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Old 06-03-2017, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 70

I really don't know squat about this server, because I haven't made a char there.

But chief all the post counts on this sudden spurt of negative posts are suspiciously low.

It's... it's... as if someone got their jimmies rustled.

That said, just as someone eyeballing the setup, some of it seems a little odd. Character transfers - eh, it can help get a server going with upper levels to start getting yaks and whatnot in circulation, but given the nature of EMU servers no limitations is kind of crazy.

I mentioned earlier in this thread that I had a mage with ALL the PoP era AA anyone would ever want. Literally everything in the class, archetype, whatever the other one was, and all the general anyone could want. Now they said level 60, so I have no idea what happens in that case.

I have Vulak's Robe (Darkness?), or something from Aten Ha Ra, or from Xegony - I literally can't remember. Along with things from GoD that are better than Time Gear.

And that isn't unbalancing? And lots of other people have the same story. Apparently the transfers end this month, so I dunno. Make more sense to have everyone come on board bare, with no AA, max level 60 if you ask me. And I also would not allow mages to know Manifest Orb. That would be plenty to kickstart the whole thing.

And this is a boxing server. I've come to hate MQ, but I have to admit after trying to schlep chars around Trakanon's Teeth using /follow, if you are going to box MQ is a must (well unless you can summon your other char).
Old 06-03-2017, 10:11 PM
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Fire Beetle
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Your feedback is Always welcome Sunbeam but our community enjoys our server. So like a lot of servers out there, not every server is meant for everyone. It would be a bit foolish to transfer a character in past our current Era, thats just not going to happen. Any ways thanks for checking out our server.

Old 06-04-2017, 10:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
checked out this server last week after being approached by someone on the Project 2002 server via tells, who asked me to come give it a try. My first impressions:

- Character Transfers are a terrible idea, since you can not only transfer NO TRADE items, but any item you want, which leads to people transferring multiple same items on all of their different characters. As a result of that, there is practically no economy, and there was already big controversy about people doctoring up their character export files. Also, it leads to people not experiencing the (mostly broken) content from level 1 to 59.

- Tons of inaccurate data and other problems. Many of which have been reported, and have been shrugged off with reasons like 'working as intended'. They recently announced a new term called 'time touched' which basically is a universal excuse for leaving broken content (spawn times, wrong stats on NPC, wrong drop rates etc) unchanged

- Super low population. The only reason you see the amount of positive testimonials here is that every single person who plays there is shilling for the server here on the eqemu forums

- Front page, bug report templates and many other things are directly ripped off from the server I usually play on (project 2002). Furthermore, they didn't even proof read it or remove the information which is incorrect (compare http://p2002.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3215&p=17331 http://p2002.com/ etc)

- Patch notes appear to be written by a person with the maturity level of an 8 year old - Which goes hand in hand with their questionable 'fixes' to raid content and questionable 'non fixes' to everything that is broken

- The people who run the server were run off their old server by another guild, after having failed to compete and beat simple Luclin encounters. As a result, the content on GoT was immediately nerfed down to a level that makes it beatable by the people who failed it on the other server. Don't expect this server to be at all challenging.

- Server runs on an almost unmodified version of the eqemu codebase, same goes for the database which is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies, as anyone, who has hosted his own server before, knows. When people point out these inaccuracies, or point out non era specific features that completely change the game, those things are being sold as deliberate QoL features. When in reality, most stuff remains unchanged because the developers are either too lazy or too incompetent to fix/change them.

- There are better servers out there for the same content and/or client. Vegarlson's Asylum (https://www.vegarlson-server.org/index.php?topic=165.0), Project 2002 (http://p2002.com/), TAKproject (https://www.takproject.net/), etc, with more skilled and dedicated developers who actually want to recreate original EQ mechanics, and have a population of more than 30 to 50 total players.

