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Old 04-13-2004, 04:54 AM
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Default Please give me my country back you lying fucktards...

They shouldn't even be running this country right now. For your enjoyment...

An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-13-2004, 05:48 AM
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Yah Kick em out of the country
Stupid bush and the ugly lady
Bush is a descriminatory bastard!!!
Did u hear bout the guy who moved to the nudist colony?
He said the first day was the hardest.
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Old 04-13-2004, 06:00 AM
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6) Do not use our boards to accuse someone or a group of people for any damage that has been caused on you.
I wonder if this apply to a president ... sorry, French humor ...

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Old 04-13-2004, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by KhaN
Forum rules
6) Do not use our boards to accuse someone or a group of people for any damage that has been caused on you.
I wonder if this apply to a president ... sorry, French humor ...
I hate to say it, but that Frenchie is funny. Hehe...

Seriously though. Bush is a moron. And since this is an "off topic" forum, I'm ranting. I just can't respect a president that sends people to kill other people and/or die just so he can make some money for his vice president and the rest of the stockholders of Halliburton (sp?)...

Before I say anything that may get me in big trouble, I'm gonna go now.
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-13-2004, 06:34 AM
Hill Giant
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War's always been big business. The rich get richer and the working poor get sent off as pawns in some bullshite 'police action'.
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Old 04-13-2004, 06:38 AM
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Politics.... :lol:
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Old 04-13-2004, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Lasiel
War's always been big business. The rich get richer and the working poor get sent off as pawns in some bullshite 'police action'.
This is true, but I don't liek them attempting to cover it up as "terrorist hunting" or "humanitarian efforts". What a crock.

We have plenty of problems in our own country. How about we just keep our 87 BILLION dollars here instead of rebuilding a country that hates us anyway?

A couple more things...the media. I love how they tried to garner sympathy when those 4 "civilians" were killed and burned. Turns out those "civilians" were all former military and were working as mercenaries. Sorry...they were being paid hazard pay and they got killed. Risks of the job bucko.

And now there are three sisters in Iraq...one gets killed, so their parents are making a big effort to get the other two sent home. Nope. No. Nuh uh...sorry. You stay. You signed up...you're on my tax dollar...that's your job. You knew the risks involved. I mean if there were no risks involved that job would consist of exercising and shooting off weapons... Where do I sign up for that job???

Once you make your bed, it's time to lie in it...
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-13-2004, 08:51 AM
Fire Beetle
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Those were American contractors. Not mercenaries. The government doesn't set up it's own power and networks and crap, they sell a contract to the highest bidder. In fact, the company that employs those people employs some of my coworkers. So yeah, real cute.

Terrorist hunting or not, it's about politics. It's about the ability look good all over the world. If we don't follow through we get the same respect from the UN that we gave to them.

I'm glad to see you hoave absolutely no respect for the military, considering that my father is also former military. Does that give him the right to be dragged through streets and burned?

You're just sick.
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Old 04-13-2004, 09:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Raerlynn

Those were American contractors. Not mercenaries. The government doesn't set up it's own power and networks and crap, they sell a contract to the highest bidder. In fact, the company that employs those people employs some of my coworkers. So yeah, real cute.

Terrorist hunting or not, it's about politics. It's about the ability look good all over the world. If we don't follow through we get the same respect from the UN that we gave to them.

I'm glad to see you hoave absolutely no respect for the military, considering that my father is also former military. Does that give him the right to be dragged through streets and burned?

You're just sick.

I'm afraid that you my friend are wrong.


Just a little snippet in case you don't want to read the whole thing:

"With the U.S. military stretched thin, they have lucrative jobs - civilian security forces can earn more than $15,000 a month - defusing roadside bombs, escorting food convoys, protecting visiting dignitaries and even guarding U.S. administrator Paul Bremer."

They're contractors alright... for Blackwater USA. Blackwater USA is a contracted "security force". They're mercenaries. Do some fact checking. 15 grand a month? Yeah...my heart bleeds for them. Really...

I have respect where respect is due. I don't feel bad because people died in their line of work. It happens to police officers and nobody starts a campaign to remove them from their work.

