal tremendous damage. They are best used
at the very start of combat to out-right destroy or severely harm your enemy.

• TYPE 2: Follow-Up - Follow-Up spells should be used after the Opener but can be used all during a fight when
they are up. These spells are instant cast and have long recharge times.

• TYPE 3: Rotation - Rotation spells are easily cast during a fight with their fast cast times and are usually on medium recharge times.

• TYPE 4: Area Blast - Area Blast spells hit everything around you or your group and are used for mass killing or healing.

• TYPE 5: Beneficial - Beneficial spells either target the caster or another player with a positive effect or healing value.

• TYPE 6: Special - Special spells can be anything to make that set unique in some way. Example: extra heal, damage, pet etc.
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Old 10-23-2013, 11:07 PM
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The spell stone augment idea has been axed due to too many complications
within the database and things not working correctly as they should. The
system was buggy and very choppy and I have decided to go back to the
drawing board on V2's system. The class role charms work great however, and
will be staying put. I've got some ideas to give players that old-school path feel
but much different this time around as I still want to give all classes the ability
to be anything they want.

Stay tuned...
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Old 10-25-2013, 07:32 PM
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• TRINITY MASTERY SYSTEM - This new system is going to allow players to join various
factions that specialize in different themes like the old path system, however this time around, players will be able
to join a total of three factions to build their character with. The powers you learn from these factions are based
on what class you have chosen and its resource used to cast abilities. In EQ there are three types of ability
use: Disciplines, Spells and Songs. The Trinity is basically one of three class types that casts spells, use pure
endurance disciplines or sings songs (bards). When a player joins a faction they will also need to continue to improve
their reputation with that faction to further learn any new abilities the faction can offer them. Players won't just be
handed all of their abilities this time like Varlyndria: Ascension. They will need to work and prove themselves to
earn access to them.

LEVEL: 01: Scorching Melody
LEVEL: 05: Searing Song
LEVEL: 10: Theme of Burning
LEVEL: 15: Aria of Fire
LEVEL: 20: Call Fire Sprite 1
LEVEL: 25: Lyric of Warmth
LEVEL: 30: Carol of Smoke
LEVEL: 35: Call Fire Sprite 2
LEVEL: 40: Theme of Melting
LEVEL: 45: Dance of Flame
LEVEL: 50: Call Fire Sprite 3

LEVEL: 01: Burning Rush
LEVEL: 05: Searing Slam
LEVEL: 10: Fire Heart
LEVEL: 15: Call Fire Goblin 1
LEVEL: 20: Cinder Slash
LEVEL: 25: Ash Vice
LEVEL: 30: Searing Slam 2
LEVEL: 35: Inferno Spin
LEVEL: 40: Call Fire Orc 1
LEVEL: 45: Flame Stance
LEVEL: 50: Whirling Fireball

NOTE: Players can join one of these factions at level 1, 20 and 50 for a total of 3 factions. Faction masters will teach
players new abilities based on their class type (song/disc/spell) and current reputation within that faction. Players will
need to get their reputation up with that faction before they can learn what it offers. Raising your reputation will be done
from completing quests with that faction or offering valuable items to its cause.

• Flamecallers - Faction that specializes in fire and the molten earth.
• Icebringers - Faction that specializes in ice and the arctic cold.
• Earth Wardens - Faction that specializes in nature and wild beasts.
• Stormseekers - Faction that specializes in lightning and wind storms.
• Weapon Masters - Faction that specializes in offensive melee combat.
• Guardians - Faction that specializes in defensive combat.
• Hunters - Faction that specializes in ranged combat and trap making.

• Radiant Champions - Faction that specializes in light and heavenly power.
• Dark Heretics - Faction that specializes in darkness and hellish power.
• Twisted Animators - Faction that specializes in chaos, sonic waves and puppets.
• Distortionists - Faction that specializes in psionic powers and illusions.
• Arcanists - Faction that specializes in arcane forces and magical enhancements.
• Rotfeasters - Faction that specializes in plagues and vermin control.
• Bloodlords - Faction that specializes in anatomical alteration and restoration.
• Nightshades - Faction that specializes in poisons and stealthy combat.
• Abyssalists - Faction that specializes in water and sea creatures.
• Deathspeakers - Faction that specializes in undead, spirits and bone magic.
• Arcane Engineers - Faction that specializes in clock work robots and powerful golems.
• Timeweavers - Faction that specializes in time and cosmic energies.
• ????????????? - More to come after these.
• ????????????? - More to come after these.
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Old 10-25-2013, 07:40 PM
Township EQ
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 118

Originally Posted by Drakiyth View Post

• TRINITY MASTERY SYSTEM - This new system is going to allow players to join various
factions that specialize in different themes like the old path system, however this time around, players will be able
to join a total of three factions to build their character with. The powers you learn from these factions are based
on what class you have chosen and its resource used to cast abilities. In EQ there are three types of ability
use: Disciplines, Spells and Songs. The Trinity is basically one of three class types that casts spells, use pure
endurance disciplines or sings songs (bards). When a player joins a faction they will also need to continue to improve
their reputation with that faction to further learn any new abilities the faction can offer them. Players won't just be
handed all of their abilities this time like Varlyndria: Ascension. They will need to work and prove themselves to
earn access to them.