Bottom Line: I will check this server out again in a half a year. But the fact that with the server being in its current state, they are already moving from alpha to beta, that is a really bad sign for the future. Wish the people the best of luck but the server (at least in it's current iteration) is not for me.
Im sorry to hear that Lance :(
Old 06-05-2017, 10:18 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by mjbcb0717 View Post
I played here a few days and learned a few things 90% of the server are all friends from another server and won't really offer help unless you know someone.
This is simply not true. If you make it known you are looking for help we have some of the most helpful people in the EQEMU community. We have a post on our server forums to contact people if they are on as well and they will drop what they are doing to help those that need it. I seriously doubt you were exiled like this.

Originally Posted by mjbcb0717 View Post
Only reason this server has a high pop 30-60 people are because they keep toons logged in to make it seem popular.
The fact of the matter is you dont know what people are doing. You honestly dont. Can I tell you this isnt happening? No i cant. But i really doubt people would leave their toons on all day to boost server numbers. We really have better things to do with our time.

Originally Posted by mjbcb0717 View Post
Some people are vary rude asked for buffs one day in ooc and was told to *shut it*
I think your reality is seriously messed up if you think this would even be allowed to talk to someone like this on our server.

Originally Posted by mjbcb0717 View Post
was trying to find out info on the server as the site does not really specify what this server is about and was told to * play and find out for myself* putting it nicely With this.
Seeing as THIS is our home page i think your trolling at this point.


Originally Posted by mjbcb0717 View Post
Everyone was already 60. 3 days after server came out and had BIS gear what's the point in playing lol the idea of transfers is dumb makes the server pointless.
Most of our players are most definitely 60 absolutely. A few top raiders definitely have BIS gear but not all completely geared but thats again because we transferred from another server. That server was p2002. If you have a problem with items gained from P2002 I think you should be posting on their post not ours.
Old 06-05-2017, 10:20 AM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 3

Originally Posted by bashemz View Post
so is basically everyone supporting this server's thread in the guild that transferred over here and just giving false advertisement about "starting" here and how great the server is? not trolling or flaming or anything, just want to figure out if its actual new people playing here or not that didn't transfer with as said above max level/gear
The server is pretty new and we have members from multiple guilds and multiple servers popping up daily on our server. A lot of us are indeed from Noble Heroes on P2002 but this server is just barely in its infancy. You will see bugs you will see stuff that staff needs to fix but again new server comes with new problems. I hope you try us out if you get the chance!
Old 06-05-2017, 10:47 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Character Transfers are a terrible idea, since you can not only transfer NO TRADE items, but any item you want, which leads to people transferring multiple same items on all of their different characters. As a result of that, there is practically no economy, and there was already big controversy about people doctoring up their character export files. Also, it leads to people not experiencing the (mostly broken) content from level 1 to 59.
I can definitely respect your opinon on this. Thank you!

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Tons of inaccurate data and other problems. Many of which have been reported, and have been shrugged off with reasons like 'working as intended'. They recently announced a new term called 'time touched' which basically is a universal excuse for leaving broken content (spawn times, wrong stats on NPC, wrong drop rates etc) unchanged
Many have been reported? I think our bug forums are maybe a page or two long and quests have zero reported. Remember, this is a brand new server. There WILL be bugs and there WILL be problems. Yes, there have been situations that have been adressed as QOL and working which include tradeskill window working as originally intended instead of point and click like p2002 but thats what the server wants. I think its unfair to tell a brand new server it has a ton of inaccurate data and other problems and personally feels like an attack rather than criticism.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Super low population. The only reason you see the amount of positive testimonials here is that every single person who plays there is shilling for the server here on the eqemu forums
Super new server and Pretty sure every server does this and its encouraged....by every server.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Front page, bug report templates and many other things are directly ripped off from the server I usually play on (project 2002). Furthermore, they didn't even proof read it or remove the information which is incorrect (compare http://p2002.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3215&p=17331 http://p2002.com/ etc)
Sure, P2002 had a great format for their bug reports and their front page for quick info. I think the team did a great job to create a quick page to say, "Hey! This is what this is! Come play!" and we all applaud them for their work on creating a great template for bug reports. We wanted to continue this great work with our server and seeing as we are coming from a similar fomat not only server atmosphere but server info i wouldnt see why this would be a surprise at all. As far as it not being proof read and having inaccurate info with no examples being given i again feel like this is more an attack than criticism.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Patch notes appear to be written by a person with the maturity level of an 8 year old
i again feel like this is more an attack than criticism.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
Which goes hand in hand with their questionable 'fixes' to raid content and questionable 'non fixes' to everything that is broken
Give me an example please and submit a bug report!