Do I think it's wrong that they dragged the bodies through the streets and hung them from a bridge? I sure do. THAT shows that they have no respect for us being there. So why are we there? To make some money...hence my post.
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-13-2004, 12:05 PM
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The bad thing US done was rename "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries" WTF !? and tomorrow you will "Freedom Kiss" your GF ?!

More seriously,

/Berserk ON
Those were American contractors. Not mercenaries. The government doesn't set up it's own power and networks and crap, they sell a contract to the highest bidder. In fact, the company that employs those people employs some of my coworkers. So yeah, real cute.
Stop watch CNN and get some REAL info~
I never speak politic, espeacially when its about the politic of another country, so i will speak here about economy.
Esso (French petrol company and now European company) was in contract with iraqi before US invasion (Yes, invasion not war ~thx~). US petrol companies wasnt implemented in Iraqi. At the start of iraqi reconstruction, Bush say "Sorry dude, you didnt fight with us, so you cant continu to make your buisness".

War's always been big business. The rich get richer and the working poor get sent off as pawns in some bullshite 'police action'.
Problem of most US is they still mix military and economy. War is not a big buiness, why ? What is a buiness, a buiness is an activity from which you will make money, mean that at end of your activity, you will have more money than start, yes ? Ok, lets make the count, Clinton leave his fonction with a tons of bucks. Bush arrive, make his war to sastifate the "christian ultranationnalist" (dont know if its the good term to call them, made a basic french translation) who permit him to become president and when he will leave, US founds will be in NEG. As always when USA is in neg, they devalue dollar (Thx btw~, im making a ton of money with this situation), but that wont change the thing that Bush will leave with US founds in neg. So please, dont say War is buisness.

Take a look in past, lost of countries have try to conquer the world, Roman empire, Byzantine Empire, Napoleon, European colonisation, american esclavagism, always mixing economy/war, know what ? that never worked.

/Berserk OFF

This is all but a flame against USA, i have lived 3 years in NY, my GF is US (From NY, knicks>all), and if you dont take food in fact (Starbuck, LOL), i would love to live again in USA. But French ans US are like Boyfriend and Girlfriend, always catfighting and helping each other when situation is really bad because they love each other.

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Old 04-13-2004, 12:25 PM
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Freedom fries....what a retarded idea....

I have nothing else to say. Khan wrapped it up nicely.

/salute Khan
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:14 AM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 10

You know, that's pretty ignorant of you to single out Bush as a corrupt politician when the last administration was guilty of much worse. Y'all lost the election, live with it. Someone had to lose, and I for one am happy that Gore's retarded ass didn't make it into the White House. Y'all seem to want to bad mouth my country, and the President. However, as this country was founded on the fact that we have certain rights given to us by our Creator, I have no problem with that; you have a right to speak your mind. However, if it's that bad here, why don't you leave? I'm obviously not talking to those who are in other countries, but to those who do live here; Do you think that the world would be a better place without the United States?

As for the war in Iraq, okay so what if it's fought over oil? Wars have been fought for economic reasons going back through the centuries. As much as I may or may not like it, without oil, nothing moves. And if you're going to accuse the Bush administration of "selling out" over oil, let's make sure that you also include the Clinton administration in that accusation. Al Gore sold the strategic oil reserves to Occidental Petroleum Company when he was vice president. So what you say? Al Gore's father was a board member of Occidental Petroleum, and Al Gore was heavily invested in it so that he directly profited from the sale. Oh wait, he's a democrat, he gets a pass.

Wake up, all of the politicians are corrupt. If you think that Bush is that much worse than anyone else, you're asleep at the switch. I don't necessarily agree with what has been done in Iraq either, but I'm don't think it's right to label the president a "f*cktard" either, especially in a forum that is open to the entire world. As an American, I think we should keep our dissent at home, I think that this is the greatest nation on earth, and if you don't think so, then tell me; Where do you think the world would be if the U.S. didn't exist when Hitler, or Lenin, or Stalin, or (insert your favorite dictator here) decided that certain people didn't have a right to exist?

