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Old 06-11-2003, 07:21 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 2,614

Hurrah Lurker, my zones start again !
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:21 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default database update for doors

Lurker_005: don't worry about the destination: zone, x, y, z
I've completed all of that already and the POK and all POKTELE500 doors will port you within millimeters of your destination door. I have not included "dest_heading" as you'll notice it is still "0".
Hope it helps out.
A new doors.zip file can be accessed directly at:


I know its not as nice looking as yours but it is in the same order anyhow =)

Everyone will have to drop their doors table manually unless you care to fix this part I'm more of a Systems/Networking Guru and only an enthusiast of Programming =)

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Old 06-11-2003, 08:30 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 35
Default Re: database update for doors

Originally Posted by soulfood
Lurker_005: don't worry about the destination: zone, x, y, z
I've completed all of that already and the POK and all POKTELE500 doors will port you within millimeters of your destination door. I have not included "dest_heading" as you'll notice it is still "0".
Hope it helps out.
A new doors.zip file can be accessed directly at:


I know its not as nice looking as yours but it is in the same order anyhow =)

Everyone will have to drop their doors table manually unless you care to fix this part I'm more of a Systems/Networking Guru and only an enthusiast of Programming =)


Just add the following to the start of your sql file:

id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
doorid smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
zone varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
name varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
pos_y float NOT NULL default '0',
pos_x float NOT NULL default '0',
pos_z float NOT NULL default '0',
heading float NOT NULL default '0',
opentype smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
guild smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
lockpick smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
keyitem int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
triggerdoor smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
triggertype smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
doorisopen smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
liftheight int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
dest_zone varchar(16) default "NONE",
dest_x float default 0,
dest_y float default 0,
dest_z float default 0,
dest_heading float default 0,
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:41 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default Thanks of gratitude

WOOOT Ya Bud!!!

I've learned more about databases and MySql then I ever really wanted to know I've sourced enough times that the fat lady sang and died LMAO.

Major Thanks,
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Old 06-11-2003, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 35
Default Re: Thanks of gratitude

Originally Posted by soulfood
I've learned more about databases and MySql then I ever really wanted to know I've sourced enough times that the fat lady sang and died LMAO.
haha :lol:
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Old 06-12-2003, 03:23 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tourist town USA
Posts: 1,671

Originally Posted by soulfood
In order to zone anyone importing database must also add the following:
destin_zone, dest_x, dest_y, and dest_x minimum for the zones to accept them.
Yes, but I didn't include any "doors" that would teleport, so those values should be default right now and not produce any error messages. If they do, give me the zone and loc of the item and I'll look into it.
Please read the forum rules and look at reacent messages before posting.
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Old 06-12-2003, 05:10 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default Lurker_005 about doors

Heya bud. I know you didnt make the doors teleport that is what I added to them at the following weblink in this post.
Been working hard on these doors at the web-url I posted earlier. The destinations are in that zip file. But there are 2 things that must be fixed and I can only get one of them.

1) All the POK[zone_abbreviation]PORT500 and POKTELE500 type's must be set with open_type=58 not 57 or places like "The Nexus" you will not be able to left click, right click or walk onto to zone. Using open_type=58 makes these doors left click to port to dest_zone, dest_x, dest_y, dest_z, dest_heading.

2) No matter what I do with FreportW I cannot get the POKTELE500_DMSPRITEDEF to present itself as POKTELE500 as I can in the other zones that I've have tested.

Side_note: You must have destination (zone) bare minimum to use database safe_coords or my preference of dest_zone, dest_x, dest_y, dest_z which I have already set so your standing to any given side of the POK[*]500 doortype, depending on which side the dest_x had an added +5.0 in order not to zone ontop of the destination objects[doors].
Download the zip file and take a look I'm going to put what I have so far up there as of right now =) hope you have better luck than me.


Thanks for all the work you've been putting into this project it makes it well worth it =)
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Old 06-12-2003, 06:02 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default In case its of help Lurker_005

I've taken the zone.exe that was running during entry into the Freeport West zone and the world.exe logs from their respective dos windows hope posting will shed some light.