LEVEL: 01: Scorching Melody
LEVEL: 05: Searing Song
LEVEL: 10: Theme of Burning
LEVEL: 15: Aria of Fire
LEVEL: 20: Call Fire Sprite 1
LEVEL: 25: Lyric of Warmth
LEVEL: 30: Carol of Smoke
LEVEL: 35: Call Fire Sprite 2
LEVEL: 40: Theme of Melting
LEVEL: 45: Dance of Flame
LEVEL: 50: Call Fire Sprite 3

LEVEL: 01: Burning Rush
LEVEL: 05: Searing Slam
LEVEL: 10: Fire Heart
LEVEL: 15: Call Fire Goblin 1
LEVEL: 20: Cinder Slash
LEVEL: 25: Ash Vice
LEVEL: 30: Searing Slam 2
LEVEL: 35: Inferno Spin
LEVEL: 40: Call Fire Orc 1
LEVEL: 45: Flame Stance
LEVEL: 50: Whirling Fireball

NOTE: Players can join one of these factions at level 1, 20 and 50 for a total of 3 factions. Faction masters will teach
players new abilities based on their class type (song/disc/spell) and current reputation within that faction. Players will
need to get their reputation up with that faction before they can learn what it offers. Raising your reputation will be done
from completing quests with that faction or offering valuable items to its cause.

• Flamecallers - Faction that specializes in fire and the molten earth.
• Icebringers - Faction that specializes in ice and the arctic cold.
• Earth Wardens - Faction that specializes in nature and wild beasts.
• Stormseekers - Faction that specializes in lightning and wind storms.
• Weapon Masters - Faction that specializes in offensive melee combat.
• Guardians - Faction that specializes in defensive combat.
• Hunters - Faction that specializes in ranged combat and trap making.

• Radiant Champions - Faction that specializes in light and heavenly power.
• Dark Heretics - Faction that specializes in darkness and hellish power.
• Twisted Animators - Faction that specializes in chaos, sonic waves and puppets.
• Distortionists - Faction that specializes in psionic powers and illusions.
• Arcanists - Faction that specializes in arcane forces and magical enhancements.
• Rotfeasters - Faction that specializes in plagues and vermin control.
• Bloodlords - Faction that specializes in anatomical alteration and restoration.
• Nightshades - Faction that specializes in poisons and stealthy combat.
• Abyssalists - Faction that specializes in water and sea creatures.
• Deathspeakers - Faction that specializes in undead, spirits and bone magic.
• Arcane Engineers - Faction that specializes in clock work robots and powerful golems.
• Timeweavers - Faction that specializes in time and cosmic energies.
• ????????????? - More to come after these.
• ????????????? - More to come after these.
The work being put into this is pretty damn extensive. Looks like it will be great, Drak.
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Old 11-07-2013, 02:26 AM
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Thank you for the support, Township. I'm doing everything I can to make V2 a new experience for everybody but also
more fun than my previous installments with this new faction system. Giving players a real mmorpg feeling as they progress
and earn their special powers in a modified version of the everquest they already know and love.

I've been hard at work figuring out how this new system will work and it has taken a lot of trial and error with many systems
that were designed being scratched and redone from start because of them simply not working out. I finally feel I have the
system where it needs to be and this will speed up the progression of the server significantly. Players will be able to talk to
the recruiter of the factions in the guild lobby and when they join will gain access to their headquarters which will be placed
in various areas of Norrath.

Here is a pic of the Flamecaller's Headquarters.

Players need to earn faction levels to learn new spells, songs or disciplines (based on which class type you are)

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Old 11-08-2013, 03:18 PM
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All faction headquarters will have npcs to gain faction from by completing quests for them. If you do
somehow bypass a faction level, that npc will have no use for you anymore and won't accept items you
give it or give you a quest. You can still climb to the top of your reputation with relic turn-ins but you'll
miss out on some cool quest items if you do so. Players can earn other things besides faction and money
as well as they progress further, such as weapons and armors related to their faction.

Example: Completing the Amateur Flamecaller quest will reward a fire dagger and fire maul to the player
as well as give them 200 reputation points with the Flamecallers, allowing them access to their new

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Old 11-14-2013, 06:20 AM
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I have had a lot of what you would call "real life struggles" lately with so many different things going on in my life, but I
have still put what time I can fit in into the server and it's coming along pretty good. Here is a snap of the Icebringers Guild
which is located inside Everfrost. The tomes below are earned by becoming a member and you earn higher level ones by
completing quests/turning in relics/getting your faction up with your current guild. You can get a second guild choice at
30 and a final guild choice at 50 for 3 guilds to work faction on to make your character extremely elite.

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Old 11-25-2013, 04:39 AM
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Sorry about the lack of updates. As you probably already read on the old necro-posted thread I am working a full-time job now
and don't have as much time to work on the server anymore. I haven't fully forgotten about it however. I am still working on it.
I appreciate all the feedback and praise I have gotten on my old content and some people still feeling my stuff and vision was the
best. I can't thank you enough for your thoughtful and encouraging e-mails and support. I hope one day I can re-live with you all
that experience again. Sadly, financial stress is a part of life and something that's never easily dealt with.

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Old 11-27-2013, 12:12 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,107

How much acid do you think Drakiyth takes before he starts developing servers?
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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