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- The people who run the server were run off their old server by another guild, after having failed to compete and beat simple Luclin encounters. As a result, the content on GoT was immediately nerfed down to a level that makes it beatable by the people who failed it on the other server. Don't expect this server to be at all challenging.
The people and guild frankly who were "run off" had issues with the current establishment and decided we wanted to create a different atmosphere server. Did we create a big firestorm leaving the server? No, we actually communicated this with GM's consistently and there has been a zero tolerance policy on our server that we will not be "server bashing" I hope you respect that and continue this on your own posts and server.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- Server runs on an almost unmodified version of the eqemu codebase, same goes for the database which is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies, as anyone, who has hosted his own server before, knows. When people point out these inaccuracies, or point out non era specific features that completely change the game, those things are being sold as deliberate QoL features. When in reality, most stuff remains unchanged because the developers are either too lazy or too incompetent to fix/change them.
Again, NEW server man. yes most of its unmodified because....its new. To also go as far as saying the developers are too lazy or incompetant feels AGAIN! like an attack rather than criticism.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
- There are better servers out there for the same content and/or client. Vegarlson's Asylum (https://www.vegarlson-server.org/index.php?topic=165.0), Project 2002 (http://p2002.com/), TAKproject (https://www.takproject.net/), etc, with more skilled and dedicated developers who actually want to recreate original EQ mechanics, and have a population of more than 30 to 50 total players.
There are absolutely better servers. We are new developers and want to create a fantastic community. I feel like you are constantly attacking the server and are looking to place blame or create a firestorm.

Originally Posted by Ikubi View Post
Bottom Line: I will check this server out again in a half a year. But the fact that with the server being in its current state, they are already moving from alpha to beta, that is a really bad sign for the future. Wish the people the best of luck but the server (at least in it's current iteration) is not for me.
Bottom Line: I hope you do check us out again in 6 months but the fact that you are judging a server on its current state when its brand new and consistently attacking its staff as stated in almost ALL of your points is a new low. I wish you the best of luck with your server choice and hope we can continue are strive for a great server!
Old 06-05-2017, 11:25 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 1

So, I am not involved with the development of the server in anyway, but I did transfer over from p02 with the guild Noble Heros.

Yes, the community is 95% made up of those who transferred from p02, so you will see a lot of AAing/raiding at level 60. That's just the reality right now. That doesn't mean we won't be welcoming and helpful to new players. In fact, please feel free to send me a message if you need help with ANYTHING! I love helping new players.

Also, people have mentioned nerfed content. Raid content here is fully unnerfed and requires a raid force (someone mentioned raiding as a trio in cloth, this is pure slander, that person has never raided here). Some encounters are currently needing work, but this server is new, lots of things need a little work(and will be fixed promptly).

I don't think any of the posts on here are trying to be misleading - the server does have a vibrant community, because it is primarily populated by our guild, which does have a great community! If you are on the "outside looking in" you may not see that, so I for one will be doing my best to be inclusive and helpful to new players, and I know my guild mates share that sentiment.

I could go on and on addressing the points people have brought up, but I wont. Come check the server out if you are at all interested, but know you will see high level characters. This isn't a "fresh launch" server like Agnarr or anything. Having said that, please feel free to reach out to me if you would like assistance starting out!

EDIT: First post, wooo! Haven't posted here since making my p99 character years and years ago, but feel free to check me out on p02/GoT forums to see that I am active in my community.
EDIT2: oops, this wasn't the account I made my p99 characters on. Oh well
Old 06-05-2017, 11:37 AM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 10

Iance (Ikubi) do not post here if all you are going to do is lie and attack people. I'm not sure why you are so upset about us (Noble Heroes) leaving P02 to come to a new server but you are clearly personally hurt by it. I would argue you point by point like Felouire did but it is pointless because I know people like you, and people like you are always right.
Old 06-05-2017, 12:47 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 8
Default Thanks for all those posts

Thanks to all the people who are trying the server. We know we aren't for everybody and we're quite okay with that. We do allow three boxing's but don't allow mq.

and with the number of responses we have gotten it seems we may have struck a chord with a few people. so we welcome you to try now or in 6 months or in two years and we look forward to having fun with you on our server.