[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
EMuShareMem.dll loaded.
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] Loading loot tables
[Status] Loading doors
[Status] FileLoadSPDat() Loading spells from spells_en.txt
[Status] FileLoadSPDat() spells loaded: 3568
[Status] Loading guilds
[Status] Loading factions
[Status] Loading corpse timers
[Status] Loading what ever is left
[Status] Entering sleep mode
Connected to worldserver: localhost:9000
Init: Loading zone lists, zone state or spawn list, player corpsesZonepoints loa
ded into memory
, timezone data - Done. ZoneID = 202; Time Offset = 0
Couldn't find/read ./cfg/poknowledge.cfg. (returning -1)
Couldn't find/read ./cfg/poknowledge.cfg. (returning -1)
Corrupt (or nonexistant) zhdr file ./cfg/poknowledge.cfg -- fread count = -1 (sh
ould be 170)
Using default zone header data...
[Status] Loading Objects from DB...
Loading zones doors...done.
Petition 0 pettime = 0
Zone server 'poknowledge' listening on port:8000
[Status] Zone Bootup: poknowledge (202)
Default weather type for zone is 1
Weather changes in 2884 seconds. (weather is now 1)
[Error] Script error 113343
Parser::LoadScript() Error, runaway quote
Received Message SyncWorldTime
Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [10:27 am]
[Status] 253404 New client from ip: port:1682
Loaded playerprofile for Pantora - size: 8460/8460
Loaded alt_adv_table for Pantora - size: 258/258
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 130
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 10
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 130
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 2
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Pantora casting #261, slot=6, invslot=65535
Unknown SpawnAppearance type: 0x0013 value: 0x00000002

above two lines are from the spell_list slot #6 with spell being "Levitate" if that makes a difference during your scan of this data
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 130
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 2
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 130
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
0: B3 01 00 00 00 00 50 00 - 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 | ......P.........
16: E7 03 00 00 | ....
0: B3 01 00 00 00 00 FF FF - 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 | ................
16: 01 00 00 00 | ....
0: B3 01 00 00 00 00 05 01 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
16: E7 03 00 00 | ....
0: B3 01 00 00 00 00 FF FF - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
16: 01 00 00 00 | ....
Zone request for:Pantora to: freportw(9)
Player at x:-234 y:-448 z:-151.6
Zoning to specified cords: freportw (9), x=77, y=-682, z=-34.8048
Zoning player to:freportw (9) x:77 y:-682 z:-34.8048
Setting stats for BL Pet for Race: 130
Summoning BeastLord Pet: +
Player attempting to delete spawn: Pantora
Flushing Queue!
Queue Flushed!
Client disconnected (cs=d): Pantora
Dropping client: Process=false, ip=, port=1682
Automatic shutdown
[Status] Zone Shutdown: poknowledge (202)
Zone shutdown: going to sleep

Loading Variables, zone names & items...
EMuShareMem.dll loaded.
Loading items from database...
LoginServer.ini read.
Loading guild ranks...done.
Loading EQ time of day..."./eqtime.cfg" is NOT a vaild EQTime file. File version
is 0; EQTime version is 1000 - failed.
Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database.
Deleted -1 stale player backups from database.
Formatting drive C:
TCP listening on: localhost:9000
World server listening on: localhost:9000
Connected to LoginServer: localhost:5999
12839 New TCP connection:
12849 New TCP connection:
12849 New TCP connection:
12849 New TCP connection:
12849 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #1
12859 New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #2
New zoneserver: #3
New zoneserver: #4
New zoneserver: #5
New zoneserver: #6
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:8000
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7997
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7996
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7999
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7995
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo: localhost:7998
69971 New client from ip: port: 1676
Logged in: Local: eqemu
Sending list of guilds
Unknown opcode: 0x3541 size:2056
Unknown opcode: 0x3941 size:2056
Error: InflatePacket: inflate() returned -3 'unknown compression method'
Packet contents:Pantora
Attempting autobootup of necropolis (123) for Pantora
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7999 necropolis (123)
Enter world: Pantora: necropolis (123)
Broadcasting a world time update
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7999 necropolis (123)
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip: port:1676
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8000 poknowledge (202)
Broadcasting a world time update
265182 New client from ip: port: 1680
Logged in: Local: eqemu
Unknown opcode: 0x3541 size:2056
Unknown opcode: 0x3941 size:2056
Error: InflatePacket: inflate() returned -3 'unknown compression method'
Packet contents:Pantora
Enter world: Pantora: poknowledge (202)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8000 poknowledge (202)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7999 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7999 (0)
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip: port:1680
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7998 freportw (9)
Broadcasting a world time update
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8000 (0)
362311 New client from ip: port: 1684
Logged in: Local: eqemu
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:8000 (0)
Unknown opcode: 0x3541 size:2056
Unknown opcode: 0x3941 size:2056
Error: InflatePacket: inflate() returned -3 'unknown compression method'
Packet contents:Pantora
Enter world: Pantora: freportw (9)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7998 freportw (9)
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip: port:1684
475784 New client from ip: port: 1688
Logged in: Local: eqemu
Sending list of guilds
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7998 (0)
Zoneserver SetZone: localhost:7998 (0)
Unknown opcode: 0x3541 size:2056
Unknown opcode: 0x3941 size:2056
Client disconnected
Removing client from ip: port:1688 TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10054
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:7995) TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10054
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:7996) TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10054
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:7997) TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10054
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:799 TCPConnection::RecvData(): Error: 10054
Removing zoneserver from ip: port:0 (localhost:7999)