I thought about keeping quiet on this, but I for one, am sick and tired of people not having any respect for my country, and my President. And that's it, like it or not, he is the President. If you can't respect the man, I can understand that, but we all should try to respect the office.

Semper fi.
Look out, I'm wearing my big boy pants.
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by militec1
Y'all lost the election, live with it.
I won't attack you personally, but I will generalize:

I wasn't in an election. I am neither Republican nor Democrat, but it's nice that you assumed I wasn't a republican. As for "losing"...tell me...how does one lose an election when one garners more of the populations votes? And it just so happens that ONE state made a big SNAFU on the process allowing for such an error. Coincidence that G's brother was governor? I don't think so.

Originally Posted by militec1
Someone had to lose, and I for one am happy that Gore's retarded ass didn't make it into the White House. Y'all seem to want to bad mouth my country, and the President.
But it's okay to bad mouth the then vice president? Interesting logic. I assume you learn that in basic training? Maybe not, but I still think it's interesting. Okay not really. It's not interesting at all to me.

Originally Posted by militec1
However, as this country was founded on the fact that we have certain rights given to us by our Creator, I have no problem with that; you have a right to speak your mind. However, if it's that bad here, why don't you leave? I'm obviously not talking to those who are in other countries, but to those who do live here; Do you think that the world would be a better place without the United States?
I love that ignorant line - "If it's so bad here, why don't you leave?" That's one of my favorite lines from what I affectionately refer to as "redneck politics". I won't assume where you're from, but I mostly have heard that sentiment from people in the south. I'm not saying all southerners are rednecks. I know some nice ones. I'm just saying that when I see/hear that phrase all I can think of is some yokel with some bib overalls and bare feet chewing on a corn cob pipe.

Originally Posted by militec1
As for the war in Iraq, okay so what if it's fought over oil?
My point was that they LIED about why they went there. So there's your good old commander in chief, sending people off to die and not even having the common decency to tell them why. He's a good ol' boy!

Originally Posted by militec1
Al Gore sold the strategic oil reserves to Occidental Petroleum Company when he was vice president. So what you say? Al Gore's father was a board member of Occidental Petroleum, and Al Gore was heavily invested in it so that he directly profited from the sale. Oh wait, he's a democrat, he gets a pass.
No he gets a pass because he didn't tell us that we were selling oil to "combat terrorism" or "to liberate your automobiles"! And can you please back up your facts? Maybe some links I could click on where I could read about this. I do like to keep well informed.

I won't quote any more of your post, but I'll sum it up as "Yes, Rex. I agree Bush is corrupt. I'm concerned that if people in other countries find out we don't like our president or what our country is doing, they won't think we're powerful and/or in control of everything. I don't agree with what is going on in Iraq, but I feel I need to defend my president out of a sense of patriotism."

Don't bring Stalin into this if you're trying to make a point. He was our ally in WW2...

I think that about sums it up.
An obnoxiously large picture should go here with some witty saying about some cartoon character I made in EQ, but then I realized that shit is fucking annoying.
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:52 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by militec1
However, as this country was founded on the fact that we have certain rights given to us by our Creator, I have no problem with that; you have a right to speak your mind. However, if it's that bad here, why don't you leave?
Because it used to not be bad here! It used to be a country I was proud to live in! It really bugs me when people say "why don't you leave?" What is that shit? This country is as much mine as it is yours and as it is GWB's. Why is it so surprising to you that people in this country are disgruntled? Our president (the man, not the office) got into office with less than HALF the popular vote, and almost immeadiately went to war with Iraq, picking up where his father left off. That man is supposed to be representing the people of the United States - he doesn't represent me in the least - that's where my frustration comes from.
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Old 04-14-2004, 05:56 AM
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After my post i decided to not answer but sorry, this one always make me laught everytime a US resident say it.

Where do you think the world would be if the U.S. didn't exist when Hitler, or Lenin, or Stalin, or (insert your favorite dictator here) decided that certain people didn't have a right to exist?
And i always answer : Where do you think the world would be if france didnt exist when united kingdom decided certain people didnt have the right to be free ? LMAO

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