And if you're not going to play here that's okay too there are lots of great servers for you to play on. And we absolutely wish you the very best.
Old 06-05-2017, 01:05 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 5

Nothing what Ikubi or mjbcb0717 was untrue. Keep on shilling for your server bros. You even ask people to shill for it in your patch notes... LOL.

Noteworthy: We've garnered quite a bit of attention on a post over on the EQEmulator forums--please add your comments
Old 06-05-2017, 01:11 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 3

Wow! We seem to have struck a nerve with some people. This post will be 3 weeks old tomorrow and it already has 50+ replies!

I also transferred over with Noble Heroes from P2002. We left that server due to reasons we are not stating as we do not want to trash them or cause any drama. I enjoyed my time there, but it was time to leave. We had a whole guild think this same thing. It is really amazing that us leaving the server would cause you so much frustration. Shouldn't there be more content/targets open for you now that we aren't doing them? You should be happy!

As far as this server goes, I think it is really funny (and in a way flattering to those who started it) that it is barely a month old and is already being compared to servers that are years old. Yes, we players that transferred want to promote it and see it grow. Why wouldn't we want more people to play with? Like I said, it is a MONTH old. We are trying to get more people to try it out. No one is making anyone play here. If you don't like it, you don't have to play here. It is ok! If you do want to give it an honest try, feel free to reach out to anyone in Noble Heroes for any help. I am sure they will be glad to, or, at least, point you towards someone that is able to.
Old 06-05-2017, 01:46 PM
Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by burkedad View Post
Nothing what Ikubi or mjbcb0717 was untrue. Keep on shilling for your server bros. You even ask people to shill for it in your patch notes... LOL.

Noteworthy: We've garnered quite a bit of attention on a post over on the EQEmulator forums--please add your comments
Yes, how dare we try to grow the server we play on by saying positive things about it.
Old 06-05-2017, 03:09 PM
Splose's Avatar
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Someone pls respond about the ripped website.. It's not even just the layout of the front page your whole Welcome To/The Vision is almost word for word a ripoff as well.
Old 06-05-2017, 05:09 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 1

I'm fairly new to the server. I played on p99 and p2002 at various times but RL always takes precedence. I just went and looked at the welcome to pages for p2002 and gates of time. They are similar but nowhere near close to word for word. Whoever thinks that might need to look into reading comprehension or glasses. SMH
Old 06-05-2017, 05:58 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 20

Originally Posted by titofuentes View Post
I'm fairly new to the server. I played on p99 and p2002 at various times but RL always takes precedence. I just went and looked at the welcome to pages for p2002 and gates of time. They are similar but nowhere near close to word for word. Whoever thinks that might need to look into reading comprehension or glasses. SMH
Really? Reading comprehension or glasses huh? Blatant rip-off. So lets see the order of events here. So p2002 takes the code from TakProject, rebrands it their own and there was a ton of crap over that. Now you guys take the frontpage of p2002 and rebrand it as yours. Yeah, you can say what you want but at least 30% of the page is verbatim word for word. Bring it up in something like BeyondCompare and you can see the similar wording. So now someone has stolen something from p2002. I see a trend. Hey there is nothing wrong with using something with permissions but did the server op ask? According to the post on gatesoftime, Lance was quite pissed about you guys taking his frontpage.

Hey everyone is using the hard work of the developers here, Akkadius, KLS, Mack all put hard work in but you had better not start saying you wrote all of this. People probably would not mind if you emailed them and say "Hey can I use this?". But taking it without asking them because you are pissed, that is just not right. Oh and do not mind changing it at this point, believe me it is cached everywhere and easily retrievable.
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