I'm currently up to date with the CVS as it stands at SourceForge.net I may have to downstep the branch I'm not certain if that is the issue with Freeport West's Portal/Door either.

Sorry for the long input thought it would be better to put it in down to closing zones.exe out =)
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Old 06-13-2003, 12:11 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 30
Default Need Help

Ok this is my db im using with the code that luker put in for the doors and it works fine but when i used the second code the doors were all moved 90 degrees can someone help me. Ok here is the db with moving mobs and krushers items db beta 5 with pok 85% done. Ok when i try to upload my db i get this error so i cant show you
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Old 06-13-2003, 02:00 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default database

Re-download my doors database I have at my weblink
Then open mysql and resource this doors.sql file.
If your still having a problem please make certain that you have a fresh download since I just uploaded it as of this post and that you have verify at the top of the file doors.sql it will say the following#

MySQL-Front Dump 2.5
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Server version 4.0.13-nt

If it does not say this you have the wrong load of my doors.sql zip-file.
If you are running MySql version lower than 4.0.13 and there is an incompatability issue leave a post I check this forum frequently and will work on making just the commands to update the database without changing it.


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Old 06-13-2003, 10:42 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 30
Default doors ?

:o Hey i already got it but i was saying that the first part worked great but when i added yours it made all my doors be 90 degrees off that was it . Also this is where my servers and desk are for my computers.
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Old 06-13-2003, 03:31 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default doors 90degrees off

Sorry about them being off by 90degrees I do not have the know how to fix it. You can use Lurker_005's door_db or hope someone here can help out fixing it. I wish I knew why. Still in Freeport West the portal to POK does not show up on my system, just an FYI kinda thing if its the same for you I am unsure since my doors are not at a 90degree change.
Hoping Lurker_005 see's this one =)
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Old 06-13-2003, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tourist town USA
Posts: 1,671

soulfood I was tired last night and didn't notice that I skiped some posts. I didn't see your doors.zip till today :p

Good news is I was tired from working with doors. Mostly what you had done in your doors file :p Anyhow some of the changes you made I think were causing problems. Specifically changing the doorid field. That has to be unique for each door in the zone. This may be why you had problems with the freport book. As for the doors being 90 deg???? The rest of the files data is identical to mine. I can only guess it has to do with a different CVS version.

Anyhow, I'll post another copy of the doors this weekend with more stuff working. Regarding that, I know there was a request for the Tower of frozen shadow. Someone want to get a list of locs from, and too, also the key item# or at least name.

If someone wants to make the changes and post them that would be great. I would prefer they be in an update format with comments for each section or zone. here is a line from one I have done.
UPDATE doors SET dest_zone="Tox" ,dest_y=-2344.14 ,dest_x=295.884 ,dest_z=-47 ,dest_heading=371.01 WHERE zone LIKE "PoKnowledge" AND name LIKE "POKPPORT500";
Oh and for when the object is the same as others, it is probably best to add AND doorid=id# to the where part
Please read the forum rules and look at reacent messages before posting.
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Old 06-13-2003, 05:29 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 17
Default EEGAADS I hate doors LMAO

Sorry about changing the unique door id's I was so tired of Freeport West I was trying alot of things with that zone and forgot to reset the unique door id's I was playing with. Thanks for catching it.
I'll take your doors.zip and add the id's to my database until this weekend.
If I can be of any assistance with this database don't hesitate to point me in a direction or two. I'd love the opportunity.
Keepin it real
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Old 06-13-2003, 10:25 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tourist town USA
Posts: 1,671

Well I worked on the doors some more, give these a try.


It has Plane of Knowledge books (to and from) some plane of tranquility ones, a first go at tower of frozen shadow, and 2 non working elevators :(

Let me know what you find. I probably won't be working on this any more today, but perhaps sunday...
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